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Everything posted by Mishga

  1. OK, thanks for the feedback, keep it coming. "I really like the beer and pretzel stuff with some standard scenario's for good measure. Thank you princess ...you too mark. Both of you are much appreciated." quoted. No probs, Grampa. I hope you get as much fun from playing as we do from making The tiny terrors stole Meachs chocolate this afternoon and I immediatly thought of our previous chat lol
  2. Occupy objectives are broke. You can set up, ceasefire and still have the objective 1km away and the points awarded. I suggest using "Touch" objectives for now in scenarios. The AI won't destroy "destroy" objectives either.
  3. An update states the "shoot thru berm" bug is gonna be sorted hopefully in 1.04 This is gonna be a huge game improver.
  4. Hello all. With the imminent arrival of Volume 2 of our teams efforts we are now at a stage where we have produced 40 QB/Scenario maps. The stage we are at now is what do we do next? Here is your chance to say what you want to see done. We have some options: 1: A pack of roughly 5 "elite" maps i.e huge and taxing, tons of details but will need good rigs to run on. 2: Another pack of 20 QB/Scenario maps. "Standard" we call them. 3: A pack of 20 or so "Skirmish" maps. Real beer and pretzel stuff. Tiny maps with maybe a platoon of dismounts or a couple of tanks for very quick play. Note well...that is only an example of troop choices, it's just to give you an idea of scale. So there you go.....have a think about it and post your opinions.
  5. Keep watching this space....more maps are...imminent...
  6. Ca'in awa, fine the noo. Spoilin fer a fecht so gonna go load up SF. Be fair grand to hear fae yeh wi yer mappies
  7. Sandy, You have expressed your disgust and your opinion in countless threads now. It's nothing new. I for one am sorry you did not get your perfect game but that's life. Now please let the rest of us get on with it and enjoy it without having to read your drivel on every forum for CMSF. Your coming across as a sulky kid, maybe you are, maybe your not....but it looks that way and people are going to respond in kind.
  8. It was probly not a round but a barrel launched ATGM based upon chemical reaction not kinetic punch. T55 were upgraded with reactive armour and whatnot so they are now much better than some T72's Edited cos I spell bad or sumfink
  9. The idea of the dead saying...yeah 50cal is a bitch...the idea made me giggle...oh well...
  10. Glad you liked the maps, Andrew. Mark and Myself worked on them and tested, tested, tested and then ....tested some more to ensure a decent play experience, hopefully from both sides of the battle. There is a new and improved map pack coming this weekend with another stonking 20 maps/scenarios all with good AI scripts. I really hope you like these ones too!
  11. No one really understands what it's like to be on the recieving end of 50cal...cos no one usually lives long enough afterward to report about it lol. I heard it's like being in a steel drum while it is being beaten by the devil.
  12. Click on our names at the left hand side of our posts.
  13. I know the one you mean but being IED....it's not 100% reliable I guess...something for the BFC boys to comment on.
  14. I honestly belive that 50cal does kill thru walls. I had a syrian platoon holed up in a 3 level house and the QB picked cavalry troops in humvee's to assault. M2 bullets smushed the squads in no time. 25mm Brad cannon done the same in a shorter space of time. I am also sure high velocity rounds penetrate some human targets and can hurt/kill the guys behind....not 100% but pretty close.
  15. Maybe there is a chance that all IED's will fail to blow? 10% or so for the Radio ones...might be a undocumented feature?
  16. Incorrect. Steve has stated that they MAY do some sort of "meta tile" generator/selector that the player can then use like old Squad Leader geomorphic map boards, but nothing is set in stone yet. -dale </font>
  17. I imagine so. I have not tried it but I honestly cannot see why not. No probs, Garcimore, if I can help I will.
  18. It would be silly to remove this fun aspect now. I hope it's left as is.
  19. Yes you can play blue on blue or red on red. Random map generator is being planned but you won't see any type of generator for months. WEGO is not possible in TCP/IP. 1.04 will nail most of the bugs to the wall.
  20. Give RED some F-15's and a JTAC...much fun to be had. Or the Syrian FO a few Paladin SPG's....mmmmmm tasty explosions.
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