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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by LUCASWILLEN05

  1. Tried opening yur file with win RAR and got an error message about archive files.
  2. An chance of a Red Thunder module any time son? You knowfighting on the Romanian border and i Poland, Romanians (for both sides ), Hungarians, Polish/Polish Home Army. Russian Partisans, SS. Maybe Bulgarians. Going into autumn 1944 and perhaps ito the winter aswell covering the battles in Romani, Hungary and Pland as well as the earliest fighting in East Prussia.
  3. If anything I wuld anticipate they would do a 1943 game first perhaps starting with 3rd Kharkov, continuig through Kursk and ending with the battles of spring 1944. Many of the models and organisations will alreadty be avaiable for that. However it could be a while. I hope to see Kursk as the next project after VBlack Sea alog with modules for Red Thunder.
  4. I would have some delay on new orders arriving. However perhaps this might be included only in a new "Tungsten" level of difficulty
  5. At the outset Mikey yes. Putin would regard this s a limited war. But, as you say, what happens when Russia starts to lose in a big way. We might see a situation where the Russian army has suffered a big battlefield defeat. Putin fears that NATO will march on Moscow in a 2017 version of Operatio Barbarossa. Putin is sensible enough not to resort to nukes at thuis point but he has access to chemical weapons including the Novichok range. This couldweell lead to significant military casualties when they are first emplyed and civillian losses woul likely be catastrophic. That is likely to lead to an expansion of NATO war aims to regime change and a march on Moscow ad St Petersburg. I can see the Russians resorting to mre chemical weapons use at this stage in order to try to hold off the NATO offensive. Eventually, if there was no political solution and eithe Moscow or St Petersburg was in danger of falling Putin might go nuclear (definately beyond the scope of Black Sea) Ingame terms the issue would be how to simulate the effects of chemical weapons usage and NBC suits. Might be tricky to write the code to do it of course.
  6. Bringing T-72s out of storage to replace losses. The same might be done with the T-80 so including these as an option for both Ukraine and Russia might be an option to consider. Ukraine also has a few T-84s (modernised T80UD)which have seen action. However there only seem to be 10 of the T-84s and 167 T80s.1302 T72s but up to 800 may have been sold leaving perhaps 500 Uraine could use. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ukrainian_Ground_Forces
  7. If China can cross the Taiwan Straits and get a decent bridgehead there wold be a significant land campaign. The trick would be to get that bridgeghead. T be honest though for moderns I would be mor interested in subjecrts such as a Second Korean War. a generalMiddle East conflagration and 1980s NATO - Warsaw Pact. Maybe future India-Pakistan or India - China although I doubt the latter two would generate sufficient market interest
  8. Sounds like an interesting scenario. Please do upload it when ready. Feedback will be forthcoming as required.
  9. Thanks for the patch BF. Hopefully we will see an expansion early next year (after Black Sea), perhaps covering the combat later in 1944 and including SS, Hungarians, Romanians etc. Things have been very quiet on this front for far too long! Subtle hint mode now turned off! :-)
  10. As others have said there is still plenty to do on WW2, I would like to see the early blitzkrieg campigns in France, Poland ad the Balkans. Also he Western Desrt In the long term perhaps even the Pacific theatre. Hwevwer for WW2 the ETO 1944-5 and all of the Russin Front are my prefererred priorities. Moderns, I would certainly enjoy a mid 1980s NatO - Warsaw Pact. Also some of the other historical conflicts such as the Arab -Israeli Wars. On modern hyptheticals a Second Korean War would wrk well and you could have aChinese intervention. Also a general Middle East conflagration scenario nd perhaps a Chinese invasion of Taiwan.
  11. An interesting debate.However, what happes if both sides have similar capabilities and technologies? In the two conventional wars with Iraq the West had technical domnance and better trained, more motivatedforces. Here however we are talking about a well trained Russian army that may be approaching a degree of parity with NATO armies. In this case we might well see bloodier and more closely fought battles. Maybe there will be one side who wins a narrow victory as with the Yom Kippur War or maybe we will see a highly intensive phase for the first few months or even weeks followed by a 1914 style stalemate. Maybe not in trench warfare lke WW1 or Iran -Iraq but stalemate nonetheless with armies needing to be rebuilt from the mobilised citizenary of both sides and an extended war as both sides fight to gain e4xperience and initiative.
  12. Would it be possible to simulate the use of chemical weapons. The Russians have some really nasty onesand, under certain circumstances might use them. :eek: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Novichok_agent
  13. Your computer circuits will be fried by EMP!
  14. Probably it won't provide them with anything they do't already know. Hopefully it will show them why this war would, in reality be a really bad idea and get them to pause for thought before actually trying it fr real. Alternatively they could settle the conflict by wargame instead of real war.
  15. I hope nobody is going to ask about nukes. There is always one. Please don't do it!
  16. Bear (no pun intended) in mind both countries have Russian minorities albeit small ones. Further, by this point Russia would already be at war with NATO, seeking to drive NATO forces back and disrupting staging areas for a NATO counteroffensive. In this scenario, even though Putin might have viewd this as a limited war the conflict has a potential to escalate rapidly into a larger regional war and perhaps a world war. In some circumstances NATO might drive on Moscow and St Petersburg (eg a large scale use of Russian chemical weapons - Putin gets desperate) Obviously at some stage the conflict might go nuclear but that is beyond the scope of the game:eek:
  17. You can have armed civilian/partisan types on both sides however but unarmed civilians would demand a lot more from the software. There were cases of unarmed civilians obstructing Ukrainian army convoys. Maybe however this is better abstracted and might not be a huge issue on te actual battlefield anyway
  18. I can certainly see a number of European countries being dragged into a conflict in Ukraine for historical and/or geopolitical reasons. Germany, Britain and Poland have already been mentioned. There are others such as Romania, Hungary and the Baltic States who might be attacked by Russia because they are NATO members. Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia could very well be directly invaded by Russia. If Ukraine fell then Poland, Hungary and Romania might be the next to face Russian invasions. In future expansions Battlefront might well consider including the armed forces of all those states. OK, so the armies of the Baltic States are not militarily significant but they are NATO members. Scenarios based around, for example a Russian advance into Poland or the Baltic States could be a lot of fun Oder Western European Nations such as France, Belgium and Holland, perhaps even Denmark, Norway.Spain and Italy could send forces as part of the NATO contingent.
  19. I like this idea. A modern day version of actions during 3rd Kharkov - we are pretty much in the right place. Likewise a modern day version of actions fought during the Battle of Kursk could be instructive. Plus of course there is the possibility tht NATO might drive o Moscow in a sort of modern day Barbarossa after repelling the Russian invasio. Particularly if Putn were to do something rweally nasty such as using chemical weapons.
  20. A US NATO clash in Ukraine would effectively be the starting gun for WW3. A "Siberian Front" module might be one possibility with the US sending in the Marines (possibly with Japanese troops in support) But nuclear blasted terrain would be a bit too grim and large areas would be contaminated with radioactiviy making it too dangerous enter some areas. Any way of simulating chemical weapons? Russia still has them and might use them under certain circumstances which would make things harder for NATO..
  21. There could well be amphibious operations against the Crimea in this scenario. If NATO decided to march on Moscow and St Petersburg (this is a war-game so we could say this happens) we might see amphibious operations on the Northern flank. Someody mentioned Asia on another thread. This scenario theoretically may result in the ?US sending Marines into Siberia as well.
  22. Sometime after publication it would be interesting if BF produced a winter war version of the scenario. Same backstory except you change tghe moths to say November 2017 to March 2018. Oh and please do some Moscow maps complete with the Kremlin I rather fancy marching my M1A2s into Red Square. Hmm, may have read Arc Light once to often...
  23. At this point this still fits into the series of incidents implied in the back story. Unless something really big happens between now ad publication I see no need to change the back story.
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