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Everything posted by theFightingSeabee

  1. Welcome back TankDawg! There are no longer c2 lines, but if you select a unit, you'll see all subordinate unit icons highlighted. Double click to select all. You don't need mods, it's personal preference. I've got quite a few, mostly sound and ui mods.
  2. That's perfect. My previous post should have been so elegant. Agreed 100%.
  3. ww2Steel, I apologize if I flamed you with the NarcAnon link. The testers and especially BFC have a lot of time and energy invested in this baby, and when people throw major fits (of which there has been a lot lately) and make blatantly false comments (not pointing at you, buddy) it does get to the point of annoyance. One of the best pieces of advice my Dad gave me was to smile. He said he'd met some of his favorite people and gotten some of his best business contacts by smiling at random people. I feel like bringing that same attitude to the table here on the forums goes a long way. Being friendly and helpful will take you and your requests for changes/fixes further than being pouty and angry. So I do apologize for being a bit snotty there as long as you indeed would like the game to continue to improve. Again, comments on how to improve the game are absolutely whole-heartedly appreciated by BFC and the testers, when done with some evidence, screenshots, saved games, and some thought as to how it might be fixed, all while being polite or at least somewhat professional. All of the testers were invited to test because they have done just that. I've made a ton of complaint posts, but I tried not to say false things and offered ways to fix/improve rather than ranting about how I got screwed over. When I have done that, the arguments are more based on the game mechanics and less on whose feeling were hurt and who is or is not a fanboy/fanman. Now I get the games for free, other than my testing time. I've had the patch installed for a while now. If you guys really want to see the game improve, then please help us out. Maybe you'll be invited in the next wave of testers. The only thing CMx1 has that I'd love to have in CMBN/CMSF is movable waypoints. Having witnessed the development of CMBN, really since CMBF was in development, I have literally seen thousands of improvements made to everything from the TacAI to the UI to the graphics. There is no shortage of improvements over the CMx1 engine. The positives of CMx2 must outweigh CMx1 by 100:1. The main advantage of CMx2 over CMx1 is the level of fidelity. I really hated having my squad members represented by counters or 3 guys representing a whole squad rather than being in 1:1. The 1:1 fidelity literally makes the game magnitudes more complex and realistic, where as before there was a lot more going on under the hood that you just had to trust was ok. The 1:1 fidelity truly makes it feel like I'm a commander looking over the battlefield rather than a commander looking at a map. Having completed many scenarios, I would say, is proof that the game is not broken. Don't make me start posting my AAR screenshots to prove it.
  4. That's cool man! Hadn't seen that before!
  5. ww2Steel, Seriously man? Really? Really? I swear you guys aren't playing the same game that I'm playing. Either that or maybe you have access to some other much better game that you're comparing CMBN to. Surely it can't be CMx1, because CMBN is more complex in almost every single way. Something tells me you just don't understand what you're looking at. I mean, minor problems exist in every piece of software ever made, but come on dude. The game does not suck by any stretch of the imagination. This might help you. http://www.na.org/index.php
  6. On the ambush mission, you've got to be a little more sly than making a defensive wall. Hide guys throughout the town where they won't see the enemy until they are in good kill zones. The guns are extremely useful when played this way. Mine even took out quite a few infantry as well. Use those cover arcs aiming at kill zones with multiple units from different angles if possible. What a great mission that was!
  7. Ok, but to be fair to jooleus, he should know he may need to purchase the downloadable game in addition to what he pays you.
  8. slysniper and jooleus, You're gonna want the set all together because of the product key... and because the set is cooler together.
  9. jooleus, The steel isn't plastic. The actual structure of the "Steelbook" is plastic, but the front, back, and spine are plated with some kind of metal. Sorry dude, you can't have mine, but I'm sure someone from http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=98971 would be happy to sell theirs to you. My name is in the manual so this one is staying on my shelf. While the box isn't 100% metal, it is still the coolest game box I've ever had, so it may be worth it for you to get. Don't know where you were deployed, but glad you're home!
  10. ...and if you do that, you might even be invited to be a beta tester.
  11. Thanks Capt, I would also prefer "fanman" since im also a proud veteran and don't really appreciate being called a boy. A far as the beta testers and BFC themselves, we read all of these threads, evaluate the bugs and report them on the "inner" forum. The good Lord knows that I've made my fair share of requests that were never considered for implementation. Discussion and debate have always been a part of the process though. The difference,i suppose, would be that a fanboy would throw up his arms and say its all broken, while a fanman would look for an acceptable alternative or compromise. It took close to 3 years for BFC to implement a suggestion I made... Using the red button as a pause button. The cm community is one off the nicest and must polite I have ever seen, so some if your attitudes are highlighted and stand out. Anyone who honestly wants this gem's shine to gleem a littlebrighter with well thought out suggestions and bug reports ARE always taken seriously and the people arte treated well. When someone comes in saying the game is broken or unplayable won't be taken seriously because the simple truth is it's not true.
  12. I think a few if you guys are on crack. What game are you going to play that is better? Its like you guys would rather drive a perfect condition geo metro than a corvette that hasn't had the wax (patch) applied yet. Cmbn isn't perfect, but there is no better alternative on the planet! Every release has its high horsed complainers when infact your horse has no legs. its a sign you dont undestand how to play the game.
  13. Looks quite nice! I can't wait to check it out. Keep up the good work!
  14. I have a 16:9 ratio and it looks great. Here's an excerpt from the readme about this. Try out the text file part of it and it should work out ok for you.
  15. Hi ketonur, first of all, thee is no better game of this type. Second, everything you mentioned is/has been worked on in the patch. Third, the game is not crap, see point one since no other person out group of people have ever been able to engineer anything as close. Do my advice is to keep your panties on and wait for the patch. Then, when you find another problem, kindly post it and BFC WILL lok into it. Also, try out Barkmanns Corner and tell me how well your super-shermans hold out.
  16. Once I get the mid manager back up and running, it had a save game manager where you can easily rename, sort, and delete saves.
  17. For me, there were two moments. 1) 2001 or 2002 I googled "Tactical wargame" and discovered the CMBO demo. It actually worked on my work computer. I played the crap out of that demo. It wasn't exactly what I dreamed of, but it was the closest thing I could find. I eventually found all three CMx1 games in the same package and bought that. Many hours were spent playing that. 2) My first mission in CMSF. I knew I wanted it since seeing an early shot of it in PCGamer magazine, but years went by and I forgot about it. Then, in July 2007, I noticed it finally came out and bought it right away. Now THIS was a lot closer to what I was looking for! It has only snowballed from there.
  18. I can tell you guys that the patch is just adding polish to the already polished game and it should prove to everyone that BFC keeps an open ear to you guys.
  19. I would say that the better bunkers might have prepared range cards handy with a little more camo and reinforcements, while the lesser ones are less sturdy, makeshift, or ill-prepared.
  20. I have been in contact with boche about a campaign following the 2nd Rangers. It would start in pointe du hoc and move out from there. If we do it, it won't be ready for some time.
  21. Yeah rocketman, the cliff thing is more of a bug than anything. I did try to optimize the "ropes" because the original way I had it looked better but caused sticking of some guys at the top of the cliff. The scenario can easily be beat with the ammo supplied, so you'll maybe have to watch that, but you should be low. The real Rangers actually did run extremely low on ammo after the first day and actually had to use some of the German weapons to fight off counterattacks and were not resupplied for a couple of days. I hope, at the least, you had a lot of fun!
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