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Everything posted by Fizou

  1. Good catch Vanir. Thanks for doing tests and putting time towards discovering bugs.
  2. Thanks Umlat! Some nice and new photos sets the mood for the coming battle
  3. Just got around to try out CMBN 2.01. The new mg behaviour is great. Makes a big difference and feels like step we took from CMBO to CMBB. Thanks BF!!
  4. How about the 27 dollar for shipping in western europe. Luckely the dollar is week right now so I went ahead anyways. Dosent feel right when shipping is almost three times the price of the article you order but in this case I couldent help myself. Looking forward to a great read.
  5. Thats the way I and a couple of guys handle it in our current PzC Sicily scenario. Pick the closest map in the stock game, or from the community and edit to get the right size and any major features. A quick way to get great maps.
  6. This was a great feature of CMx1, hope its included
  7. I agree, fortunately one can mod the game. Check out my mod Force specific backgrounds v2 http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=314&func=fileinfo&id=2228
  8. I believe there are several sounds for incoming artillery in flight: superlight light medium heavy superheavy
  9. The mouse is the way to go. Use left and right mouse to move and rotate, it will soon be as natural as anything.
  10. I hope to see Rumanians and other small axis satelites be a part of the Ost front games, when appropriate. I also hope the FI will have a module for Tunisia. AK vs Brit 8th Army would also be great.
  11. Very nice benpark! Looking forward to this one!
  12. beelzeboss, Its derived from negro (black in spanish), nigger was and is a condesendig term. Whites enslaved blacks and brought them to the new world, not the other way around. But the history of slavery goes much beyond that and has been practiced by most cultures and races in some way.
  13. Baron, I believe your days (or rather hours) on this forum has been numbered... Racism wont fly here.
  14. Snowbart, I dont think thats possible. I think both sides share the same tracer file.
  15. You never sieze to be amazed by all the whining in these forums. If you want your definition of full camo, then mod the game and change the files to whatever you want. Your problem is solved.
  16. Im gonna try this one out as soon as I got the time. Like verulam says, "It just has that really authentic feel", thats always true about GMC's scenarios.
  17. Yes, Its just as annoying when you split by misstake, or split the wrong way and want the team to regroup.
  18. Vanir AB is correct, that has always been the case.
  19. Great scenario combatintman! Love your Afghanistan series and hope to see even more in the future
  20. Great scenario combatintman, this is the stuff that will have you returning to CMSF over and over again. Big thanks!
  21. If Im not misstaken, mods slow down loading times as they often are bigger than the stock files.
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