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Lt Belenko

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Everything posted by Lt Belenko

  1. From my original post regarding the knocking down a building for improved LOS/LOF that battle is over. My opponent was pissed what I did and I spotted him before he did me. My opponent (mostly inexperienced in CMBN) and I started using throw away passwords a few battles back and share them after the battle for critiquing. One sided victories are not all that fun. The building, 60 meters away, went down the final second of the previous turn - I didn't see that much dust in the air. I set a narrow Armor Cover Arc on my buttoned up ShermM4A3(76). His Pz4 (110 meters) was closed and had no orders. I spotted him 18 seconds into the next turn and fired 4 seconds later. His unit spotted mine at the instant of muzzle flash. First hit the stun meter thingy at the bottom went up pretty high. 2nd hit, at 30 second mark, resulted in flames - everybody got out. He knew where my Sherm was and expected quicker engagement - the root cause of his anger. This was a learning moment of CMBN realistic spotting vice the old CMBB borg spotting he was used to. And BTW he won't be demoralized and lose his spirit to fight/play because I taught him Panzer Blitz in 1975. He owned Jutland and got Russian Campaign soon after. We've been at this a long while.
  2. Yeah. That's what I assumed. A goof caused an early preview.
  3. Carnac the Magnificent sees the future and it is cold, very cold. How cold is it? Cold enough to snow.
  4. I remember the old CM1x gamey maneuvers like Recon by Death of a Jeep, Final Moment Flag Rush etc. I just leveled a building to get at the PzIV on the next block. Took him out when the dust settled. Is that "gamey" tactic or legit skill and cunning? Also feel free to share any gamey tactics in CMx2 you're using or have deemed forbidden. Of course the pre-planned arty strike in the Attacker setup zone is always outlawed.
  6. We are in the proverbial "coming week", how are the clear and sunny skies up yer way neighbor?
  7. Yes, there is a printer friendly version. No wasted ink on really cool background.
  8. You can always google "What's my IP?" Then go to that site to view your IP.
  9. Netflix allowed me to catch up episodes I missed.
  10. Excellent plan. When the zombies come and are eating your brains you can just say "Excuse me Mr Z, would you like to trade back some brains for this nice beer?" Yeah, that should work out just fine.
  11. Tactics/strategy teach the attacker should have 3:1 (or greater) force advantage. In a ME battle the forces are usually equal, thus the guy that reaches the objective first becomes the defender and holds the advantage. The slow guy is then forced to attack at 1:1 force ratio. In CM attack/defend scenarios, the scenario designers put in a force ratio that allows a balanced out come (win some/ lose some).
  12. +1 In addition ME's were very rare compared to attack/defend engagements.
  13. Both games use the same engine after the BN2.0 upgrade. There shouldn't be any differences.
  14. A meaning less thread. What a novel concept.
  15. Backing up my own copies to DVD now, especially patches and upgrades. I have the original disks in the really cool tin box. thanks for the reminder. @BFC: Should I do it right now or wait a few days for the next patch release?
  16. Graphics don't matter - game play matters. If graphics were the most important thing we'd all be playing FPS dejour. If graphics mattered I would have been playing CMSFbetween 2008 and release of CMBN. Instead I chose CMBB. If graphics mattered I'd have a heap pile of mods besides No opening music and grid lines. If graphins mattered I wouldn't use gridlines- way too unrealistic. Can CMx2 graphics use some fine tuning? sure it can. The 2 things that gets me the most are: 1. A tank that will have a tree protruding thru the hull. Collisions of 2 objects that then over lap. 2. The soldiers G.I. Joe hands. - permanently stuck in two positions. Even when they are performing buddy aid or something else - GIJoe hands.
  17. But do the serial numbers correspond to the actual date of release for a particular weapon?
  18. Indeed a great post. Small world. My father was 39 when I was born. He was aviation ordnance in WWII also. Aboard the Yorktown CV 10 (not the one sunk at Midway, which was CV 5). It's now a museum in South Carolina. Among his (now my) keepsakes was a newspaper article from the Scranton PA paper April 42. It's a 1/2 page photo over 100 men going off to war. The back of the page is the box scores of baseball. He went to many of the Yorktown's reunions from the early 1970's till he got too old to travel around 2000. He passed on 2006 at age 88. He hated flying as a result of watching many planes fail to come home.
  19. +1 Gridline mod helps see elevation variances.
  20. Back in the day a good bump of the table also could end a war game without an arson arrest.
  21. Such as killing Patton? ..... All that said the question remains will BFC be releasing "Europe at War 1946"?
  22. 3 very informative videos about 3 unique animals Sloth http://youtu.be/XrUM8m2rnP0 Angler Fish http://youtu.be/Z-BbpaNXbxg Echidna http://youtu.be/L6kAE06mJAQ ...I know your still thinking about it.
  23. But did they have anything that could stand up to the P-51? The war had already proven to be a war of attrition. Also the Russians had already lost 8 to 10 million men - America lost 418K both fronts. How many more men could Russia afford to lose?
  24. My regular PBEM partner, who's ass I kicked regularly, just viewed these. His game play has gone up significantly.
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