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Everything posted by Mishga

  1. Well, being an underwear model has it's advantages What did you think of your mail, Gunz?
  2. Heya, Grampa Drop me an email, my addy is in my profile. I want to show you something good
  3. Force sizes I think are linked to map size. Bigger the map parameter the more troops you get but it's also conditioned by the type of battle. Probe..Attack...Assault gives more troops to the attacker and defender...so playing a Tiny Assault for me is just right for a 30min battle. Again all this is on raw experience and sitting with CMSF seeing "what does this do?" I could be wrong in what I say but I am pretty sure it's the way it works. Duration is embedded in the map. The scenario designer implements this in the design stage and I am sure it carries over to the QB. If any of the BFC lads wish to comment that would be great.
  4. All maps are original work, fresh approach to AI and gameplay. The stock maps use certain orders that do not work at present so the advice of most gamers so far has been to remove stock maps and replace with Volumes 1 and 2 from CMMODS.com By all means try out the stock maps for QB but mostly you will be returned to the main menu screen as there is not a map available for all battle types with the stock maps. The QBG team have provided a map for every situation.
  5. No no no, Ikon is the bad guy from Dan Dare!!
  6. hehe GT racing does have more appeal. Used to be on Channel 4 here in the UK on a sunday morning. I prefer Coors lite myself
  7. I find I get that if I alt + Q out of a mission. The next one to load crashes CMSF. I used to do it when checking the maps for upload but since I tracked it to a recreatable set of actions I stopped doing it. Don't use altQ to end a scenario, might help. Like I say, it crashed a lot of battles for me at 72% after using it.
  8. NASCAR is the most boring "sport" on earth apart alongside Formula 1 processions that are called "races". I heard that the cars in NASCAR are actually set up to lean to the left when driving so really....they just get held on track by the driver and the crowd waits for a crash or an explosion to go with there hotdogs and lite beer WARNING: SENSE OF HUMOUR NEEDED TO BE ABLE TO ENJOY THIS POST!!
  9. Good stuff, Gonzo. I really enjoyed your map. We all eagerly await your next one!
  10. Kicked to desktop? That sounds like a problem with CMSF and not so much the map. I am no technical wizard but with the 40+maps produced you should get a fight with any combination of map parameters. I don't wish to sound off-hand but you mean desktop as in...desktop and not back to the main option screen in CMSF? Please don't take offence I am just trying to narrow down what the exact problem is.
  11. Just to mention as well....Try Tiny and Assault parameters for your QB battles. Sounds crazy but it gives the best choices in QB. I had 4 battles and won 2 lost 2 and each one was reasonable balanced...no 4 M1 Abrams vs Conscript FO with no artillery. Give it a shot.
  12. Got it, PT. Will have a looky later today. Got two hungry kids to throw some zebra haunches too.
  13. QB force selection is a thorny issue just now. As it stands you get what your given...even if it's 4 forward observers with no artillery against 4 M1A1SEP Abrams.
  14. You can try a Medium sized map selection...it picks more troops to go with larger maps too.
  15. Indeed it does. I find working on Elite maps I don't know when to stop. I think it would take me about a month to produce one map but that map would be able to direct tourists around down town Damascus lol
  16. I feel I can produce some quality Skirmish maps in a relativly short space of time. Detailed with a fair amount of terrain but suitable for a 20min scenario. We now have a bit of breathing space to craft nicer maps now the original problem has been solved. At the same time the community has embraced what we have produced and been very encouraging which helps when you have a grumpy husband, two kids and a dog all on your case just as your stress testing an AI script Gonzo joined in recently and his map was a stunner. He carries the tag GG on the maps so watch out for more beauties from him.
  17. were cooking up some more goodies...there is a thread in the scenario forum where people can outline what they want to see next too
  18. Stirling, yeah...that was my mode of thought...something for everyone in one pack...still chewing it over.
  19. LOL yes, master! FYI we have plans for Volume3 already so patience, Grasshopper!!
  20. The patches that are incoming nail a lot of bugs, the community are making maps and scenarios and we have a lot of dedicated support from the developers. The future's so bright...I gotta wear shades. There will be the nay-sayers along shortly ofc...
  21. Fraid not, mate. Its after the splash screen. I even took out the intro movie and still the same black screen forever where the main options screen should be. At my wit's end with it now lol. I think I tried every setting available on the grafx card and even posted into the directory another preferences file from a seperate machine and changed the ingame screen resolution. I followed all madmatt's advice to the letter and still no gameplay. Edit: Sorry posted on wife's machine. Forgot it logs her in. [ September 13, 2007, 12:03 PM: Message edited by: Mishga ]
  22. Hiya fellow forumites In the scenario forum I posted a request for feedback as to which maps/scenarios you would like to see in the Volume3 QBG pack. It boils down to Elite, Standard or Skirmish maps. Have a look in the scenario forum cos it describes it in more detail and please post there any comments on what you want to see. Many thanks.
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