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Everything posted by Mishga

  1. yup, you change the parameter in the data page. change BLUE v RED once you have purchased some units to RED V RED and you can have all sorts of stuff. I made a crazy scenario with Syrian SF guys backed up by a few Brads and on the other side some US Engineers jumping out of BMP2's. All cos I was curious lol
  2. Remember the warheads of ATGM's are not kinetic energy dependent. They detonate upon contact irrespective of range. Tandem-HEAT rounds have two warheads to defeat ERA. As far as I understand it they melt thru the armour and fill the inside of the fighting compartment with ionised gases and flame. I was told that in the first gulf war all that was left of the crew of some Iraqi tanks was some teeth and bits of dog-tag. The rest was lumps of black carbonised material. Edit to add: RPG29 will punch thru the front of any tank in the world. Again it's chemical rather than kinetic. Challenger 2 has the most frontal armour and it's still very vulnerable. To take a tank out of action a penetrating hit only has to kill or wound roughly two crew members. The functions of the tank are severly depleted with this loss. Factor in the actual damage to onboard systems and the human casualties and your looking at a tank backing off from the front line. [ September 10, 2007, 11:14 AM: Message edited by: Mishga ]
  3. Elvis All maps produced by the QBG have an AI script built in, or should do lol...we are only human
  4. Any questions or problems, feel free to email me and I will help. Addy is in my profile. What do you think of the maps/scenarios so far? Most of mine are beer and pretzel scenarios...nothing too challenging but fun, I hope! lol
  5. Sounds like a barrel launched ATGM to me. Sneaky.
  6. When all that is above a berm is the TC hatch and he can stand on his seat and observe with binoculars or scopes or open fire with the TC weapon.
  7. My pleasure...anything I can help with I will. Keep an eye open for the next map pack, due next weekend hopefully.
  8. Ok, what you do is paint an area around where you want the elevation to stay at a certain level and pain the said tile as well. It locks it all and won't change irrespective what you do to the surrounding tiles.
  9. The basic grenade, AIUI, is a HEDP (Dual purpose) round, which is a shaped charge (HEAT) with a fragmentation jacket. No, that is an AG36 derivative, made by Heckler and Koch. It is, agian AIUI, largely the same as the proposed M320 weapon. It differs primarily in that the breech opens by pivoting the barrel to the left rather than sliding forward. Max range is stated to be 400m. </font>
  10. there is a tool called Direct. It can raise or lower and lock the tile to the elevation you require. I will check it out in more detail and post later if I find something better to use.
  11. Indeed, buddy. If I put in Arty in any scenario I try to make sure there is someone to call it down. Will do my best to keep things like that smooth in any scenario I make. QB is pot luck tho.
  12. rofl yeah.... "hey, Mustapha...did you remember to tell the gunners were using them today?" "uhhh...no" "bugger"
  13. You have to manually place all units in the editor. Go back and check out your scenarios and see if they are in relevant set up zones. Attack plans don't matter as they are used for whichever side your using in a QB. The computer uses the relevant plan irrespective of your choice of side. Hope this helps.
  14. No probs, Grampa It's a pleasure to do something for the CM community.
  15. The majority of the maps made do have AI plans and are playable as scenarios from both sides.
  16. That does look interesting and I wonder if that was the horses in my dream?
  17. Are we talking BMP sized vehicle or M113 sized vehicle at 300m? Either one that's impressive. Just judging wind conditions is hard enough I imagine?
  18. I love it when I get 3 observer units to defend against a M1 tank platoon lol
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