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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Fizou

  1. mjkerner, In worst case, would it be possible to split the mod into two versions? Say one 1940-42 and one 43-44.
  2. Again, just an excelent mod. Im wondering why BFC use letters for variations in explosions and numbers for veriasions in gun sounds (uniforms etc). gun.wav gun 2.wav gun 3. wav etc explosion a.wav explosion b.wav Why not use numbers for explosions as well?
  3. Juju, may I ask what art you have used to make this beautiful weapon mod?
  4. Good decisions noob, I think that will generate more interesting gameplay and battles Id also like to sugest that defending units also can recieve reinforcements/support. This being if they have another unit that is adjacent to the hex that is being assaulted. The same stacking limits can apply. The arrival of such forces could be set to the same as for the attacker but with an additional variable for arrival time simulating the time it would take to call them in etc (radio/flares, assembly etc). I think this will give a more dynamic game and can create some interesting situations. In the OP Im playing with Kuderian, the axis attacked a small artillery battery head on as it moved up adjacent to it. The axis unit dident spot the allied unit directly behind the artillery unit and was surprised as some infantry came to the rescue mid way through the battle. Another question.. how do you plan to allocate off map support to the defending side?
  5. So its not possible to flank the enemy by strategic/operational movement?
  6. Thats great news . I really want the xc option for CMBN+CW. So helpful and brings you back to CMx1 which IMO had some great UI features Thanks Marco!
  7. Im looking forward to seeing the OOB´s and how experience and motivation will be handled.
  8. Cool noob! Will be fun to watch this unfold . Have you made the scenario from scratch?
  9. Sure in most cases you would probably know regarding mg and mortars but in the game Im currently playing I saw trucks speeding across the map. Klicking on the on board in in I instantly knew that they were mortat/mg units. The new FOW is a big step forward anyway. I would guess that this all has something to do with vehicles and their info display. Its shown in the same place in the UI has the MG/mortar/hq. It might not be easy to have some of them be hidden and others shown. Regarding the hit text.. Im with poesel on this one, so yes, I want them to show
  10. A PzC scenario consists of hundreds of hexes. Just have a look at the one used in this AAR (although much of it is water, and other parts that very rarely will see any combat in the rear areas of each side etc, there are still a lot of hexes to consider). With that in mind i think the best way forward is to create/pick maps as you go along and play out assaults. Some maps, for Victory Locations that are very likely to be contested could of course be created/picked beforehand. I think the rule of thumb should be that, if you don’t really want to mess about with the map editor to much, to just pick whatever map you find among the QB maps or scenario maps that fit best with the hex/es you are playing an assault on that turn. More focus on playing battles than all the stuff around the battles. Id of course be happy to supply the ones that we have made for this campaign. All of them are QB or scenario maps that we have altered to fit with the hex assaulted (adding bridge/river etc or just expanding it to get bigger maps which is what this group of players prefer). You should obviously join noobs campaign to get a taste of it all. I’m sure you'll like it
  11. Great work Marco, I can just imagine all the hours of hard work you have put into this. Im really gonna enjoy it (its the xc option for me). Thanks!
  12. Agreed, excellent mod! Thanks for posting waclaw.
  13. I also love the new extended FOW but it would be even better if MG and mortar info wasent displayed at all time.
  14. I and noob talked this over and I will halt this AAR until he has got his big show case started. I never intended to offend noob and I’m happy we worked it out. In fact noob have been watching our progress in this campaign from the sideline to see how it all works since the start. I just started this AAR after a request here on the forum. I agree when it comes to playing PzC on its own, then its nice to reduce the amount of emails sent. When doing the combination and such a large focus is on CM I don’t mind it. Both because the scenario we are playing is so small, the amount of turns isn’t that big anyway but mainly because I think the different phases in PzC works so well with the allocation of artillery assets for the defending and attacking player in a CM action. Thanks . You might want to check this out, even though it’s out dated it’s a good read: http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=105008&highlight=CMPzC
  15. My team mate in this campaign is thejetset. Well see if he comes by and posts some thoughts about it all. Regarding FOW, we do try to maintain it but some minor breaches are ok in this campaign as it very much is our first try of the system. Allied assault on hex 5:9 The following units are involved in this battle. Yellow frame indicates off map support. Morale A and B equals CM motivation of high. Fatigue below 100 indicates fit units. Ammo is full for H and G while I is set to limited ammo. The USS Buck is set to adequate (only stockpiled artillery units are set to full, I'm not sure if that ever happens to ships though) the other factors are set to typical (experience, leadership). I use the Ranger Battalion OOB in CM and strip it down to three Companies and strip each of the companies down to fit the headcount of the PzC units. I also ad a FO team for my off map artillery asset, the USS Buck (this team is not counted towards the total headcount of the on map PzC units). The Setup zone is a bit restricted for the defending axis as the allies are attacking from more than one direction, but they still have most of the map covered. View from the Allied high ground facing the NW. Axis setup zone looking over the map from the other direction.
  16. Im also all for fausts, zooks and schrecks being able to be fired from indoors.
  17. Unfortunately our DB folder for the battle at hex 20:8 has already been deleted to save space. Thus I wont be able to show any pictures of this battle (maybe not the best showcase anyhow, looking at the OOB). It played out pretty quickly and was intense. I didn't play this battle my self, instead my teammate was in command (we are two players on each side). As the overall CO, conducting the strategic play in PzC I set up the battles. In this case I didn't liaison to much with my teammate and thus not giving him the option to voice his comments on how is force was to be deployed (he did the setup but it was to late to voice any concerns about bringing in parts of his force as reinforcements. As the map was very open in the approaches to the axis setup zone, this made it a bit awkward to bring in all of the paras at once. In the future Ill make sure to let my 2IC have a lot more to say about the arrival of his force). In short words a portion of the paras to the SW tried to close the distance with the dominating hill taking up the center and SE parts of the map (taking advantage of the light woods covering much of this area). On this hill was the full axis force (consisting of 6 AB-41 armored cars). Some of the armored cars was facing the advancing paras while the rest was in reversed slope positions in the direction facing the oncoming Stuart tanks. The armored cars soon spotted the oncoming infantry, putting their MG and 20 mm cannon to good use. They got a few men before the paras reached an area with a lot of bushes. The concealment saved them for the time being. The AB-41 started to maneuver into position to take care of the para contingent. In response to this the Stuarts was sent full speed up the hill (leap frogging) to the paras rescue. The CO was not sure how the frontal armor of the Stuart would hold up to the 20 mm cannon at very close ranges, but felt he need to close in on the enemy fast as the paras was in severe danger. This did pay of and the Stuarts was able to knock out three AB-41s in quick succession. After this the Stuarts had the high ground and could start to pick of the reminding AB-41s that had started to move in on the paras. The AB-41s was able to cause some havoc before the last one finaly was destroyed. Applying the results to PzC: The axis unit will be removed from PzC. It losing all it vehicles is all that counts for a Tank/SPG/AC unit (remaining crew is not counted). For the allies the only unit effected is E/2/504, as that was the only unit that took casualties on the allied side (10 KIA and 3 WIA). KIA are removed outright from the PzC OOB. WIA are treated a bit differently as only 75% of the WIA are removed from the OOB. The 25% returned to duty is a high motivation for players to conduct buddy aid (this is rounded up to whole numbers and in this case 3*0.25=0.75 so no WIA are returned to duty). The amount of casualties that are in the end removed from the PzC OOB will also affect the units morale in PzC (which in turn translates to the CM motivation). For every 20% of casualties from the original force, 1 level of morale is dropped. In this case 13/44=0.29, resulting in a morale drop of one level. The unit will go from Morale B to C in PzC (In CM from high to normal). Finding the correct unit is easy (there's even a search function) Editing the data is even easier. I edit the PzC OOB accordingly and E/2/504 looks like this (before/after) Pic before after: Notice the new headcount and morale. Also the headcount is shown as 100%, an unfortunate side effect when editing in game. To get the correct headcount I have to take into account the current headcount in the PzC game. In this example the units original OOB strength is 65 men. After the para drop the unit was reduced to 44 men (PzC simulates men that are lost in various ways, killed, MIA etc during the drop). If I open the OOB editor once the first CM battle the units takes place in, I have to remove both the casualties inflicted in the CM action, as well as the ones inflicted by various events in PC. Hence 65 is reduced to 31. I only have to remember or look up the units headcount before the CM battle took place. If Id only reduce the 65 headcount in the OOB with 13 (the casualties from the CM battle), these would be absorbed in the 21 casualties already taken in the PzC events up to that point. In conclusion (not sure how much sense I'm making) I think its very simple to track and edit the OOB to keep up with the events in the CM battles played. Once I have saved and checked my changes to be correct, I send over the new OOB to the axis side for them to do their changes. When I get the OOB back from them we are once again ready to move on. Below are the PzC Optional rules that we use. It is possible, as mentioned earlier, to do all PzC stages in one turn. I think this way, with the separated stages works better when the focus is more on CM than PzC: Next: the battle on hex 5:9 (me vs axis 2IC)- here we will finally see some CM action with pics - As 3rd Rangers goes up against the III.104 PzG 15.
  18. Looks so great Aris! Big thanks for the extra effort put into making so many decal options!
  19. Sweet Aris! Thanks a lot for taking the time to make extra decal options!
  20. Great Aris! Love it when you give the big cats some attention
  21. Erwin, Vehicles are divided into light, medium and heavy (and between tracked and wheeled) therefor many vehicles will share the same sounds. The mod will "work" whatever side you play, but you will get the sound of a Tiger for heavy allied tanks as well as for the axis.
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