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Everything posted by Wiggum

  1. Can you please make a version with removed protective mask carriers ? And maybe you can put your ingame setting to high for making screenshots of your mods, with this very low setting i dosent look good !
  2. Wow, the maps look great ! But is the Blue AI good enough in attack to really challange the player or is it (in the end) just the Blue material- and air power that makes the scenarios a challange for the player ?
  3. I forgive you... So it looks like that it is a Bug, something to fix with the NATO Module or the next Patch !
  4. Hi, the one thing i dont like on the US-Army in CMSF are those ugly protective mask carriers on every soldiers. Is there a simple way to remove it ? Or can someone of the Photoshop experts do a quick mod please ?
  5. Someone can answer my question please ?
  6. Ok it just was a joke that nobody use them, but for sure really few people still use a singlecore cpu. If you bought a new PC after 2005 you should have a dualcore.
  7. Hi, it looks like that in a platoon of warriors (4 vehicles) only the crew of the leading warrior has the vehicle-crew helmet. The crews of the other warriors in the platoon look like normal soldiers (normal helmets).... Bug or feature ?
  8. I think nearly everyone of us has a PC that could handle the trees and bushes in the distance. The problem is that it is somehow hardcoded in the engine and happens even if you have a very powerful PC. CMSF dont has support for Dual and Quad-Core CPU's, but i think nobody still uses a singlecore today...
  9. Yeah, something like water would be really cool ! My personal wishlist for the NATO-Module: 1. Fix the view-distance problem (disappearing trees, bushes and road details in distance) 2. A automatic pause if a unit takes casualty in Real Time modus 3. Something like water terrain 4. Triggers for the scenario designers
  10. British soldiers with mixed uniforms (DPM, Desert DPM and MTP)
  11. Sounds good, will you fix the view-distance problem (disappearing trees, bushes and road details in distance) too ?
  12. British soldiers positioning a 51mm light mortar during a counter-insurgency operation.
  13. Nice Screenshots, can wait to see the Germans in CMSF ! But will there be a view-distance fix coming with the NATO Module ? You know the problem of trees that disappear in some distance (large maps, many units and objects). There should be a fix, this problem keeps me away from playing large battles in CMSF because these disappearing trees and bushes are so damn ugly and not good for the gameplay (what, there is a wood on that hill ?? ).
  14. Bit Off-Topic but... @ Mike Churchmoor On the pictures it lokks like trees are pictured far away, did you dont have such problems ? http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=90147 Great AAR by the way !
  15. Soldiers of the Syrian Liberation Army (SLA) cross a highway as fast as possible while artillery supress enemy positions at the hill on the left.
  16. Hi Phantom, now i played your mission too. The briefing and the map are very well done. And the beginning action is really fun to play, but in the end it becomes a bit nasty. And i have to fully agree with souldierz at this point: I think the lag is because the great number of burning tanks and IFV's + the many flavor objects + many units and the game cant handle it because it uses only 1 cpu core (i have 3). And this is the first scenario that gives me such lag on my new pc. The cherry point and the area infront of the marines positions (farms) is maybe a bit to heavy defended to take it in this time i would maybe need the full 4 hours to clear the area west of the hill. My constructive criticism on this scenario: - Make it clearer who is the enemy of the SLA, i would have expected militia not a full army - Remove some flavor objects and enemy forces / USMC forces because of the lag - Give the SLA more troop and the marines less to give to player the feeling that the USMC only assists the SLA - Remove the last enemy tank spawn at the north - Decrease the enemy armor at the cherry point. - Maybe give the player at the beginning more USMC forces so that it is possible to take position on the hill near the LZ at the beginning Overall it is a great scenario but it needs some more tuning to make it full playable without the bloodbath feeling if you try to storm the cherry point in the last minutes (with the lag). If you make a v2 i will play it again. Thanks for your work !
  17. That is interesting. I know that it is no good idea to get to close to a MBT that fires his 120mm main gun, but can someone tell me how big this "danger area" is ?
  18. Thanks, this is the version with the green and khaki icons. I found the newest version of the standard blue and red icons here: http://cmsfmods.greenasjade.net/mods/4419/details
  19. Downloaded a few days ago and will play it soon. The briefing and the map look great so far !
  20. Hi, iam searching for the newest version of that Floating Icons. Where can i find them ? I only see this : http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=314&func=fileinfo&id=159 But it says "Submitted On: 05 Jan 2009" so i think its not the new version including icons for the Brits too.
  21. @ souldierz: What icon mod do you use ? In the third picture the icons look a bit yellow, whats this ?
  22. Huh ? You need to explain it better, what do you mean exactly ?
  23. You should add a "rarely" here or a "only on short distance".
  24. I think flamingknives is right, its 4 hours ! Even in a 2 hour battle you can run out of ammo if you dont be carefull enough. Many times i had no more Javelins to deal with a enemy tank, sometimes my infantry was cut off and out of ammo so i had to drive a vehicle to them to resupply... The maps arent that huge so i think 4 hours is good, maybe 5 hours will be perfect but i thin i never played a scenario that needs so much time.
  25. ...no i want to know whats right. Can someone tell us whats the truth ?
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