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Everything posted by bodkin

  1. I think you maybe referring to 'The Green Zone' or some other scenario, mine dosen't have A-10's or Harriers.
  2. It is a mod for CMSF and it is still available at cmmods, I also created just a red tracers mod which dosen't include the explosion mod.
  3. I've noticed this too, it seems more prevelent since one of the later patches, of course my opinion is based on my own anecdotal evidence and I haven't done any testing, but even in infantry vs infantry battles the KIA's are significantly more than the WIA's from what I've observed.
  4. Phhtttt, for me 'The Bell Push Fetishist' lost all credibility when it got a new editor who completely ignored the old school and tarted up the mag with lots articles on the soulless 'slimline' designs.
  5. I see from those pics you've got the September 07 issue of 'Balcony Enthusiast' as well. Although I cancelled my subscription as it started to get too mainstream, starting to include articles on porches was the final straw.
  6. Balconies are death traps in CMSF, I hate putting my troops on the second floor of a building because I know they'll want to go outside and enjoy the sunshine where they are much more vulnerable to enemy fire. I wish there was an option to make them stay inside. Yes I've seen ground floor balconies in reality.
  7. To qualify for the VC requires acts of heroics to meet certain conditions, which are: The VC is awarded to persons who, in the presence of the enemy, display the most conspicuous gallantry; a daring or pre-eminent act of valour or self-sacrifice; or extreme devotion to duty. Australians have been awarded the Victoria Cross in the following conflicts: 6 in the Boer War 1899-1902 64 in World War I 1914-1918 2 in North Russia 1919 20 in World War II 1939-1945 4 in Vietnam 1962-1972 Oh well I think we due for one, well done mate.
  8. Just put a new version of my scenario up at cmmods.com (Evening Assault V.2). I listened to some of the comments on the original and have made the US force a bit weaker while slightly strengthening the Uncons. It should be a little bit more challenging now. Play as blue only, it's not tested on H2H but could be a very interesting battle. Basically it's a US Army assault against a suspected Insurgent stronghold, as the situation becomes more intense reinforcements become available, but they are limited and too many losses will make the final objective harder. If you save and reload after taking losses it will be too easy, so play it right through and take you punishment like a man. Success is better achieved through tactical crawl type play, rather than trying to use an overwhelming firepower steamroller approach. Any comments will be very much appreciated whether negative or not, hopefully I can produce some nicer challenges in the future. I've tested this several times, sometimes I cruise through other times it's alot tougher, it's hard to keep testing knowing where the enemy is coming from so hopefully you guys can give some good feedback for future scenarios. Enjoy.
  9. Mate, the game ended with a total victory after I wiped out the vehicle mounted reinforcements, I never got a chance to see any other attacks or IED's. I'd send you my last save but I've deleted it already, my basic plan was to use the SF to take the compound and the roadblock which they did. I then used one of the Syrian SF units to blast holes in the back of the weapons cache compound and the other building complex west of that. That way my forces didn't have to go through the main gate under fire, although my APC's took out the bunkers pretty easily. The other complex (south I think, with the taxi in it) I just ran my troops to the buildings on the flanks and let them leapfrog through the buildings while the APC put covering fire on the main building. The briefing mentioned the counter attack will come from the town to the north so I set up my US SF units at the roadblock with cover from three APC's and a squad of Syrian regulars. This was more than enough to wipe out the guys in the pickups.
  10. I find cmmods alot easier to navigate, search and sort files. Maybe I'm missing something at the repository but it dosen't seem as user friendly.
  11. **minor spoilers** Zmoney, Thanks for this interesting scenario, I got a total victory with 1 hour 20 to spare. I probably went outside your design intensions and used the remaining breaching charges on the 'weapons cache' and one of the 'targets of interest' bypassing some of the defenders ability to inflict casualties on me. The hint of where the counter attack was coming from meant the enemy reinforcements never got a chance to even get out of their vehicles or fire a shot back. I think you should make the counter attack alot harder, maybe have other groups coming in from different directions. Anyway thanks again, keep up the good work.
  12. Haven't got the patch yet, but I presume we still can't change the time limit..
  13. No triggers in the game at present.
  14. For every game I have installed I always make sure I have another folder i.e. CMSF_downloads\ in that I keep all my downloads and my current mod setup for the game, it's simple file management guys.
  15. The blue bar is back! Now if we can just have some freedom back in force selection for QB's we can all have a big group hug. Seriously why the restrictions in QB's I know BFC have said they wanted realism but why? A scenario designer can make any force composition they want, so why the big deal with QB's it's not like they're realistic anyway in the current format.
  16. I've previously suggested a 'timed fire' command something like the pause command, it could probably be in 15 second increments as well. So you'd order a unit to fire at a building for anywhere between 15 and 45 seconds.
  17. Are you being sarcastic? I've never seen any AFV's smash their way through any fixed object.
  18. There are mods that allow you to level up slower, I wait till I get to level 10 then use a mod that slows the levelling by making you need more points.
  19. Please, let's not have the flourescent weapon icons of CMSF it would look a bit out of place for the period.
  20. As I've just posted a similar comment in the tech forum I'd thought I'd get some opinions here as well. Will CM: Normany make better use of multi-core CPU's?
  21. It's a problem for gamers in general I think, for the last year most people bought multi-core CPU machines only to find performance was not as good as what they expected in light of the reviews of the the multi-cores. But the problem remains that game developers are not utilising the full potential of the multi-cores by having their code only run on one core. This is quickly changing, but I guess to maximise their market the devs want to make it accessible to the most players at the moment. Then again I'm no expert on hardware but I'm thinking by optimising the code for multi core CPU's those with older single cores will be left out. I suspect CM:Normandy might follow the current trend and better use the new CPU's, considering their forward looking approach to the engine.
  22. Just curious if there are any plans to make offline game deactivation possible. I move around alot in my job and I've had to spend months in places with no possible internet connection. This is ok for activating the game because I can use the offline activation tool, but I'm a little concerned that if I have to re-install I won't have the chance to de-activate first, because my pc is not on the net, meaning I lose a license. Is there any chance a future patch can address this and create an offline file similar to the activation file. I should stop worrying so much.
  23. There is a mod over at cmmods.com that makes the Syrian special forces look like Russian Spetsnaz.
  24. Does it completely clone, will xp boot up from the new drive if you mirror it?
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