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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Buzz

  1. Another thought for you j6. If you have another HD you could clone your boot HD and install the OS X Yosemite Beta to see if Apple fixed OpenGL. If Apple's OpenGL is repaired in their Yosemite Beta that might get you up and running fully in CMSF.
  2. I made a copy of the original "The railyard at Pitrovsk" scenario to change. This way you can't screw up anything = safe. Look in Juju's 'The railyard at Pitrovsk' folder and see … for example mod file - “studebakerus6-hull [TRaP]” TRaP is the mod tag you need for the mod to appear in the scenario. Create a text (.txt) file and write a "Tag" … in this example … TRaP Save this text file in the RT "Game Files" folder. Open the Editor from within the game to add the tag to a scenario. Select "Mission" screen in Editor. Look at the top left menu. At the bottom of this list of text selections is a selection called "Mod Tags". Click that. "Clear" the existing mod tag 'trap' "Import" to load the Mod Tag . See Mod Tag name TRaP in the large UI window. Save your scenario. Enjoy:D
  3. Here you go General. http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=114513&highlight=Mod+Tags
  4. I suspect it was a squad that was on specific ambush duty. Good work. Yes, I had to go into the scenario file to change the tag from 'trap' to 'TRaP'. No big deal but that was the only way it would work. I think the mod tag was 'trap' all small case but the mod tags were 'TRaP'. Changing the mod tag worked fine for me. I get Alcohol points:) I try to avoid guys that have a drink in one hand and a gun in the other
  5. It is clear you are "affected" and upset about this. Sorry. I really don't know what more anyone can do for you. Numerous people have tried to tell you the truth, the facts but you refuse to accept this reality. Shock Force was written to work on OS X but Apple broke Open GL. As Fencible stated..."Apple HAS broken OS functionality that apps were dependent on..." Your refusal to deal with the way things are is becoming your own Sisyphus.
  6. Forgot to ask. Are points on offer for the Hermit's barrels
  7. "Starting in 2012 we began the process of making the artwork and TO&E for the game with a detailed 18 page backstory being finalized in the Fall of 2013 (ahead of the Kiev protests). ..... In fact, the game is largely done and testing is slated to begin in a few weeks for a late Spring release." Sometimes it helps to review the beginning With all the work on the shop benches at Battlefront, installers now on offer, optimizations for the patches sound as if they are complete(?), patches and upgrades for WWII are currently in testing. then v3.0 upgrades will be offered... I am guessing a late Fall CMBS announcement?
  8. EVGA GTX 760 ACX 4GB GDDR5 RAM in the Hackintosh and in CMRT simply flies across any map with everything set to best. If you can borrow a friends' card that is a safe way to test. Good Luck.
  9. Mord & DC's MG Unit Portraits V.4.0 is an essential mod.
  10. Great looking mod art work. Increases the scenario engagement substantially. Thank you.
  11. Playing Elite Real Time with pauses. Approached the Rail yard from both suggested attack on the tactical map. Push was going well till I failed to account for some Russian defenders who promptly adjusted my force numbers out of order Will restart and try again. Fun scenario. Don't know if this is just a Mac issue :confused: but I needed to change the mod tag to "TRaP" to match the mod tags on the mod files for the scenario. Great looking art work. Increases the scenario engagement substantially. Thanks
  12. Black Sea Pirate sighting Arghhh Wonder how Lady Gaga would cover “The Whistleblowers” Back to the railyard at Pitrovsk with Mr. Nosov, the collaborator for me
  13. Thank you JuJu Many TanksaLot, Umlaut, Kohlenklau, Superdave (UltraSuperDave?) and Mjkerner for this outstanding effort. I am blown away by the elegance and thoroughness of this masterful scenario / mod combination. Started it last PM. Played more today. Nice delivery of assets. As usual I did not follow the mission briefing. Tonight I realized I should maybe re read it more carefully. To my surprise I am using both suggested axis of attack routes! This is going to be lots of Thank you for your time and efforts.
  14. "Customers are the only ones who can judge value" Don't need a "community" estimator telling me what MY entertainment value should be worth. Everyone can have an opinion but only I know what mine should be. Thank you...
  15. "What are you smokin', Buzz?" I wish...our laws were adjusted to legally allow that. May have to wait a little while longer ... Yep, Erwin had me pegged. No problem Macisle. Your post is in the 10 ring. "The lack of perspective in the whining here is epic." What is particularly frivolous to me are suggestions that "the community" is.. should do xyz.. estimation of MY entertainment value should be worth xyz. Sounds way to "federal" for my tastes.... but everyone has an opinion. The 'beauty' is the very “de facto monopoly power” guys .. Battlefront ...allow this free exchange of thoughts and ideas on their “... monopolistic exploitation of market power” free game forum. Now maybe Battlefront could charge less for games by cutting out their excessive overhead of a free forum This is not BF's 1st rodeo... nor their last. When those currently suffering from what they see as “taking it in the rear-end” or “being exploited” (over a freaking game for gawds sake!) have sufficiently expressed their angst they will either buy or not.
  16. Value is subjective energy exchange between people in a marketplace. It really is up to the two parties to determine what happens at what cost. Maybe "the community" could form a Union for collective CM bargaining to avoid “taking it in the rear-end” or “being exploited” to stop the “de facto monopoly power” flexing their “... monopolistic exploitation of market power” ... but might need a Federal Arbitrator to determine the value of CM .. for everyone.... and maybe toss in a free steak for the loudest whiner
  17. Thanks Mad Mike for the explanation on the browser implementation, "Blitz Size Modifier" (SM) and CMx2 ScAnCaDe. I have yet to corral the user made scenarios in one folder and use CMx2 ScAnCaDe but I am sure it will be helpful. The campaign feature is cool!
  18. Slow day here so … a quick break from groveling in excrement in the second pit of the eighth circle insincere flatterers have been suggested to inhabit;) This reply is not “buttressing” Battlefront as they can more than mange a response. Since Battlefront is currently busy making new products and improving the ones many of us own, it is a much better use of their time in my opinion. “This is not a diatribe against BF… the community should do better … a community that won’t stand up for itself should prepare to take it in the rear-end.” :confused: 13 posts in the Battlefront forum and you know all about the “community”, Battlefront customers consumer behaviors and incredibly… how much profit Battlefront makes or needs to operate a successful game company? Your amazing insight is gleaned from an introductory economics textbook or real world experience in corporate gaming development? Just in case you missed it, this pretty much sums it up for you. “The demo is free. Base game gets you in. Modules feed the addiction. You get to choose your price point.” The “de facto monopoly power” barons … the ones flexing their “… monopolistic exploitation of market power.” … give you a FREE demo. No bootlicking required to play the demo forever. You don’t need to buy the base game. Stick with the demo, no concern about “value”, patches, upgrades, modules, packs, etc. because it is free. If you want more, you pay more. “Many in that community adopt the view that they get a lot of value out of the products, so ‘being exploited is okay’.” To suggest anyone willing to pay X for Y is somehow going to “take it in the rear-end” or “being exploited” because it is not the price you want to pay is vacuous at best.
  19. Yes... On/Off toggle for topographic contour lines on maps would be nice. It is amazing how terrain features are not easily recognized ... even without people shooting at you;)
  20. I'm happy for the people that aren't affected as well. I suspect the # of daily CMSF Mac players is limited. How many are affected in 10.9.4 ... we don't know. I am affected but much less so with 10.9.4. This upgrade improved (did not fully repair) the core OpenGL specification that Apple broke with 10.9.2. . I can enjoy my stock MacBookPro and Mac Pro and most of CMSF Mac. No one can not realistically expect Battlefront to fix Apple's OpenGL core specification screw up, no matter how many people may be affected, on a 7 year old game. Battlefront did not break it, Apple broke it and has yet to fix it fully. 10.10 should be better. Apple's screw up affects CMSF on my non stock Hackintosh. Regrettable for sure but honestly with CMRT Mac on my Hackintosh and CMBS on the way... CMSF gets played a lot less than before. If CMSF was my main game ... the toy box I played with for 95% of my entertainment time, I would purchase a PC version and cut Apple's screw ups out of the picture! (I may still do that for nostalgia sake?) or... I could hold out for Apple’s OS X 10.10, due out this Fall. or... I could play the great Battlefront Mac games (CMRT Mac Rocks:D) has now and plan for the CMSF 3.0 engine version.
  21. What I would do if I ran the business and had the resources. I don't and I don't. CMSF+7years - Copper or Wool:) CMBS will be a new, modern war game title that will showcase Battlefront's responsible company history, their skills and their talents over a wide range of military conflicts over many decades. CMBS moved forward a bit in the development queue is great for CM users but reading ChrisND's notes... WWII will be brought up to CMRT 3.0 standards. Sounds like a Win Win Win "...War games are about the tactics and weapons of those wars"
  22. ".... new installers for 2.12 bundles" ".... finish testing the V3.0 upgrades for CMBN and CMFI and release them to the store." ".... patch for Red Thunder." ".... a couple other surprises being worked on..." I got a feeling V3.0 upgrades for CMBN and CMFI are going to occupy many folks play time but surprises are fun
  23. Sounds like it could be a graphics driver issue if both Samsung SSDs are @ =.
  24. "sold a game that is incompatible with my operating system" :confused: Regarding the 36% hang issue on Macs I would respectfully suggest reading post #9 from Phil Culliton in this thread. As of today.... and I can only refer to how my Mac works. I do not think all Mac folks are having the 36% hang isue. OS X 10.9.4 (13E28) did reduce the 36% hang issue in CMSF Mac. I have a Saved Games folder of 29-39MB save files sitting on a 5+ year old MacBookPro. 10.9.4 did not repair every part of OpenGL that Apple broke with 10.9.2 back in February 2014. Some of the larger to huge stock and user scenarios will still hang at 36% load in 10.9.4 I know these same CM files loaded perfectly in 10.9.1 ...on my mac... before Apple broke part of the core OpenGL specification in 10.9.2 in their rush to plug a gaping security hole. I hope Apple’s OS X 10.10, due out this Fall, fixes Apple’s core OpenGL screw up. As it stands now on my stock MacBookPro, much of CMSF Mac works in 10.9.4 (13E28) MacBookPro4,1, Processor Intel Core 2 Duo, 2.5 GHz Memory 4 GB GeForce 8600M GT - 512 MB VRAM Intel SSD ————————— CMSF Mac is also installed on my Hackintosh (not a "stock" Mac) 1st, CMRT - Computer easily manages any and all CMRT scenarios. Phil Culliton put in an explicit workaround in CMRT that is flawless. CMRT is so fluid with all the eye candy at best in 2560 x 1440. When you add all the great 3.0 engine features it takes away from my CMSF play time. 2nd, CMSF Mac on my Hackintosh 27 stock scenarios load beyond 36%. 63 stock scenarios do not load beyond 36%. Lots of great older, user made scenarios won’t loadbeyond 36%. 10.9.4 did not fix all of OpenGL Apple broke for my Hackintosh. The games that do load fully a run fine but when part of the core OpenGL specification remains busted in 10.9.4, even my uber EVO Hackintosh can’t get past that. I am hoping Apple’s OS X 10.10 fixes Apple’s core OpenGL screw up for CMSF. OS X 10.9.4 (13E28) 3.89GHz-i7-4770K 16 GB 1600 MHz DDR3 GTX 760 4GB DELL U2713HM at 2560 x 1440
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