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Everything posted by Wiggum

  1. I think its important to note the war is not meant ro be fair. War is no sport like boxing, its more some kind of dirty streetfight where its about kill or get killed. Sure, with CM we can create such "even odds" battles, but in a real war this usually did not happen because both sides try to be superior. Because of that i think you just cant say that soldiers from country xy are "better" then others. That hole think is just way to complex, so many factors are involved. Sure, the german-army training was good and the tactics/doctrines were maybe superior at the early years of WW2. But you have to take a look at the geographic location of germany and the manpower aviable. The germans had to build "better" (aggressive) soldiers, weapons and tactics and attack surprisingly. Because of germanys geographic location and his small population and exhaustible raw materials there was no other way to do this. There is a good book about this, its called "The German Way of War: From the Thirty Years' War to the Third Reich".
  2. Awsome ! ...The message you have entered is too short. Please lengthen your message to at least 10 characters...
  3. I think many guys that posted screenshots (even the official ones) are not with max. setting + AF + AA. Im 100% sure that i can play this game with the highest setting in 1920x1080. Look at the screenshots from rockpapershotgun.com for example: Looks dirty enough for me, everything else can be modded.
  4. Looks like my english is too bad to understand this... Are Sound Contacts in CMBN ?
  5. Maybe the AI surrendering behavior should be tweaked, but being able to still fight is not needed in my opinion. I think there should be a differens between routing (enemy runs away but you can still fight him) and surrendering (enemy gives up, no option to still fight him).
  6. Sir yes Sir...sounds really US Army too me... In the german army you call all guys above your own "Dienstgradgruppe" (rank-group) with Herr (Sir). For example if you are a Gefreiter you dont have to say "Herr Obergefreiter..." (there always can be some exceptions from that) but you have to say "Herr Feldwebel...". About videos: ...looks a bit like they cant handle a german MG...
  7. By the way... Its Fallschirmjäger not Fallshirmjager !
  8. Great collection ! I would pay to shot all those WW2 weapons...
  9. So is there any official statement from Battlefront about this ?
  10. In the end it would be the best to have at least 3 options for the cover-arc: 1. Kill them all 2. Soft targets only (not that important...) 3. Hard targets only That way you are able to set up everything like you need it in a specific situation, i just hope such options are not that hard to do for Battlefront !
  11. ...yeah, this could be a real issue in some situations and lead to unrealistic results. Your AT gun opens fire at those scouts and now the enemy knows your position = AT goes *boom*.
  12. The problem is that Combat-Mission is a bit more complex then most other "RTS" games. Now, i like complex games (simulations, wargames ect.) but i always look if there is a manual + ingame tutorial because it is a real pain to learn something just by try&error sometimes. If Battlefront wants to get some new players without any CM experience to play this then they better add some kind of ingame tutorial, and please something better then the CMSF tutorial !
  13. ...i hope we will get those close-combat sounds like in the CMx1 games back ! That adds some more atmosphere to this kind of combat... Animations are too complex, thats clear but some sounds should be easy to do.
  14. At least i hope for a "TARGET" (use main gun and other boom stuff) and a "TARGET LIGHT" (only use light weapons) cover arc !
  15. A covered arc for armored targets only is a must have if you ask me, who wants his Tiger tank open fire (and expose himselfe with this action) on a poor single US soldier ?
  16. ...just WOW ! Combat Mission looks so great on these screenshots !
  17. I can remember that CMAK had a great tutorial (a pdf text file + a special scenario) ! You had to read the text where everything was explained, how combat works and what next step you should take in the tutorial scenario for example. Now youjust had to do what you were told and could see the effects ingame...great ! I hope the Normandy game will have a similar tutorial.
  18. ...yeah, that was kind of a bad example. I mean if the MG was in a dominating position, restricting movement to a objective. But ok, bad example...
  19. Not necessarily for me, but for the AI to surrender or route at x% casualitys (+/- something). But if my men would not attack a mg over open field i could not do such a move even if it would let me win the game (because of the VP i will get by capturing this position). I would have to accept my fail in this one.
  20. If this would be a optional Feature that the scenario designer or the player could choose i think i would like it !
  21. Please Battlefront take you the time that is needed to make CMBN the greatest wargame ever ! If it means that we have to wait 3 months more thats fine for me. CMSF was realased way to early and that should not happen a second time.
  22. Will there be a option for the scenario designer to have the AI to give up or route at a specific casuality level or if a specific object is taken ? So if the player inflicts 100 casualitys to the AI or if he captures a dominating hill the AI will route (what would mean surrender). It would be up to the scenario designer how much beating the AI will take.
  23. I can remember many CMSF battles with more KIA then WIA. I always thought it should be the other way (more WIA then KIA) but for some reason in CMx2 it looks like most time you will see more KIA. Yeah, would be interesting if the Normandy game will have a better (or just a different) Morale system then Shock Force.
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