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Everything posted by Heinrich505

  1. Not sure what is up, but I couldn't open it. Cliffhanger.... Heinrich505
  2. Bud, Yes, you may have the farm, but your next job is to try and keep from "buying the farm." Sorry, couldn't resist. Panic seems to be contagious once a good leader goes down. However, Willi is still lurking. He seems to have a lucky star...so far. He might turn things around, I hope. Heinrich505
  3. Good narrative and very nice screenshots. Very engaging. Thanks for the AAR. Heinrich505
  4. Geez, that was crazy action. Those doggone Brits sure are sneaky, infiltrating like that. One FLAK gun down. That was a brutal hit. Good to see that the MG boys got out for the moment. Heinrich's position looks grim. As for Crazy Hans...call him the iceman. Cold, calculating...lining up for the kill shot....just don't touch his stuff. Sorry to hear about the medicine. Take your time and post when you feel better. We'll be waiting...patiently...well, sort of patiently....Kidding! Hope you feel better. Heinrich505
  5. Gaak!!! Sherman tanks...never a good sight, unless you are peering over the lip of your Panther turret and your gunner is lining up the sights...did Guyver save any demo charges? We might be needing them soon. Did you put a tight covered arc on Crazy Hans? If not, he might just try to take on the Bren crew. Did he remember to bring any grenades? He doesn't like anyone touching his stuff... I know what you mean on the MG crew. A few bursts and everything the Brits have might be falling all around them moments later. Nobody tell the FLAK boys about the tanks just yet. Let them think it is only Brens they are facing. The Spiess "depleted" the schnapps earlier and there wasn't quite enough liquid courage to buck up every FLAK crew. Damn, war is Hell!!! Heinrich505
  6. Good action. You don't have to convince the lads to buck down in the trenches with all that fire ripping around them. Good displacements. I usually wait too long when mortars are trying to find the range on my positions and then...blewwy! Does the MG have enough visibility to interdict the road? Or will you just have him throw rounds down the road to discourage the Brits from crossing it? I hope that wasn't Heinrich that got zinged at the Flak gun. Heinrich505
  7. Man, those guys look positively thrilled to see that yummy delicious Spam... Heinrich505
  8. Thanks. I'll give it a try but no guarantees. Things are bogging down a bit. The Soviets are hard to winkle out of their positions. Heinrich505
  9. Geez, some crazy action. That was wild. Willi got away for now, thank goodness. Heinrich505
  10. Thanks Combatintman. I'm going to have to read your analysis later, as I am still working through the battle. Heinrich505
  11. Ouch. They should have waited another 5 minutes. Timing is everything! Not even a cry out for a Sanitäter... Heinrich505
  12. Rokko, the SS boys are a little overly aggressive. They've advanced too far forward on the right flank. Friendly artillery is not "friendly." I posted a series of screenshots of action in the woods off to the left of this advance. A StuG was pushing through the small wooded section to support the advance on the left side of the lake. Those are posted in the screenshots section. Due to limited time my play-through is not going very quickly. That, and the fact that I have to stop and take screenshots all the time, ha ha. Heinrich505
  13. Meanwhile, on the right flank, "friendly fire" lands too close to the advance squads. "Hans...!!!!"
  14. The brave soldier's end is enough to cause his fellow soldier to surrender.
  15. His anti-tank grenade flies off to the right, never making it on target.
  16. The soldier's last sight. Note a fallen comrade by the lake edge.
  17. The Russian soldier, brave or foolhardy, attacks.
  18. Small action in the woods. Soviet soldier attacks a StuG.
  19. Geez...it is like pulling teeth with these guys. Finally. Job well done! Nice screen shots. Was glad to see Wisconsin take out Oregon. Heinrich505
  20. Bud, Yep, you are a goner for sure...Eastern Front madness! BLSTK is right. Heinrich505
  21. Arrgh. Lads in the kill zone and...a cliffhanger. Cross your fingers, IanL. Chappy, I hope your vacation was a good one. I was working all weekend and just got back to this thread today so I didn't know you'd snuck out for sun and beaches. It rained on our beaches in Texas all weekend. Heinrich505
  22. mjkerner, Set-up looks good. I know how tempting it was to put the PF "volunteer" in an ambush spot way out front. I would have toyed with that too, but agree with you putting him back in the village. His presence there might make the other lads less likely to go with Plan B. They might steady a bit knowing they have some anti-armor capability. Heinrich505
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