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Everything posted by theFightingSeabee

  1. Ok. But... it's very simple and does not use any special references. If you have Access or Access Runtime, it should work. I think. That's why I want a tester or two.
  2. I've been working on a mod manager for cmsf. Since I haven't yet seen one, I thought I'd throw something together and see if I could get it to work. It seems to work quite well! The only catch: It's a Microsoft Access application. So you either need to have Microsoft Access or you need to download and install the Microsoft Access Runtime. This is because I only know how to program in vba. A volunteer with Access or the Access Runtime would be helpful. Otherwise, it should be available soon. I've got infinite ideas for it, but only so much spare time to work on it. If enough people like it, I'll keep improving it. Right now, I'm pretty stoked on how easy it works.
  3. Finally played through it. I got worked pretty hard, but I was able to win. Great mission!
  4. I think Yellow damage on a dude implies that he has light injuries that are taken care of on the spot, allowing him to continue fighting. One thing absolutely left out is the fact that Marines have Navy Corpsmen. I'd like to see Corpsmen incorporated into the game. Seabees too . With vehicle immobilization, ofcourse there may be instances where a vehicle could be up and running in a few minutes, but do we really want BFC to spend all that programming time for the sake of a rare vehicle recovery? I'd rather they spend the time giving us things like stats that let us know who killed what. There are so many other things I would like to see before we get into vehicle repairs.
  5. Chainsaw, I had the same thought, but yes, there are reinforcements. I'm going to restart this one. It seems really good so far!
  6. Thanks Man! I've been really wanting a USMC scenario in Afghanistan. I've actually been wanting to make one, but have not had the time. Hoorah to you! I'll be playing it today!
  7. Mord, What you have done (joining the Army infantry during two wars) is both brave and honorable. It is something that you will always be proud of, and hell, we're all proud of you too. I was terrified when I joined the Navy (had orders to BUD/S) and I didn't know what to expect. But after I got to know the routine, it was no problem. But I guess nothing I say will cure any jitters, you'll just have to get over that once you get there. Take good care, my friend. We'll be talking more before you ship out. Pvt Ryan, I live right by you in Simi Valley. Lived in Tarzana for a short time too. I also lived in the same town as Normal Dude for a while too! Small world.
  8. JoeRoma, you're right though, it would be cool to be able to mod the 3d models.
  9. Hey Crassus, here you go. http://www.mca-marines.org/gazette/tdgpdf.asp
  10. The main problem I have with this is the weight. It's already tough trying to carry around your regular gear, much less a crew served weapon. I was on a .50 cal team back in the day and there is a lot to carry... the weapon, extra barrel, tripod, toolbox, ammo (very heavy, especially mortars), special scopes and other accessories. This is in addition to your own rifle, ammo, armor, food, water, kevlar, cigs, etc. I could see this in a heavy weapons platoon, but I don't think it'll work in Marine Corps style, on-foot maneuver warfare.
  11. I've read plenty of stories about the brits in afghanistan. They undergoing some pretty tough fights every day, real up close and personal battles.
  12. Wow, I didn't realize we had so many lawyers here. The trick here is to figure out the difference between right and wrong without using religion. It's called ethics. Use your brain, not some religious zealots brain, to figure out if something is right or wrong. If you figure that something is right and is worth dying for, then go for it. If the "other guy" has the exact opposite view, then let the games begin and let the right one (according to my ethical standards) win. If someone is 'working' to 'blow up' 'innocents', in my opinion, they are 'knowingly' facilitating 'negative occurrances' on human beings whom otherwise are trying to go about their daily lives, which may include 'working' for money in order to sustain, protect, or otherwise benefit human life, ie 'innocent' people. http://dictionary.reference.com/ We could almost argue both sides of any point, but my ethical values are all I've got, and if someone wants to kill me over that, then I'm going to fight for my life. Many of our enemies are infact hometown heroes, who love their countries and are proud warriors. But there are also crazy people out there who want to see death. They are even willing to die extremely dishonorable deaths in order to see us cry. That's what 911 was all about. They relished seeing us cry and jumped for joy in the streets. I would die for that not to happen again. Even if it means having to feed a lot of people JDAM sandwiches.
  13. I don't give a crap who knows who. If you're working to blow people up for any reason other than saving the lives of the innocent, you need a JDAM sandwich. Period. Simple as that. Good day.
  14. OK, obviously I can tell which way the wind is blowing when something is already burning. What I was wondering was if there is a way to tell, say, during the setup phase. I don't think there is. It would be nice to put a second needle on the compass in addition to an arrowhead on the original needle.
  15. How do you tell what direction the wind is blowing??
  16. Stuck on You 2: The Army Years Nice ss Warrior.
  17. Nice! These will be perfect for any Seabee scenarios I might do. What are the chances of adding something like this??? http://www.troopaccessories.com/artpic/t_1100_350_421 Nevermind, the gear will cover it up anyways.
  18. The Syrians in this game are WAAAAY better than the Iraqis. If you want it to be more realistic, have half of your Syrian army run away. Have half of what's remaining not follow orders and the others... just put 50 guys behind a tank like the Iraqi republican guards and march them into a wall of bullets.
  19. Mord, I wish you nothing but the best. Sure, it's going to be rough at times, but it's certainly possible. A lot of the guys I served with were in their 40's and they kept up with all of us young guys. Just do what you gotta do to get in shape. From all of the posts of yours I've read, you're an intelligent guy. I don't think you'll have much trouble with the ASVAB. My practice score was 80 and I ended up with a real score of 91. Anyhow, I appreciate your willingness to serve. I did 6 years and I'm very proud of it (if you haven't seen me brag constantly on this forum). It's a very honorable thing to do, if for the right reasons. Thanks. Btw, my neighbor is trying to get into the Army, and I'll say the same thing to you that I said to him... "Don't let your recruiter screw you." Tell him what you want in exchange for your service, i.e., monetary signing bonuses, etc. Don't let him tell you that you have to be a mechanic if that is not what you want to do, because you'll be stuck doing it for X number of years. That said, keep us posted on what is going on with you and the Aaaaarmy.
  20. "Quit yer belly-achin'! The Captain said to hold on to Objective Pooh at all costs!"
  21. "New scenario: Evening Assault" - Sorry Bodkin, had to do it!
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