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Everything posted by Mishga

  1. Get yourself the map packs from CMMODS.com this fixes this issue. It is related to not having the appropriate QB map in your folder.
  2. Excuse the delay, batteries in the digicam died. Just off to play some warcraft now. Oh, I just saw a huge map for Volume 3 and it was gorgeous!!
  3. That pic was taken a few weeks ago. Umm..why a cup of coffee? Would you not rather have tea and scones?
  4. Jonp, The vast majority of the maps you downloaded are scenarios in there own right....just not highly detailed but I made a few with little amount of troops on medium sized maps to do exactly what you want to do...learn to play. I mean that in a nice way ofc. Try Battle instead of Quick Battle and look at some of the maps available...worth a shot.
  5. I'm a big girl and not one of the "feminazi" brigade. I can take a joke about my POM POM's I think I would get banned if I posted a pic here of my Cheerleading kit lol But here is one to prove I am a real life girlie.
  6. not a securom problem my arse. If it says please insert original disc and not a back up...that is securom being ****. Take the game back from where you bought it, get a refund and download from BFC. We fixed the securom problem but our issue now lies elsewhere and it looks like a driver issue with Nvidia. Which we cannot get resolved.
  7. first off, did you download the map packs available from CMMODS.com? They are home made but good stuff...ok, I am biased cos our team made them lol Second, when you do get them try a Tiny Map with Assault battle...you should get a decent sized map with smaller forces.. Try that and let me know how it goes.
  8. hehe My POM POM's are a bit more friendly than those in the link
  9. We try to make maps fit the mission details so not to surprise people to much. i.e a Tiny map of 1km x 1km etc. It's important to the QBG not to throw people a curveball and what they see is what they should get. I do sympathise with QB's being a bit...odd.. at the moment and we really are trying to make more maps for Vol3 with more visual appeal, larger maps, smaller maps and well...something for everyone.
  10. There are 40+ scenarios and maps at CMMODS.com made by the QBG. I also look very very nice in a cheerleader outfit and have top class POM POMS to go with it.
  11. It's a problem with Nvidia cards and drivers. So many games now are having problems with the black screen of death it's unreal. To save hassle he installed it on my machine. Which means I get to use his custom built super-rig lolololololol
  12. It's a farce. I buy the product to support BFC. I know I should have DL'd from the website but my Hubby saw it when we were out shopping and picked it up. Not realising that Paradox were the distributers.
  13. Prefer tea myself. Earl Gray or Darjeeling depending on mood. I like coffee but not a big drinker.
  14. Just download the full map packs from CMMODS.com. Volume 1 and 2 will solve that problem and give you 40+ maps to play on. The game punts you to the option screen if it cannot find a suitable battle for your parameters.
  15. You are gonna have to wait on Securom sending you the new exe file. This solves it, takes a couple of days, then run the game on the guest account.
  16. It's cos there security system don't like administrator accounts....dunno why. Failing that they will get back to you with an updated exe file...which failed to work for us, after questioning you about the CD and some stuff written on it. Then after all that...we got it to run...straight into a black screen of death which no one can sort out for us. It was not fixed even with the latest drivers for Nvidia out today.
  17. I play at improved and balanced. Trenches are clearly visible a good distance above the ground. Yeah..that is exactly what I mean.
  18. Yeah it's why we have to make scenarios with just advance, dash or quick. I am sure the BFC lads are aware of it.
  19. Yup self shadowing is problematic...allah's fist...bit slow but not too bad. Using latest drivers posted above. On the upside....those new drivers solved the disapearing trenches issue for me. Everything is sharper and clearer defined with no change to FPS.
  20. make a guest account on your pc and run it there. My hubbie had the exact same problem waited for securom to get back to us....went thru a few days of back and forthing and that is what they told us to do at the end of it.
  21. Getting them now...lets see if it does any good. I am real lucky....7600GS and it runs great anyway. 30fps most of the time apart from maps with globs of tall grass or type D trees.
  22. I aim to please. Tweak them if you like. I don't mind
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