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Lt Belenko

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Everything posted by Lt Belenko

  1. Serious folks, I did know what PCO was so I googled "PCO game". Pokemon Cyrus Online. I was laughing too hard and quit searching.
  2. Is it just a naming thing or did the data change also
  3. ....While using Bren guns on tripods to shoot at dead cows. The cargo in the boats must be motorcycles with sidecars. But the real issue would be the Space Lobsters in the river.
  4. Changing the rules on beer brewing was the only good thing coming out of the Carter administration. Brother Thelonious Belgian style ale among my favorites. 9.4%
  5. No comments on my joke? Hint: Do a google or wiki Lt. Belenko.
  6. All right that's it. I'm going to steal a plane and leave the country.
  7. Please delete my earlier post it is 100% wrong... Sulks off to a corner to sob quietly.
  8. Normandy 2.01 patch - complete Normandy 1.12 patch - complete Italy 1.02 patch - complete Something Nice - Turned out to be Gustav Line and it's in preorder stage CMBN Market Garden - ???? CMEF 1 (1944-1945, starting with Bagration) - ???? CMSF 2 (introduces v3.0) - ????
  9. I still figure all the WWII game releases should pick up speed as the troop/terrain for a module are coming out of a mostly common database (at least the Germans). Of course slower release time when V3 comes out.
  10. Not sure of your question, either. Is it a game mechanics issue or a tactics issue. At start, the set up area is colored, zone 1 is typically purple for Allied. You may reposition troops in this area by using any move command - the troops will jump to the new location. If you use any move order and put cursor outside the set up area - that is the units first move order. I too was confused very early on about setup/1st turn. It took me 3 or 4 games to figure it out. Additionally there may be several groups that can not mingle at set up phase so different colored setup zones are provided. Units atay in their own setup zone. If your question is "Do scenario creators put the units in the "best" position?" That is a question only the tactical commander (YOU) can answer. I would think the designers put them in a pretty good location in order to give the AI has a good starting point.
  11. Funniest post on this site all year. Did you see an ex-congressman from New York?
  12. Yeah, I know its facebook but they are posted by the Army War College. https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10151233067828682.477765.113116603681&type=3 Buffalo Soldiers https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151534814052853&set=a.10151494549037853.555055.313989217852&type=1&theater
  13. California gun ranges won't rent a gun unless you bring a friend. You "friend" is can be either another person or your own gun. ... "Say hello to my little friend."
  14. Wasn't that called the Death Star maneuver in the CMSF forum?
  15. Some times the targeting line is blue with a tiny bit of red at the end. So I adjust the line a little closer to the shooter and the line remains blue with a tiny red segment at the end. Do this a few more times till its finally blue, but the line is too short even for area fire. Shouldn't shortening the targeting path initial red segment amount cause it to go all blue?
  16. I'm just finishing reading Hitler's Last Gamble - Dupuy I'm ready for some Ardennes action, but hopefully it's released by 16 Dec.
  17. If you say so, that makes it unanimous.
  18. I think the 37 was for the plane and the 50cals were for the pilot when he was in his parachute.
  19. hopefully this is a scenario with all the AAA.
  20. What is the vehicle in #9? Is that a 37mm with a pair of 50s below it? http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=blogcategory&id=304&Itemid=524
  21. I use 1 mod. Terrain with grid lines. It helps in determining distances, positioning troops, and also with highlighting slight elevation variances in the landscape.
  22. Deserved it long ago. Probably will be included in one of the modules for each game.
  23. Panzer Blitz the early version. http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g64/PoorOldSpike/Photos/T-34-crews-summ43.jpg
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