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Everything posted by Buzz

  1. Interesting as I play Elite Real Time vs AI 99% of the time. Maybe this is why I like smaller scenarios - 2 or 3 platoons - as it is easier to play with as few pauses as possible. The allure to me is it seems the immediate dynamic flow of the game feels unbroken in Real Time. When I see I screwed up with an order I don't watch the next 58" of carnage being able to do nothing about errant order. In Real Time as the force size increases Mr. Pause is your friend. When the force size increases even more Mr. Save is your best friend:D As the scenario force size increases you do have to pause to get some synchronization of order in the forces at hand. If you don't mind missing some action you are good to go. You can always tap Mr. Save and restart the game to focus on what you missed. As Ken said, "Play 'em both and play what you like." What he left out was his best advice... when in doubt.... Attack!
  2. "BFC doesn't have dedicated PR personnel." ChrisND Twitch feed Saturdays at 2:00 PM PST might be the next best thing to dedicated PR personnel Certainly entertaining CM gaming.
  3. I find small battles enjoyable especially played RT w/o pauses. I almost ran out of time but got the T.V. with one killed one wounded. I read the historical note after my battle. “Lieutenant Withers, divided his men into two groups, one of which swam across the river and took up position on the opposite bank.” I only had one group swim across but it worked well in my effort. Have not tried taking on Lieutenant Withers as Italians bout will give it a go. Thank you Lt. Smash.
  4. ChrisND also mentioned something in his Gustav Line: Venafro Back Into Hell video on twitch. I think he said BF was working on optimizations for the patches before v3.0 upgrades would be offered. Can't say that for sure but I think that is what he said @ 2 months ago. So with recent "mention the v3 upgrade for CMBN and CMFI is in testing." ... one could speculate that "optimizations for the patches" have proceeded to the point that "v3 upgrade for CMBN and CMFI is in testing." When is ChrisND's next Live Leak video
  5. "v3 upgrade for CMBN and CMFI is in testing.." "no flame units in CMBN v3" "a pack for CMBN" ChrisND Twitch feed is more than entertaining
  6. I thought the Marine's (turret gunner) comments were honest. Bad situation made better for a while anyway. I am pretty sure the Marine in the audio was mostly concerned about him and his buddies getting through their tour in one piece as best they could. Not much a Marine can do to or for the bona fide nutjobs except maybe help them achieve their own version of "heaven" as rapidly as a turret gunner can while protecting himself and his buddies.
  7. "he did mention the v3 upgrade for CMBN and CMFI is in testing." Thank you.
  8. Doubt "repenting" avoided fate. "A third push was mounted from September 2006 and lasting until mid-January 2007. Tactics developed in what has been called the "Third Battle of Fallujah," when applied on a larger scale in Ramadi and the surrounding area led to what became known as "the Great Sunni Awakening." After four years of bitter fighting, Fallujah was turned over to the Iraqi Forces and Iraqi Provincial Authority during the Fall of 2007." Regarding seeing the situation go south in 2014, I found the Marine's (turret gunner) audio comments honest. They did what they could to make a bad situation better. Now things changed again... but not better.
  9. In light of how some CMSF scenarios portrayed conflicts and the recent events I thought others may find this 9 minute audio interesting. I did. Iraq's Awakening Movement http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p021q7fz First broadcast: Friday 04 July 2014 In 2006 Sunni tribal militia turned against Al Qaeda in Iraq and began working with US forces. It was a turning point in the insurgency in Iraq. We hear from a former US Marine, David Goldich, who served in Anbar province and witnessed the emergence of the Awakening movement.
  10. CMSF QB vs CMRT QB.... night and day! "BFC updates CMSF to the 3.0 engine.." Keep the faith brother... it will happen and we will get Black Sea before this as well!
  11. Good advice in these posts. Related to maps expanding I learned plenty in GeorgeMC's NATO TV 98-5 Steelers CMSF. Map Size: 2.7 x 2.9Km! Of course this is modern armored reconnaissance but the principles apply I would think. "...A scout platform requires a balance of survivability, lethality, mobility, sustainability, and stealth. To function as heavy mechanized scout requires even greater survivability. You are often looking for other tanks / ATGMs that can destroy your before you spot them. If you don't survive contact with the enemy you fail to provide reconnaissance. Ask yourself how your Bradley's will fair in encounters with hostile forces BIG Tanks, BMPs, ATGMs, IEDs/mines or infantry ambush … without M1 overwatch. Not very well or long. Since you have limited Bradley's / mechanized infantry scouts, make sure they are always under M1 overwatch. With limited heavy reconnaissance assets or mechanized infantry, tank platoons can and do assume the role of scouts. Don't bunch up your armor. Target arc suspect target areas and Thunder Roll! M1s can move pretty darn fast from hull down to hull down spots you have reviewed a ground level 1...." Surveying the map from ground level 1 before you start is the best way to spot where you can move with the shortest exposure to enemy armor. Don't be afraid to restart Happy 4th:D
  12. I was having so much fun at level 1-2 Elite RT vs AI that 3rd and 4th Squadrons got neglected in the field When the firefights get fast it is entertaining to see how few pauses I can manage and still get the job done. Impossible if the force size is too large so smaller scenarios firefights are very satisfying w/o pauses. I know next run through I can work out the timing and coordination with 3rd and 4th Squadrons and that could put “Vorposten!” in the Major Victory category. Your composition Force size: CompanyMap size: 784x624 is great for those who want an AI challenge but don’t have days to ponder moves over huge maps and forces. I will fire up CMRT Gates of Warsaw after the Holidays. Thanks PanzerMike
  13. A Tactical Victory in run #4 got demoted to a Minor Victory in run #5. This was all my fault… well sort of. I followed the “coordinated attack with mortar support” but my coordination was not so coordinated. The ”blimp with the FO hidden feature.." put some accurate mortar mayhem on 3rd and 4th Squadrons as they began their assault up the open filed while I thought was hammering Zabrezhe and it’s defenders with my not too accurate mortar fire. This German pounding panicked the comrades to a halt. 1st and 2nd Squadrons assaulted the the route RepsolCBR noted along the road into Zabrezhe only to find some determined surviors still ready and willing to fight. I was enjoying RT fire fight and advancing from building to building so much I simply ignored 3rd and 4th Squadrons :roll eyes: to see what I could do without them. I eventually subdued the village defenders and hit the cease fire before crossing the bridge with @ 5 minutes left. I will work out the timing and coordination in another run. Certainly improved over my first few runs where I was spanked before getting close to Zabrezhe and it’s defenders. Fun scenario for sure. Thanks PanzerMike and all.
  14. Thanks PanzerMike, "Small, but hard. Multiple ways of going at it, but none of them easy." Accurate description. "This makes for a scenario that begs to be played more than once, until you finally nail it." Success. You accomplished this goal. RepsolCBR... Thanks for your input. My artillery didn't land very well either. Panic? I never but my pixel fighters did "Run Away!" under the spanking from the... "blimp with the FO, that is a hidden feature.." Hang in there. We will overrun the Huns
  15. "BFC always deliver, and then some." Yes this is their pattern of behavior. "A Good Thing." Ours as customers is saying "Feed Me!" The v3.0 improvements in CMFI/CMBN is going to be a an enjoyable meal for sure. The patch fixing Apple's 36% fubar to OpenGL will be a true delight.
  16. "I think you may need to try again." He says wit a wry smile I have tried # 4 as of last PM.... but am enjoying the challenge. Your AI defensive set up is well done. I think triggers are working for you as well PanzerMike and testing crew Daft, Snake_eye, CombatIntman, pnzrldr. My officers needed a few Stolichnaya to fortify their courage ... heal their wounds as Gefechtsvorposten don't miss much at all.... ever. I think they must have a Blimp with FO's modeled in somehow My latest attack negotiated the minefield with only a few dead. I have destroyed MG nest, a bunker and associated kills on the edge of taking Zabrezhe with the 4th Squadron just arriving. It was not w/o loss of life of my brave comrades. ...My next plan may be "try again" with the throw everything at once plan of WWI... in honor of today's anniversary. Enjoying the challenge. Thank you.
  17. "..3.0 Upgrades for CMBN and CMFI ... &...very far along." are encouraging Thanks Chris.
  18. "..3.0 Upgrades for CMBN and CMFI ... &...very far along." are encouraging Thanks Chris.
  19. Now that we all have smart phones in our pockets... we are all screwed 24/7
  20. Apple will eventually address OpenGL. Before they busted things in February!... all CM games loaded and played fine in 10.9.1 . Another fellow was going to try to install downgrade to Mountain Lion on a separate SSD and report back here when he tried it. That is an option to fix Apple's screwup and it should work. Actually could probably do a 10.9.1 SSD with fully functional CM as long as you disconnect from internet to defeat security hole in that version. http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=115789 OS X 10.9.4 beta 13E19 installed on hackintosh yesterday did increase the number of CMBN/CW/MG scenarios playable w/o the 36% crash OpenGL issue but not on CMSF Mac or CMBN/CW/MG. Thankfully 10.9.4 beta did not break CMRT Mac graphics. (Thank you Phil Culliton) ChrisND mentioned something re: BF was working on optimizations for the patches before v3.0 upgrades would be offered @ 1 month ago. From Phil's comments "...We created a workaround for the issue as soon as we discovered it, and will be shipping it in every game we release a patch for, until it's no longer needed." So... Fully working CM is coming.... Stay tuned:)
  21. Needs a sign "No Smoking" with that much grain dust But then somebody may blow it up anyway. Very nice umlaut.
  22. What MikeyD said only I would reverse the order. First: Have fun! Second: Play standalones and QBs. Explore what tools are in the box and what they can and can't do. Third: Have more fun!
  23. "The damaged town has to look realistic .." I think you got realistic dialed in well Umlaut. 1st screenshot is the winer in terms of overall impact but they all convey your intent. Scenario specific mod tags that only show up in the scenario that are made for these mods is going to be an advantage for us all.. the mod artists, end users and Battlefront. Thank you.
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