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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by LUCASWILLEN05

  1. Probably something comprable to he Yom Kippur War. Assuming a Ukrainian slugging match I would guess NATO likely lose 10 - 15000 dead, wounded or POW(including Ukranian losses/0. Russia between 15000 and 25000. Lightly wounded men are likely to be patched up pretty quickly and bacjk in combat in a week or two. Seriously wouded are likely going to be out of the war for some time at least. Tank/IFV losses losses will likely be several hundred on both sides. Although of course many kncke out vehicles are not writeoffs. As you may notice, in this game mny vehiclesare simply knocked out or are desroyed but don't burn. These will be repairable and back in combat within a few days. Those vehicles hat burn are almost certainly writeoffs or will have to be returned to the factory for repair .
  2. For future expansion packs could BF consider expanding the scope of the game to allow a winter variant of the Ukranian War (saySeptember to March) allowing for the possibility that the Russians chose to invade during the winter or the conflict portrayed lasts longer than the end of August. Anyway, looks good so far, despite the download problems early on. Thanks to all the staff at BF.
  3. I also am having very slow downloads. Currently speed is down to 14.8MB per second with 56% downloaded. This after my download stopped completely a few minutes ago. Reading the comments above including ChrisNDs there does seem to be an issue with the servers. Not good BF. You might want to take a look at issues raised by this.
  4. Shooter Six You are a wally! 1 As Akuma SD suggested you should contact BF Sales Support 2 I sugges you might want to visit SpecSavers and get your eyesight checked as it clearly states MAC next to he version intended for MACS! I also hope you are NOT in charge of nuclear weapons/a nuclear submarine as you may have been a little too hasty in pressing the button! You might abolish Russia before anyone can say SIOP and thn none of us would be able to play the game or anything else!
  5. When it is ready there will be a Great Sign in the sky. Hopefully this will be on Friday Possibly this one? http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2930573/Russian-bombers-skies-Bournemouth-RAF-jets-scramble-intercept-intruders.html
  6. /In the original Combat Mission you could gun down POWs as I recall! On the other hand, certainly for the Russian Front perhaps that was realistic. Perhaps a little too realistic
  7. Would be nice. Thunderstorms in that part of the world can be heavy and, due to the nature of the soil, can turn the ground to mush very quickly. The Germans had big problems with this at Kursk.
  8. Sounds great. Looking forward to Volksgrenadiers, Hurtgen Forest. Aachen, Nordwind and of course the Ardennes. Followed of course by the Rhineland and the invasion of Germany.
  9. East Front Drama (Hinze) is certainly worth a look, as are a number of other books by the same author for information on actions in Army Groups South and Centre up to the end of the war. The German divisional histories are also a good source. At the least you should fnd enough for a good background to base your scenario on factt However, it is true that there ismore information on the earlier campaigns such as Stalingrad and Kursk. Most of the German records of Army Group Centre were lost or destroyed in June 1944 nd few Germans escaped the trap. This makes the source material fragmentory at best. Perhaps a better setting for Bagration scenarios are Model's operations to stabalise the front and the Lvov operation
  10. There was actually a fair bit of tank combat in the novel I mentioned with a lot of the ground combat actuallyy happening in Bhutan. If we also had Pakistan allied with China there would be more scope for tank battles in that theatre of the war. Pakistan does have quite a few modern MBTs these days. And of course a US intervention would be mandatory! Even though unlikely in reality. Send in the Marines and Airborne units, maybe some regular army later on. Maybe a small UK contingent as the former colonial power though this seems even more doubtful than a US intervention
  11. We would want to give the NK's a fair chance of winning sme scenarios, hence allowing China to intervene n their side. A winter war scenario from the start would be most plausible. we could either have a traditional North Korean attack or we culd go down the route of a US led invasion (regieme change, NK nukes)
  12. Baltic States scenarios would be very easy to do with the game as is. And, sine they are all members of NATO it would be greatif BF included their armies in the future. Not that they have particularly large armies of course so perhas aas part of an Eastern European expansion along with Poland, the Czechs, Slovaks, Hungarins and Romanians.Hpefully BF is taking ote of customer ideas like this .
  13. Korea would be a great venue for a future game family. As would a conflict involving India(supported bby a US intervention force fightinga Sino-Pakistan alliance started due to a crisis over Tibet and Nepal Inspired by a very good but little known novel entitled Chimera by Vivek Ahuja.
  14. Yes that makes more sense although there is a good case for expanding RT to cover January 1944 - May 1945
  15. When they do Kursk perhaps they could include mine dogs. Sorry Shepsky!
  16. One possibility they could choose would be a future Korean war involving the Chinese and possibly even the Russians siding with North Korea, Dense terrain, winter weather, urban combat. Korea has it all. Scenario is most likely o start with a North Korean invasion unless someone dreams up a really plausible reason for the West to invade the north (eg nuclear weapons, noocons in the White House) Or they could return to the Middle East but this time it is a genral war involving Isreal, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Turkey, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, the Gulf States, Iran, stae sponsred groups such as Hamas and Hezbollah, ISIS, the United States, NATO and possibly Russia.
  17. In my CMSF experience Strykers did not do terribly well on the conventional battlefield against the Syrian army. In such situations the infantry are best dismounted with as many AT weapons (Javelin/LAW) as possible and move forward on foot to the best positions to engage enemy armour. The same will likely apply in Ukraine. Most of us will likely know this, already being Syria "veterans" The vehicle mounted AT weapons will be of some use however. But Bradleys are just as good with the upside being all Bradleys have vehicle mounted ATGMs as opposed to only the dedicated variant of the Stryker. I would therefre prefer to go into action in command of Bradleys, rather than Strykers in the high tech environment of CMBS
  18. Of those I only see Belarus as likely to be involved in a Ukraine conflict. Maybe Kazahstan at a (very big) pinch. The rest, no.However if BF were looking for future scenarios subject matter like a duture Arab-Isreali, India - Pakistan or Second Korean War would best feature some of those listed. In geo-political ermsd they don't fit in the CMBS combat environment. Some or all of the NATO nations I listed. particularly those in Eastern Europe which have historical and geopolitical reasons for involvement are plausible combattents. Some of the Western European natins also are likely to contribute frces. Furthermore Putin might well decide to attack the Baltic States if only to divert NATO forces.
  19. There is a lot we can do with Red Thunder as itr is now. There was a lot of hard fighting in Russia and Poland as Model fought, with some success to close the hole in the German lines ripped open by Operation Bagration. Then here is the fighting in Army Group North and in Romania at the same time including the Lvov operation and the Red Army advance into Romania. I hgope to see n expansion of Red Thunder covering the period October - December1944 at least which opens up many more scenrio possibilities including winter warfare. At the same time I think it would make sense for ?BF to open up the perod January - May 1944 opening up the final months of the battle fo the Dnieper Line and the first Soviet invassion of Romania. They can still do 1943 as a seperate game.that way.
  20. Thanks Chris. Looks like CMBS is almost ready for publication judging by previous BF performance! I look forward to playing it very soon.
  21. NATO Eastern Europe Poland Romania Hungary Baltic States Possibly Czech and Sloval batttle groups NATO Western Europe UK France Germany Belgium Holland And of course we must have US Marines and Airborne/Air Mobile (if nt already covered by US Infantry bttalion - I suspect that could be Mech Infantry, not Light Infantry) Possibly Itally ad Spain
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