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Everything posted by Combatintman

  1. This would be a very doable little starter mission ... https://theghostsoftalafar.com/ These are the Geo-Coords: 36°23'21.29"N 42°28'2.57"E I'd go for something like an 800m x 300m map on this one and just jazz up the enemy a little bit.
  2. Don't feel bad - this type of thing most often happens with turning off trees, I've fallen foul of that on a number of occasions - thinking 'why is LOS so cr@p on this map?' I got three quarters of the way through testing one of the CMFB campaign missions with trees turned off before I realised my mistake. Luckily I had that facepalm moment before I had given feedback to the author which would have been … the map has serious issues.
  3. It is too big to fit on a single map and be playable. The Citadel is difficult to make with the existing mapping tools and fitting the elevations, road network and buildings to the correct ground scale would be hard. However, feel free to prove me wrong, the editor button can be clicked by anyone who owns the game … hint hint.
  4. Sorry - late to this. I reckon 51 (along with 23 and 66 on your last image) is a forest block number.
  5. I'd have a look at anything @Bil Hardenberger has done: http://community.battlefront.com/profile/36458-bil-hardenberger/?tab=field_core_pfield_20 https://battledrill.blogspot.com/ His AAR narratives and associated graphics are extremely clear and I've learned a lot from his stuff. The second link is to his Blog which has a number of CMBN tutorial type scenarios which will get you started. Most of all though - people generally learn best by doing - so just fire up the game, have fun and don't get too bent out of shape if you get your a$$ handed to you occasionally … if that was the case I would have stopped playing years ago …
  6. Obviously mate … I'm not a one-trick pony you know The three or four that spring to mind are both of my scenarios for CMFB: To Verdenne and Victory. Probing Around Poteau. My CMBN scenario: Assault on Port Cros. CMSF: Op BARRAS (yes it has a river but it doesn't really have a bearing on the scenario). Op NEPTUNE SPEAR (yes there is a river/canal) but only one. If I can pull Kham Duc off for H&E, that will lack anything wetter than a stream. Otherwise - I can't help the fact that people tend to live near sources of water and armies have to fight over them …
  7. How are you tracking with this? The reason I ask is because I'm working on a map which I've had to crop from 4km x 2.7km to 4km x 1.5km (and it may get smaller) because the number of trees is causing massive load times and CTD when going into 3D view. If you want this to work I'd lose the southern half of the map completely. Just thought I'd point it out to save you a bunch of work.
  8. That looks suspiciously like my Al Amarah map … only just spotted the conversion.
  9. I don't think that there is such a relationship between numbers of enemy spotted and rounds on target as you suggest. There are other variables which you don't mention are probably a factor such as: How much offensive support is available. Soft factors for the observer. Soft factors for the offensive support asset. From limited experience of something that I am working on - AI spotters will consistently call offensive support onto what are perceived as lucrative targets displaying the same movements and behaviours in the same timeframe and action spot, at the same rate. You may now give me heaps of likes for knowing it all.
  10. Don't buy it mate - the Tac AI sucks - troops are all bunched up on action spots and march straight into volleys of fire.
  11. I've never played it but I think this was one of Paper Tiger's campaigns who did a lot of good campaigns and scenarios in the early days of Shock Force 1. It was well-received when it was originally released. Maybe try searching on the Shock Force 1 board to see if you can hunt down some reviews, although beware that you might also stumble across some spoilers. If this is Paper Tiger's work, then I would recommend it based on his reputation alone, all of his stuff that I've played has been well executed.
  12. A miserable damn performance indeed ... Man down … call Dustoff We gotta get outa this place ...
  13. I wouldn't overthink it too much - QBs are essentially 'capture the flag' battles. As at least one human will be a player in any QB, the human will always look to win the encounter and will therefore go after the objectives that give them the most points. The highest VP terrain objective should therefore be the one that you feel is the most important on that map. I also wouldn't worry about the casualty percentage of VPs because of this. The human will commit resources to capture the high VP objective and lose a proportion of them in the process. If it is an H2H encounter, one of the players will at some point decide that they can't win and throw in the towel while the AI will auto surrender once it sustains too many casualties (I think the threshold is about 60% casualties sustained but can't remember).
  14. Guess again mate - there are heaps of threads on this in the SF-2 board. Bottom line is that you should be able to upgrade at the discounted rate even though yours is the Paradox version. Open up a ticket with the helpdesk and provide them as much info as you can about the version of SF1 that you own.
  15. Progress on Ap Bac ... Scenario Image: Strategic Map: Topo Map compared to CM screenshot: Working title for the scenario is 'A miserable damn performance', which was Lieutenant Colonel John Paul Vann's (7 ARVN Division US advisor) judgement on the battle. Overall the scenario is a whopper, two and half hours long, the map is 2000m x 3008m (I've basically half-scaled the map dimensions to fit it all in); however, I've worked hard to get the troop numbers pretty close to the actual thing.
  16. Another good segment - I liked the Stug engagement which was well-composed. Some gutsy moves with the half-tracks - I never seem to get off so lightly!
  17. CMFB doesn't have much user-made content for sure but the campaigns and scenarios that come bundled with the game in my opinion are superb.
  18. I enjoyed it - about the right length - no long bits where the player is plotting endless moves and me wanting to rotate the screen to see what is going on etc. Good and succinct description of what was going on and some good action shots. Have a like mate.
  19. I check my colleague's Iraq reporting every day so yes I'm pretty tuned in to what is going on there, along with events here in Afghanistan, Mozambique, Yemen and this week, the Sudan.
  20. I usually find that wherever my troops stop for a couple of minutes explosions seem to find them … have you tried that?
  21. That's nothing … I've painted my Mother-in-Law's front room, the wife and my bedroom, the big spare bedroom, small spare bedroom, the front room, the downstairs hall, the utility room, the downstairs khazi, the kitchen, the fitted shelves for two wardrobes, a garden shed and a heap of bookshelves this year alone.
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