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Everything posted by Heinrich505

  1. MOS, Very interesting test. Quite an eye-opener. Thanks for doing this. I can't imagine what you told them to get 3rd Section B Team to "volunteer" for this test. Were they sober at the time? I think those boys would be perfect for some testing of a secret weapon some call...Manhattan...sssshhhh. If they volunteered for this they can surely be called upon to volunteer to stand in the open - with protective glasses of course - and watch the "mushroom cloud" from up close....eeeek!! Again, very cool test. Heinrich505
  2. Bud, I think you are right about the picture. I spent a lot of money on Tamiya products. Always worth it. Built a lot of dioramas in 1/35th scale. Heinrich505
  3. Wow, looks like Chappy's boys are not wasting any time. They are moving to contact, ready for action. Are y'all calling in the artillery for softening up purposes before crossing the river? Heinrich505
  4. MOS, I am only guessing on this. There were no casualty markings on the Unteroffizier, not even a yellow wound. As close as the flame was, you'd think he would suffer some sort of injury. On the other side, there was a Russian soldier who had thrown his hands up to surrender, moments before the flame launched into his half-squad. Graphically he was untouched by the flame, but the rest of his squad was hit. The rest of the squad all went down with red crosses. The surrendering soldier was untouched - quite amazingly - and lived to leave the battle under the white flag. I can't imagine how he escaped being cooked too, but the game recognized that he was surrendering and he was not injured. I think things are abstracted just a bit, especially with the posted shot, reflecting that the squad leader would have had the really good sense to move to the side, or the flame man would have been shoved up to the front of the gaggle of troops so he could get an unobstructed shot at the enemy without hitting his fellow troops. As for a building with friendly and enemy troops in it getting flamed at the same time, I haven't encountered that yet. Interesting question. Heinrich505
  5. Bud, Really nice. SKA-DOOOM indeed - must have been red crosses everywhere. I am pretty sure that is the very sound when my T-34s blow sky high in-game. Very distressing. I too, liked the fade to black and white. +1 to MOS's comment. It quickly translated the reader to the more somber mood with the wounding of the two main characters. I am afraid you have hooked many of us in and we will now be expecting regular editions. You have only yourself to blame, haha. I remember how I would get my Sgt. Rock comic in the mail every month. I am pretty sure the frigging mail man read it before me, as it sometimes had a slightly used look to it. I would deliberately wait to read it for a few days, knowing that as soon as I had finished it, I'd have to wait another whole month for the next one. I couldn't help but eagerly fly through them. Then the waiting and anticipation started all over again. You've got some good stuff here. I guess we have to wait now for the next one... Heinrich505
  6. Tanks, Really superb work. I especially like your work on the wall ivy...spot on. The dolls in the window were a really sharp touch. Thanks for all your hard work. It is greatly appreciated. Heinrich505
  7. Sorry guys, but I couldn't resist. MOS and sburke might have something there.... They do make very dramatic screenshots. The guy with his hands up survived, amazingly enough. Heinrich505
  8. A second shot from the opposite angle. Enjoyed the opportunity to use the flamethrowers. We don't see them much in other battles. They were quite necessary in this one, but hard to work into position without getting them killed off. Heinrich505
  9. SeinfeldRules, AD Amongst the Ruins is one heck of a battle. I especially like the map; earlier I mentioned it had a very strong Stalingrad feeling to it. It was sometimes hard to figure out how to move from building to building or level to level but that just made it more interesting. The battle was pretty vicious, and the Soviet SMGs are terrible to come up against. I spent a lot of time tending to casualties. With time running out I was able to rush the train station with what I had left, which wasn't much. Most of my troops were broken by then and very prone to shooting at the enemy and then running from the cover of their building. I was surprised to gain a Tactical Victory. Excellent battle which came right down to the last minutes. The guy who surrendered wasn't hit and made it. Heinrich505
  10. All good stuff here. I usually just fired at the front of the bocage with tanks or guns, but I tried to drop mortars on the far side of the bocage. Now I will check to see if my tanks and guns can get a spot on the other side of the bocage. Following the two threads with great interest. Thanks for doing this, guys. Heinrich505
  11. I'm still laughing. Good one sburke. Heinrich505
  12. Bud, Really enjoying the action. You seem to be working "cliffhangers" in rather well, haha. I checked some of my Sgt. Rock comics. The use of German isn't very prevalent, other than the usual kaput, schwein, achtung, Amerikaner, and feuer. I suspect that Bob Kanigher, Frank Redondo, and the rest of the editing staff at DC Comics didn't want to lose their readers' train of thought by using actual German phrases much, although I do recall some episodes where Rock was listening in to German soldiers conversing, and the editors used German phrases because Rock wouldn't have know what the Germans were planning and the editors didn't want the reader to know either. I like your use of actual phrases in both languages. Please keep it up...with Herr Poesel's approval, of course...those fines can be hefty. Heinrich505
  13. George, Really looking forward to this. LOS seems to go on forever. Love the screen shots. Heinrich505
  14. And the odd thing is that I don't usually have flame throwers in the games I play. Coincidence had me recently playing two battles with flamethrower teams. You are right though. Usually I don't get them close enough to fire before they get whacked. Heinrich505
  15. MOS, Great flail shots. I have to admit that I've tried to "flail" over enemy positions in a QB I put together, but I don't think it worked out very well. I'm not sure that the game recognizes the flails as offensive weapons that would affect enemy troops. Heinrich505
  16. Seems I one-upped my previous flamethrower screen shot. In my battles, the operator doesn't usually see his target, just firing on suspected locations, but in this case, he did. A truly terrifying weapon. Incensed at the loss of Oberleutnant Rausch and the wounding of his team partner and comrade, Schütze Teichert exacted a terrible revenge. Heinrich505
  17. Playing "Amongst the Ruins" at present. It has a very strong Stalingrad feeling to it. Very nicely done. There was a striking screenshot from my battle that I had to post. Incensed at the loss of Oberleutnant Rausch and the wounding of his partner and friend, Schütze Teichert exacted a terrible revenge. Heinrich505
  18. Please, fire zee verdammt PAK....zee zuspenze ist killing me!!! All good stuff here. Very much enjoying the discussion and tactical planning. You both had a really good idea to do this. Heinrich505
  19. Looks pretty nice. Still, I don't see the "reclining woman." Wasn't she supposed to be included? Heinrich505
  20. MOS, One guy didn't make it out, and the other 4 are still running in full panic...can't say I blame them. The tank is burning merrily. It was...my...tank... Heinrich505
  21. George MC, Really looks nice. Have read the book. Always enjoy seeing books come to life on the CM battlefields. Your work is always top notch. Looking forward to seeing this come out. Heinrich505
  22. Oh Good Lord...a freaking Panther. That ain't good. I can't recall if Sgt. Rock's comics used much German in them. Guess I'll have to pull out some of them and check, heh heh. Nice choice of screen shots Bud. You are absolutely right about the stories telling themselves. I would start out with a simple cast of characters for an AAR using the names of the officers or squad leaders in CMBB or CMAK, and then the stories sort of took off by themselves as the game played out. Heinrich505
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