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Everything posted by bodkin

  1. And if you think the balloon icons are too bright you can try my mod that tones down the brightness of the red and blue balloons so it dosen't look so much like a five year olds birthday party. It's at cmmods.com.
  2. I'm interested in the position of the ERA on the left side of that turret, wouldn't it be more effective to have it like the two bricks on the right hand side? Why have two rows connecting with the apex pointing out? a shot from another t-72 at the same height would render them ineffective, would it not?
  3. From a CMSF scenario design point of view the Georgians should be pretty easy to replicate, nothing more modern than t-72's and BMP-2s don't know what kind of ATGM capacity they have.
  4. Thanks for this Mord, Any news on making a voice mod for the US, I want to hear a bit of swearing and shouting when their in a fire fight not the generic "I can't do this" etc.
  5. Yep everything everyone has said plus maybe things like street stalls, buses, oil pipelines that burn when hit, minarets, shoe shine boys, carpet salesmen.
  6. I don't know how this would speed up scenario design that much, I mean your never really sure where the object is placed exactly in relation to a road or building and most designers will always go in a check how it looks anyway, and that's when they change the facing. Or am I missing something here?
  7. These are pretty fair comments, I to would like to see different options for turn length 1 minute can be an excrusiatingly long time while you watch your troops crawl into an ambush or a Stryker MGS keeps using up all it's ammo when you only wanted it to fire a couple of shots. As for QB's they are to be reworked so I believe, I just hope they remember to let us adjust the mission length, 25mins is too much of rush to try and take a village in CMSF.
  8. What would be nice if you could change the rather dull US voices into something a bit more realistic, like get some sound of US troops using a bit more colourful language than "get up and fight" and "I can't do this".
  9. Uncons don't have to outnumber the US forces, but careful scenario design can make them very effective even with lower quality troops. Build your map so the US has no clear lines of sight to the Uncons until they are in a vulnerable position e.g. they have to walk down a certain street that makes them come into an ambush at close range where they have no cover, etc. And set your Uncons to ambush at 75m so they don't reveal themselves too early.
  10. Only a minor point Scipio, but I think you made the explosions go dark too quickly. In the original explosions they don't get dark till about bmp 17, yours get dark around bmp 10 which makes the explosion look more like a quick flash rather than a powerful explosion. I edited your mod for my own tastes so the explosions stay lighter longer and personally I think it looks better but that's just my opinion. Good work otherwise. P.S. I put up a tracer mod at cmmods some months ago it makes the tracers redder which you may want to try I think it looks a bit more realistic.
  11. This will save alot of switching back and forth between the 3d view and the map editor. Great idea.
  12. I noticed that too when I played it but I never lost any previous missions, I just put it down to an minor oversight in the senario construction.
  13. WEGO players could be worse off depending how friendly fire was implemented. Unlike in realtime you wouldn't be able to turn off supressive fire while your squad rushed a building or crawled into harms way.
  14. Where do I enter the holiday contest? [ May 28, 2008, 05:35 AM: Message edited by: bodkin ]
  15. I'd like to hear the comments of Mark Gibson or any other ex or serving member of the Australian Army on this issue. It seems while the Aussie media and politicians talk up our effort, the infantry are left frustrated by our politicians wanting to protect them from harm, to the extent that they are seen as a token force while the SAS get all the kudos. I hope the Aussies make it into CMSF in the future even if as SF. This can be moved if too OT. http://www.smh.com.au/news/national/lowrisk-troops-a-laughing-stock/2008/05/26/1211653939158.html [ May 27, 2008, 01:53 AM: Message edited by: bodkin ]
  16. What is this KML file format? Does it contain x,y,z data for use in other programs like ESRI GIS products? 8x8 is pretty good resolution, I doubt such free access to useable topographic data is possible beyond it's intended use in GE but I'll have to look into it.
  17. Finally got around to finishing the campaign with a Total Victory! Although I admit there were some save-reloads on some of the hard missions like 'buying the farm' and that other one I can't remember the name of where you had to defend a farm complex then counter attack. **SPOILER WARNING** Paper Tiger, I was cursing your name in frustration during the last mission, that Red counter attack at the end had me in all sorts of trouble, I had very little left in the way of AT options but I was very lucky to finally get a one shot kill on one of the T-55's with one of my last RPG rounds. The other T-55 was abandoned by it's crew after having grenades rained on it when it came into the town. I would have really liked another RPG-29 squad as reinforcement. One interesting thing I've never noticed before was that squads that were out of ammo when position over dead members of other squads would take their ammo, everyone else probably knows about this but I didn't know that feature existed in the game. I positioned a squad over some dead guys and when they were acting as medics the ammo bar starting going up, which was nice. Overall I loved the maps really natural looking terain and believable landscapes. The only thing I would have prefered was if the scale of the battles was smaller, I prefer more intimate engagements, maybe just a few platoons on either side. Anyway top marks and thanks for all your hard work.
  18. Ok, finally got kills on 2 out of the 3 T-55's with rooftop shots. There is still one that refuses to die it's taken about 14 hits now but has gone a bit quiet. Now I'm dealing with the human wave coming down the west flank. Some arty would be nice but this looks like it's going to be a real grind. I'm enjoying it though, hopefully I'll have enough troops to mount a counter attack and take the north.
  19. Paper Tiger, I'm on the last mission, I know it's nothing you can control but my RPG-29's seem ineffective against the T-55MV's. Don't know if anyone else has had such an experience but I'm completely out of AT rounds and I'm yet to kill a T-55. I've noted one T-55 took 8 hits and is still fighting! I've seen them knock out M1A1's in one shot so that Kontakt ERA on the MV's must be quality gear. I'm enjoying this mission so far, hopefully I'll get some more AT options with the reinforcements. UPDATE: First reinforcements arrived with only one RPG crew who have no ammo. The tanks are in the Hasarabit South sector so I'm just going to have to hang on and hope for the moment. [ May 24, 2008, 10:16 PM: Message edited by: bodkin ]
  20. I wouldn't change saudara pt2 too much, I play WEGO and took heavy losses in the town, the high walls meant my troops had to advance into the courtyards blind only to then do the crawl of death for the rest of the turn. I needed that air suport to as I had no arty and it was the only way to put the ATGM's out of action in the corner. There is another typo in the briefing it refers to a hill that is numbered wrong.
  21. I wish the rockets were that accurate in game.
  22. The question remains is c3k's observation with or without a FIST in the BFIST calling in the arty, it does make a difference although alot of people are unaware of this fact.
  23. **SPOILERS** Paper Tiger, Well all of sudden I'm starting not to like 'Saudara Part 1' I accepted it when one of my T-72's was knocked out by an ATGM on a far hill because I thought it was safe and moved it onto hill 294. I dealt with that ATGM with mortar fire, but now I find my reserves are delivered straight into the firing line of another ATGM which destroyed my BMP and one of my ATGM crews before I could do anything with them, even worse my reserve tanks appeared a turn or two later and I lost one to the red ATGM because I'd only just called in a mortar mission on his location and couldn't neutralise him yet. I don't think alot of players like it when their reserves get deployed straight into the line of fire so that they don't even get a chance to lose them from their own mistakes. Alas I'm going to reload from a previous save and get my reinforcements to bolt for cover as soon as they appear. I'm playing this as WEGO so I don't know if you factored that in, having the reserves sit there in that kill zone for a minute was really frustrating. May I suggest giving the reinforcements some cover by changing the map elevation or something. Still I'm venturing on. There is a small error in the briefing saying to get your ATGM crews onto hill 254 when it should read hill 294.
  24. Ok, got a Total Victory on Breakout, held the mansion all game with a mixture of green and SF troops, took more losses here than anywhere else on the battlefield,took the pumphouse with about 30 mins to go with some fresh greens with SF supporting. Well placed short tactical mortar strikes really gave me the advantage as well as the superb work by the ATGM boys who wiped out most of the red armour. The battle for the three objective buildings turned nasty for a while but good supressive fire from the surviving tanks and the last of the mortars helped alot. I never had to use the BTR's or their human cargo, I kept them back as emergency backup incase of any last minute surprises but they never fired a shot. Onward to Saudara Part 1, this is looking like the best scenario in the campaign so far. A really nice map layout with a few interesting little tactical challenges to start off with. [ May 02, 2008, 05:52 AM: Message edited by: bodkin ]
  25. I don't know what you mean 'without reserves' I had alot of green troops to begin with then got about four platoons of SF troops. At the moment I've killed all the t-72s but I've lost two t-55s, I've halted the advance on the Mansion but I'm struggling to make foward progress, so it's a bit of a stalemate at the moment but with around 50 mins to go I'm hoping to get to some of the objectives.
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