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Everything posted by Lethaface

  1. Don't forget all my men are trained fighters ;-), they would have whooped those terrorists stepping foot in the door. That is if hand2hand was modeled, in our game my troops just stared at yours while getting executed without any ammo. And then I snackbarred them for you with some 125mm roastings
  2. Of course every thing has it's strength and weaknesses.
  3. Sorry to disturb the wrong Gods! To summarize my findings regarding ammo the availability issue : RPG ammo in QB's: Syrian SF: supply status = 'limited' (2 AT rounds). I think I have seen maybe one or two squads with more rounds while buying SF companies many times (20+). Airborne: supply status = 'scarce' (1 AT rounds) Saw a bit more variation, but I was buying battalions at a time while fiddling with soft factors. Rep. Guards mech battalion: average supply status: 'adequate' (2 AT rounds, 2 HE rounds) So currently the best pick for a QB it seems. Reserve Infantry battalion: average supply status: 1 AT round Mech infantry battalion (bmp): average supply status: 2 AT rounds might be 1 also, not sure. Unconventional: Fighter Command AT- squad with RPG-29: 'full supply' (3 AT, 2 THERM) Only checked a couple of these Squads with PKM ammo As far as I can tell every squad with a PKM in the game (command squad, (mech/SF/airborne/reserve) infantry squad) has only 100 rounds of 7.62x54R. Not only in QB's. This seems 'unfair' for the poor Syrians. ;-). 5.45 ammo in squads without 5.45 weapon Some squads seem to have 225 rounds of 5.45 without any weapon that fires those. I have at least confirmed the republican guards mech battalion BMP inf squads to have 225 rounds of 5.45.
  4. While I do know and have experience with the value of all sorts of testing among which automated regression tests, unit testing, CI/CD and the likes, they don't come for free, are more complex processes and aren't a magic tool to always fix everything. Even apart from the often required change management among developers I think there is a big difference with regards to requirements for testing depending on the type of products or service a company offers. If your application is a live production service, of which important client business processes are dependent, you'd have a different tolerance for bugs compared to a computer game, let alone a niche wargame. And probably a different resource budget, strategy and policies regarding (automated) acceptance testing of changes/updates. ISO certificates, yawn, etc. Of course I'd also like CMx bug free, but I don't see how a testing 'plan' would change all that. To plan, and to make plans, is very important. They are however just one small step in the whole thing. Worked with quite a number of 'project managers' that think that just making a plan or a report for anything just magically fixes the whole universe and allows you to tell 'when it is done'. Like Steve says, if BFC decides to increase their focus on testing this effort needs to come out some other basket and so the next release will probably have fewer bugs but less content or is later than it would be without the extra testing effort. If it would be magically possible to hire a tester and have she/he being productive without significant extra time overhead for the team, it would mean each next game/module/pack is more expensive (and there would still be bugs, although hopefully less). The wait for the 4.0 patch was very long indeed, but that has been been discussed over and over. Personally I think that the communicated plan to do smaller patches a bit more often is a good plan. CMSF2 got a patch within a month. And good to know the 4.0 patch is here 'real soon' !
  5. Nice And everyone thanks for the quick patch!
  6. Ok good point not cluttering everything up ;-). I'll leave in the screens as it makes the difference between CMSF2 and CMBS obvious. For all I know the RPG gunners without rifle/smg is an intended change, so I'll leave it at this. I don't want to burden you with more mantis work, you think it is intended and or worth reporting? Further checking is (indeed) probably better done by someone that knows what's intended and with better tools for the matter. Cheers for filing the tickets!
  7. Some screens comparing CMSF2 with CMBS 4.0, which show the difference in rifle for the RPG gunner and the difference in PKM ammo:
  8. Copy. Regarding the 5.45 ammo: I checked in the editor that republican guard infantry squads (from the mech battalion with BMP-2) do have 225 rounds of 5.45, while they are only wielding AKMS and a PKM (with 100 rounds). I just realized another difference which I noticed before but assumed was 'normal': Syrian RPG troopers don't field any rifle besides their RPG. This shows in that they often use a pistol in a firefight. Anyway I assumed this is a intended change. But could it be that the RPG gunner is missing his rifle and that that's supposed to be a AK-74u orso? That would explain the 5.45 ammo (and perhaps the missing RPG rounds that also got lost together with the rifle . But that's just a shot in the dark.) I checked CMBS just now, the russian BMP squads RPG troopers do also field rifles (ak-74u's). IIRC in CMSF the RPG guys also had a rifle, but I don't have CMSF1 installed.
  9. Thanks! @sburke I'll gladly take any blame You also got the 100rnd PKM loadout? There is also something with 5.45 ammo showing up in squads without any 5.45 weapon. I noticed it in some scenario's a while back, but thought might be some specific situation or CMSF1 legacy scenario thing. Forgot to mention it along with the PKM thing until now. To make sure I don't forget again, hereby I'll try checking if I can reproduce the 5.45 ammo thing in a QBs.
  10. Thanks about this and curious about the packs and the 'bigger' stuff! All in good time
  11. Another curious thing I noticed in CMSF2 TO&E is that all squads with PKMs only seem to have 100 rounds of 7.62x54R (even with 'full' supply in the editor). The PKMs literally blow through this 100 rounds in a few seconds. Is that really the intended combat load for a PKM? I think it should be more like 1000 instead of 100. Edit: AFAIK the 'box magazine' already holds 100 rounds. The Russian BMP squads in CMBS with 1 PKP come with 900 rounds of 7.62x54R.
  12. I just checked if 2.01 brings any differences regarding, but alas not that I notice. Am I the only one that has noticed / is 'bothered' by this? IMO the RPG is an important part of the combat power of Syrian squads. Especially for the 'special forces' and airborne forces, as they have better launchers and or rounds compared to the other branches of infantry. However, that is IF they have the rounds available. A bit of a bummer for me since I just wanted to start a QB with RED forces, and I was planning on Airborne or SF. IMO the advantage they have is for a significant part gone. The 'unconventional' forces in CMSF2 do not share this same problem, their RPG teams do have a 'full' or 'adequate' supply status in QB's. I also compared this to CMBS, where for example the Russian BMP battalion in QB's do get the 'full' supply loadout, which is 3 AT rounds, 1 HE round and an RPG-26. @MarkEzra, as the QB 'GOD' , maybe you know something about whether this is intentional or if I'm missing something? Thanks!
  13. It seems to me that the available RPG ammo for Syrian forces in QB's is most of the time very limited, and similar to the amount of ammo that the editor provides when supply is selected at 'limited' or 'scarce'. For example: when buying a SF company in a QB almost all Special Forces squads have only 2 AT rounds for the RPG-29 launcher, no thermobaric rounds at all. In the editor a full load gives 3 AT + 2 Therm, while an 'adequate load' gives 2AT + 2 Therm. Only at 'Limited' or 'Scarce' there are just 2 AT rounds available. I have tried changing the 'excellent/good/fair/ etc equipment status and playing with soft factors, but that doesn't seem to make much difference. I found this out while going through the available forces in CMSF2 QB's. I was trying to build a force with Airborne troops or Special forces, but they seem very underwhelming equipped with RPG rounds. The only force that I have found to have reasonable stable availability of RPG ammo are the republican guards with 2 AT + 2 HE rounds. Yes I do know that a lot of vehicles have RPG rounds available, but still I'm surprised at the standard loadouts. For the special forces I don't know anyway of aquiring extra RPG-29 rounds, so they are not as effective in QB's as they could or should be imo. I don't think this is intentional?
  14. This should fix your issue according to the description. Happy new year!
  15. Maybe you already installed it and just selected the demo the last time you tried to play it? I made the same mistake, switching between PBEMs in both Have a good one!
  16. Didn't you get an e-mail when you pre-ordered? I think others said their download link is in that mail. I didn't preorder, but also the only download link I got is through e-mail (not in 'my orders'). I don't think this will straighten itself out, you could have been playing all along Christmas!
  17. @MikeyD seemed to have some issues uploading his Turkish mod.
  18. Thanks! They are a bit large but in 1440p if you click on m. Reshade has definetely grown on me, I use the settings that Mord provided. On some maps or with certain lighting conditions it can look too much, but often it looks splendid! I liked this one too:
  19. Not in your e-mail? That's where I got mine. Used paypal too, without problems (it's coupled with my bank account).
  20. Sounds interesting! The various Iranian backed 'fighters' seem to be reasonably well trained, equipped and experienced. Hezbollah gave Israel a 'bloody nose' just before CMSF. They have been fighting IS in Iraq and one would presume a rather significant part of the fighting in the civil war in Syria. Finally, in Jemen the Saudi's are having quite some problems with the Houthi's (although those happen after CMSF). In my amateur opinion these forces seem to outperform what most conventional Arab armies have shown the last ~70 years. So, imo, the OSIRIS faction could be credible featuring well trained, equipped and motivated irregular fighters with decent leadership. Lot's of rocket artillery and ATGMs. One could imagine some ex Syrian army dudes also joining the fight. Another thing: how would the Kurds and the Turks behave themselves in such a scenario? The Turks seemed not too capable in Syria, but do have the military capabilities of a large scale 'stabilizing' of Kurdish lands in Syria and Iraq. The coup in Turkey, and it's influences on leadership in the Turkish army, didn't happen yet. Anyway, not sure if @Ridaz's thread is the best one for feedback on your scenario. Although if he doesn't mind?
  21. Although you didn't need to mention it, my pleasure! Merry Christmas everybody!
  22. I could see an unexpected nationwide insurgency on steroids going bad for the US, forcing a political defeat / retreat in a situation where Assad was conventionally defeated but in the aftermath the locals 'unite' to kick out the US forces occupational troops? One thing I don't see is how the US is going to invade Syria with 15.000 men with contested airspace. More like 500k with uncontested airspace. If you work out the invasion plan in more detail, it will show that 15.000 personnel isn't realistic (I think). On those airbases alone there will be a lot of (support) personnel. If you change the scenario to a insurgency type, the backstory can become more plausible easy: "after the invasion and the conventional Syrian army defeated, under political pressure President X decided to withdraw large parts of the invasion forces, etc. While political control of Syria is organized through elections, not everybody is happy with the outcome of those... Export of oil is awarded to some american companies through lucrative deals with the new elite from Aleppo and Damascus proper. Civil unrest flares up. Meanwhile, there are still a lot of experienced fighters and weapons around, plus other geopolitical parties looking for their interests. It's more of a classic insurgency, but still gives the opportunity for (CMSF2) tactical battles similar to those in your original backstory: US forces under attack from rebel forces with serious gear and or mixed in ex-syrian special forces and the likes. And like others said; do what you feel like doing
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