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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by LUCASWILLEN05

  1. A Second Korean War scenario would probably generate good sales and you could include a Chinese/Russian intervention on behalf of North Korea. Probably unlikely hat anyone would risk WW3 for North Korea but it's only a wargame:D
  2. Maybe you need to reactivate them using the relevant keys?
  3. Since installing the Vehicle pack I have noticed some German tanks are now beiing displayed as plllboxes This seems to only affect the Panzer IVH (late) models.
  4. Unless the Volksgrenadiers were included in a Siegfried Line module in which case it could be done.
  5. OK But you still need to be covering the Siegfried line battles up to December 15 1944. for which you can either use he current game endine, opening up the dates between 1 October and December 15 or you do the same thing with the new Bulge game. Given that most of what we will need for the Siegfried Line is already going to be there in the current Normandy series (with obvious exceptions such as Volksgrenadiers, German buildings and snow) Bf could go down the route of producing the Siegfied Line as the final module in the Normandy series covering operations in October, November and the first half of December. Then, if they want to produce a new family of games covering the Bulge, Nordwind, The Rhine Crossings and the final advance into Germany I would have no serius objections. However, I still feel that the Normandy series is the right place to cover the autumn 1944 campaigns.
  6. I had a similar problem until I realised that I had not yet entered the Vehicle Pack Liscence code which you have to do to activate the Vehicle Pack. Once you have done that you will see the Priest APC symbol Lille Friskerby describes. If you can see tghat you should be able to locate mst of the new vwehicles pretty easily. For examle the British Crocodiles are under British Armour Crocodile Regiment (pretty obvious really :-) ), the Sherman Crabs are under Flail Squadron, he Churchill X Lt is under Tank Battalion (because it iss an Infantry Tank) but then you need to look under Heavy Tank in the optionas list a the bottom of the screen, I have not found all the German stuff yet but, to be fair I have not really looked yet
  7. Volksgrenadiers would be the big one obcviously. There will also be the Volksturm/Hitler Youth types and the 1945 Panzer Division eventually. And probably some minor Allied changes as well. It is of course possible to override TOE changes if you really want to by simply changing the date. For instance if I wanted Kriegsmarine on D Day defending the Atlantic Wall I xcan simply make a temporary date change to September, include the Kriegsmarine units I wanted and change the date back again to June 6
  8. Interesting. Installer testing waas not an issue I had even thought of let alone considered. But then I am not a developer or beta tester!
  9. Let's just say that is one guy I will not be going out of my way to help in the future. Not after the way he spoke to me when I was kind enough to explain where he had gone wrong and what he might have done better. I won't be s quick to ffer him help the next time - or even help him out at all. Frankly the individual concerned was behaving very badly IMHO
  10. Or they could do an incremental, modular approachupgrading the engine features, TOEs and terrain to sui. We know that BF can do this as they have just upgraded Normandy to the latest version having previousl added Dutch terrain in Market Garden and the Funnies in the recent Vehicle pack. I don;t ming paying $20 - $30 for upgrades and modules for, in this case North West Europe. I can see two or three such upgrades as being neccessary to complete the NW European campaihn up tp May 1945. By which time I will probably have paid out slightly more than the cost of the future Battle of the Bulge game on it's own after which I will then be paying for upgrades to that,
  11. No reason why it shouldn't be. This is the North West European campaign we are discussing here. The Siegfried line battles followed on from Market Garden. And in fact the Market Garden module could be used tio cover the early Siegfried Line battles in Lorraine. And arguably Market Garden itself was one of the early attempts o breach the Siegfried Line. The autumn fighting sucgh as the Aachen battles and the Hurtgen Forest are a natural fllow on from the September battles. The Battle of the Bulge and Operatin Nordwind were simply the largest German counter offensives attempted in the late summmer/early autumn and in fact throughout the autumn. For example the Commbat History of the 21st Panzer Division menins the Zaberner Senke offensive November 11 -22ndagainst US 7th Army.
  12. Sure. . What you said was "Hello BFC, I were you, I would make some discounts on version update packs (I mean V2.0 , V3.0 updates for FI and BN products) for Hallowen Day. this will lead to add more customers in your base who was not updated till now because of big price tags. So at final you have potentially more customers to sell new modules and packs. I have many friends at my social net habitat, they could not have been updated because of price tags. You can sell , BN v2.0 + V3.0 from 7.5 usd totally FI v2.0 + V3.0 from 7.5 usd totally Individual updates can be sold 5 usd each And secondly , you can make some discounts at packs + modules at Christmas Period" If I were a BF employee reading that it would be considered as extremely rude and demanding to say the least and I would simply dismiss it out of hand because of that. Phrasing a well mannered request is not "formalist" as you put it.It is simple good manners and thus more likely to achieve a positive result And by the way, your comment earlier regarding some typographical errors was also extremely arrogant and rude of you. That kind of attitude is likely to annoy people. I suggest you be a little more careful in your use of language in the future. Next time you might come accross someone quicker to take offence who will use the report button
  13. I don't see any reason for not being able to expand Normandy out to cover the remainder of the NW European campaign as two or three modules, most likely the latter. As I see it the recent Vehicles pack shows BF can update the vehicles stas and the Market Garden expansion shows that terrain graphics can be updated. Since these two technical issues are now resolved VF would appear to have the capacity to make the changes needed to allow gaming of the final campaigns, building on what is already here rather than re-inventing thwe wheel with a completely new game which would likely cost more to produce starting from scratch
  14. Yes, I agree the new activation procedure was rather confusing Instructions were rather hard to find and poorly written. I also got the vehicle pack to work but it took several hours and some aggravation to put it milldly. Derfel, if you are still having difficulty perhaps you should contact technical support.
  15. It is not what Togi said. It is the way he said it as several senior members including myself have pointed out and in a very reasonable manner A reasonable person woulsd have accepted he had made a bi of a faux pas and left it there instead of acting, quite bluntly, like a bit of a prat. Had I wished to ask, for a seasonal discount on the public forum I would have phrased it lik this "Is there any possbility that Battlefront would consider a small discount for (insert name of seasonasl holiday)" Chances are Battlefront, who are a business, not a charity, will say no but, if you phrased it as a request they might give it some consideration.
  16. Togi I can appreciate tha English might not be yur first language but the way that comes across is as an arrogant demnd, not a request as you might have intendedThe other gentlemen who have commented are quite right. You might well have caused offence given the way you phrased what you probably meant as a request.
  17. I would see this as being the next logical expansion pack after the "Funnies" recently released. It should be pretty straightforward to add German buildings in the same way as for Holland plus some new organisations (Volksgrenadiers) with autumn and winter weather. Then we can add the Ardennes/Operation Nordwind packs and conclude the series with the invqasion of Germany itself which obviously will require some more new tanks (Pershings, Sherman "Easy 8" etc) plus volksturm, Hitler Youth, the 1945 Panzer Division TOE etc.
  18. France 1940 would be great though I would like it combined with the other early blitzkrieg campaigns. Certainly Poland and perhaps the Balkan Capaign and Norway. Operation Sealion would be a fun hypothetical to include for autumn 1940
  19. I liked the idea of the funnies and welcome the fact they are now available. Makes D Day scenarios or assaults on fortified positions (such as the operations against the Channel Ports much more viable. The new download/installation process was someewhat convoluted to put it mildly although the anti piracy issue is understandable. Having to reactivate all the modules was a pain though as I think many of us found.
  20. I'd certainly like a Kursk title at some point soon. Also a "Fall Blau" which actually covers May 1942 - March 1943 along the entire Russian Front. And yes, a Battlerfront Blitzkrieg, Battlefront Siegfried Line... But these may be some ime. Why don't Battlefront run a poll on titles we want maybe a couple of times a year. Just a thought - it may indicate what their customer base wants. Maybe attach a grade from 1 (least interested) to 10 (Most interested)
  21. The fact that Private Schmidt is cowerng on the ground behind the best available cove he can find should give us a broad hint. On the other hand Private Schultz could be taking quick, unaimed shots. Both are effectively suppressed either not shooting at all or shooting ineffectively.
  22. I very often see squads hrowing grenades when assaulting/clearing trenches etc. You as the CO have no control over whn a squad uses grenades. However, I suspect squads are more likely to employ grenades on certain orders such as Assault. However I have done no testing to comnfirm this other than observation,
  23. I don't thin the game is likely to be released for a cuple of months yet. Certaily I would not want to change the setting from Ukrainw which is very plausible. Hwever, if the game were just about to be rerleased I would hold off for a month or two give n the current conditions. However, I would definately be using this time to change the back story to reflect the global realities. I would also make it clear that this game is about what might have been or what might be depending on the outcome of current develpments. This would show outsiders that we, as wargamers are in fact very much aware of the geopolitical realities and, far from glorifying or desiring war are actuallly wargaming to understand the situation as well as for the intellectual challenge.
  24. Chicken groups will have to have AI plans created for them. And are they Geman chickens or Allied Cickens? Plus, if we ever have flame throwers included, can we have roast chicken?
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