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Everything posted by Mishga

  1. you cannot. It chooses one that fits your parameters as best I see it. Pick an open map...you get a random map classed as "open" Same for hills and so on.
  2. I miss this feature....please bring it back BFC..."bats eyelashes at BFC guys"
  3. Never mind the bollcks!! This game is top fun. Yeah it needs a bit of tweaking but it's not that bad once you get the hang of scenario making and AI scripting. Make yourself a dozen maps, or download them, stick them in the QB maps folder with a AI script for both sides and get playing.
  4. Excellent thread, learned a lot from it. Thanks
  5. Does the modules actually have to be paid for? I thought they were a series of patches to enhance the original product...oops Time to hunt out the hubbies credit card methinks.
  6. Two seperate items. One was the sagger not firing and the other was destroy objectives not being destroyed. Not so much as the sagger firing at buildings. I cannot even get the sagger to fire at a humvee.
  7. Nice thread. Agree 100% Tho I did make a blue attack map and put some enemy tanks, almost called them panzers lol, in group 2 and gave them assault mission AI. Was a nice surprise for Meach to suddenly be counter attacked from the flank by a platoon of T72M1's as he advanced on the objective. So group 2 in the plan worked for me.
  8. I get the exact same thing. I think it's bugged. Use a Touch objective instead of occupy. As for destroyed. My opponent got the points for me destroying my own destroy objective.....
  9. Having read up on the Sagger it seems it's a bullet magnet after firing. High signature of launch etc... Reminds me of WW2 Russian Anti tank guns where the crew would run away apart from one unlucky soul who actually fired the gun. If it survived they would run back and reload. "You fire the rocket, Mukhtar!" "NO!" "It's Allah's will!" "Let him fire the sodding Sagger then!" Etc Etc
  10. Done a bit of digging around and it seems the sagger AT3 needs 500m to get hot. Bah....
  11. I am curious about this as well. I see some scenarios with a "step ladder" timer...and others with the time increments set exactly the same for each order zone.
  12. I tried the ranges of 600m down to 150m. Does the sagger need about 800m to arm? StratAI? I made a plan in the scenario editor for a static defence if that's what you mean. Sorry for not being techy.
  13. Hello Pottering about making tons of scenarios but found that no troops want to destroy the objectives marked for destruction. What am I doing wrong? I set up the map, place the obj tile, place a building on the tile marked as destroy but the troops bypass it. Also Sagger AT-3 units refuse to fire at anything. Even made a test scenario with a dozen Humvee's but the Sagger teams just stared passively into the distance. Any tips would be appreciated
  14. TM I installed Meach's copy on my machine. Works fine so me and the hubby swapped PC's for a little while. Thanks for the advice. It will be acted upon. all the best Mrs Meach
  15. Ummmm.....I pinched my hubbies copy and I am loving it. I seem to suffer none of the above problems and am working my way thru the AI scripting to make fun little battles. This is a smashing game and just think, it's only going to get better!!
  16. The game is awesome even in it's pre-patch state. I love making scenarios but would love the freedom of choice that the QB for CMx1 gave me. I make scenarios for my husband but with two kids rumbling about like mini-panzers can I please have a QB with unit choice? A tired housewife would be very grateful
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