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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Wiggum

  1. Looks like some guys complaining about the game or the AI or something (look at some smilies). Can you explain that please ?
  2. Maybe CMSF also insulted Muslims, they got there ass kicked everywhere in the game... Wait, will CMBN insult germans ? I will not buy it till they replace the germans with Spaghetti Monsters so nobody feels insulted anymore !
  3. I totally have to agree. Please tone down the tracers, it looks like Star Wars in some situations.
  4. I dont think "Steiners" was a word of the landser slang. Most likely the autor has misinterpreted something, many english ww2 books have such strange use of german words...
  5. If this game is out, you all have to wait till i downloaded it before starting the download yourselfe...i need FULL SPEED !
  6. No, i think not. That was only because they sold it in stores so they had to get a USK/PEGI or whatever rating. And they took a look and said: "What, there is SS ingame...no way !". So we got Waffen-Grenadiers, at least they saved us from turning into Nazis immediately...
  7. Hi, im searching for books about the Battle for Normandy. A book that is about the operational-warfare and describes some company or battalion sized battles (CM scale) in detail with maps, Order of battle and casuality reports. Maybe AAR's from both sides would be nice. Most books look like they tell you the hole story, the big picture but i would like to get some informations about the many small sized battles that took place there in 1944. Can you recommend something ?
  8. In mid 1944, the US side (infantry) should have an advantage because their radios and fire-control systems were superior at that time. And, thats even more important, those were issued in greater numbers. In Normandy were many low quality german-troops fought this should make a noticeable differense. The communication between platoon and company level was, most of the time, done by messengers. Sometimes even company commanders had to use messengers to communicate with battalions ! So, will messengers be simulated or abstracted somehow ?
  9. Hey, eneugh philosophize about nut scratching !
  10. M8 Greyhound & M3 Stuart for me. Knocking out a Panther with a M3 Stuart will be so much fun...
  11. I can imagine some reasons why to stop playing CM or why to nor buy a CM game. But because of the camera control...come on ! I cant imagine what should be wrong with the camera control, there are so much more important (gameplay/realism improvements) things to do. Persons who are rejecting CM because of the camera control are most likly people who are not interested in such games anyway and would stop playing soon even with "other" camera controls aviable. @ DeLaVega Do we know each other from another forum ?
  12. Yeah... Feature #547 to add "Soldiers smoking after battle" Feature #548 to add "Special animation for germans carrying their rifles on the move" Feature #549 to add "Special animation for soldiers scratching their nuts"
  13. Sometimes i think the nazi propaganda had a greater impact on americans then on germans... (Isent there some fascination in this myth ?) Believe me, nearly all german soldiers did not believe the aryan superman thing. They did not think that they are better soldiers, at least not more then any army does (esprit de corps). Sure, in 1940 there was a euphoria in germany after all those victorys, but in 1944 this had changed and most soldiers know for some part that the war was lost. Dont blame them for complaining about enemy superiority in material and manpower. Imagine how it they felt in those late war years, fighting against such scary firepower. I never met a german veteran who would say that they were "better" soldiers and even if they would do, everyone who was in the military knows that kind of feeling...they are all the "best" (esprit de corps again). Or look at the war against Poland in 1939. They just had no real change but still put up a great fight... There are many small battles where they were able to get a tactical victory and some very stubborn defensive actions. They also said that they lost because of enemy superiority in material and manpower (superiority in the Air). Such behavior is not only a "german thing". Its not the question if the german soldiers think they only lost because enemy superiority in material and manpower, the question is if you can win a large scal industrial war if you are not superior in material and manpower...
  14. Just take a look at the BFTB forums, there is a "Mods and Scenarios" section. I cant post a link, i already got a warning for posting the link to panthergames...
  15. I will never understand why Battlefront dont use max. settings + AA for the Screenshots...
  16. I know, for a attack you normaly (WWII) need a 3:1 advantage in numbers. So you would expect the attacker to loose 3 times more man (simplified). But although the terrain in Normandy was ideal to defend, the attacker can always inflict heavy casualities to the defender if he can put up enough firepower (Air/artillery). Victory Was Beyond Their Grasp: With the 272nd Volks-Grenadier Division from the Huertgen Forest to the Heart of the Reich by Douglas E. Nash could be interesting if you are interested in late war german small unit actions against the americans.
  17. Yes, i too cant wait to see if battles like the one for St. Germain-sur-Seves can be simulated with CMBN !
  18. Sorry Bil, i dont understand you here...could you explain what you mean ?
  19. Maybe you should take a look at the games from panthergames !
  20. Another factor: All german soldiers took part in basic infantry training, and if i remember correctly this was not usuall these days. A tank driver had the same basic training then a infantry NCO, were in other armies this was not the case and they only had tank driver training. Is this correct ?
  21. Germany not, thats clear. But this thread is not about who won the war or who won battle xy. Its about "are German forces better on average ?". And for such a discussion its pointless to look a single battles. I even doubt that statistics like the ones Matin van Crefeld uses in his book "Fighting Power" (which says that the germans inflicted overall more casualties to the americans in engagements) tell the hole story and are pointless too. Its just too complex, too many factors are involved. You have to look at much more then a single battle or some statistic that are easy to manipulate. The german army was great at the tactical and operational level but not very clever at the strategics and logistics. Again, take a look at germanys geographic location, the raw materials and manpower that was aviable in 1939 and ask yourself if there is a way such a country can stand a long war on many fronts. The hole concept was to win the war as fast as possible, destroy the enemys ability to fight and took everything you can get (man and material).
  22. @ Magpie_Oz I think picking out some battles like "look, one guy hold off a entire division for 2 weeks" is totally pointless, its the same like saying all german soldiers were better...pointless. You just cant look at a single battle like you cant look at a single football game and say this team is better because it won this single game.
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