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Everything posted by Jonny(FGM)

  1. Yup. The PPHE rounds in the british module are airburst
  2. Ok so I got somebody with 1.21 to open up my PBEM file and save it for me. It still crashes on loading! Ive tried it in the incoming email folder and in the save game folder and it crashes on both. Am I doing something wrong or is this PBEM game doomed to never be finished?
  3. I have an ongoing PBEM, can't find my CMSF base game installer and ive got NATO and I need to open the PBEM file in 1.21. If anyone is on 1.21 with british modules and could open up the file and save it for me it would be greatly appreciated : )
  4. I don't think you'll ever see any of those features in CMSF, they are just too big a feature to be simply patched in. Multicore support won't be seen until at least the game (not module) after normandy from what i've heard from BF on the subject. But we will see a much improved QB system in normandy Oh and I believe there are plans for a CMSF2 set in a temperate climate
  5. Ok I don't have my installer file. How do I go about uninstalling NATO? Can I just run the uninstaller or do I have to delisence etc?
  6. Ok thanks : ) Just gotta find my CMSF install file now . . . . . .
  7. Ive patched up, can't load my PBEM file. Ive thought about it, surely it doesn't matter if my opp patches up too, surely every time you try and load up a 1.21 file it will fail?
  8. Couldn't you have 2 installs of CMSF, one 1.21 for map creation and one 1.30 for playing or would there be a compatability error? A pain I know but there are some nice features in 1.30 and its less of a pain than all of those extra clicks
  9. The main disadvantage with my tactic was that only 1/2 of the teams had binoculars, and I didn't notice that until after i'd put one team up on a rooftop without a pair of binoculars and was moving my team that had them forward lol. If i'd deployed them properly with the 2 without binoculars moving forward and the other watching over i might have been more successful and not lost that leopard lol
  10. I played through the first mission. Wouldn't say it was easy but it wasn't that tough. Just moved half of my recce troops into spotting positions and kept them there, while moving the other half around with lots of hunt + hide commands. Got them to call in air support on the obvious targets such as the bunkers etc and calling in arty on anything else that reared its ugly head. Once the main troops arrive i moved around the right hand side of the fort and went in through that building. I got through the mission with no red troops, a few yellow troops and 1 leopard destroyed to an extremely lucky AT-3 hit.
  11. Ok I know you probably can't answer this.But i noticed in CMA unit selection is not limited by date like it was in CM1, will this feature return in CM2 WW2? Makes life a lot easier when making historically(ish) accurate scens
  12. Rain isn't that big of a feature when you think of it, it's effects on a battlefield are roughly the same as haze so i can't imagine why it would be that difficult to put in. Then again if that was the case why not have it in CMA? Personally I hope it comes in on a patch as i'm assuming there were a significant amount of scenario opportunities where rain/snow was involved. Please correct me if i'm wrong : ) PS If Rain isn't in normandy it will be a major cop out : )
  13. You'll notice in the editor there are quite a few options you can't choose. Personally I think it's a little nod from BF saying "we'll get round to these soon"
  14. A picture paints a thousand words so here's how mine looks
  15. Yup there's your problem. It should be Al hugf engagement001.ema
  16. I noticed that when I saw one of the Beta Testers videos ages ago but I just thought I was being a n00b lol
  17. Never had that problem either. Try using the windows key to get back to the desktop rather than alt tab, thats what I allways use.
  18. Quick n00b question. Is the gun on the shilka the same as the zues AA gun of Generation Kill fame? If so it looks a lot scarier in CM than in GK
  19. Im sure it says in the manual somewhere deployed weapons can be moved small distances without being packed up, never seen it though.
  20. Certainly when only in in ever 2 recon teams gets a pair of binoculars
  21. http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=92522
  22. I know there are stereotypes about germans, but that might have been sarcasm ; ), unless you're doing a double sarcasm lol. Noticed this little thing, not sure if its occurs on any other veh. Dutch G-Wagen. The soldier in the back is holding his rifle but it's invisible
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