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Vinnart last won the day on September 7 2020

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    Florida, USA
  • Interests
    Art (mainly painting), gym, wargame playing and development, history, late 60's early 70's rock music, audiobooks, martial arts, Guinness beer or martini with a good cigar, and body surfing naked over coral reefs on cool starry nights ;) just to name a few.


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    If you would like to check out my blacklight poster art please visit my website..
  • Location
    Florida, USA
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    Art, Gym, wargames
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  1. It should since most of my mods are cross game compatible. Just put it in the games "mods" folder and try. There is one I made for Cold War also that you can find in the mods thread for that game if you search. It has more HQ choices for Soviet Union time period specific rather than Russian Federation star.
  2. Supposedly these were used in Italy. I've watched plenty of WW2 stuff, but never heard of this. Very ingenious, and looks like it would work good to transport a squad so surprised so obscure.
  3. The graphics look like CMx1. I'll pass. Cmx2 looks much better.
  4. I never played the 1st one because it didn't seem to offer anything that CM did not, and CMx2 looked better being 3D and all. This looks much better and very much like Cmx2 graphics. The proof will be if they offer a free demo to test. If they put one out it means they are confident, and would certainly check it out. CM has it's own style and look though that will always make it unique. WEGO is a huge plus over those which only have pure real time play.
  5. It's a bug, or something I can't find is preventing it from sleeping in windows 10. Not power configuration since it will not sleep no matter how i set it. Never had problem in windows 7.
  6. I finally made the leap to windows 10 from 7 a few months ago because support ending. For anyone still wanting to upgrade It's still possible for free. As far as 10 goes it has it's plusses and minuses, but i was fine with 7. Now my PC won't go to sleep wasting energy unless I do it manually.
  7. I'm just going to make this one statement to inform if never heard of. Whether you choose to look into it further is up to you or not. When the nations of Turkey, Iran, Sudan, Libya, Ethiopia, and Russia or former parts of Soviet Union which are muslim to name a few form an alliance of key players to pile on Israel then it's going to get Biblically prophetic hot. Notice that Egypt, Syria, and Iraq are absent from the alliance although they fought against Israel in the past. Iraq could be considered part of Persia though. Saudi Arabia specifically will not be part of this alliance, and will actually condemn it. All these countries will come against Israel, but it will be victorious which will be viewed as a miracle of God. The aftermath is described as taking 7 months to cleanse the land with special people who have to mark the land as the dead need to be disposed of in a particular way. The very fact that Israel became a nation again after 2000 yrs in 1948 as prophesied it one day would is something to consider in accuracy. I did this painting, "The Bringing of Mars", 24 yrs ago in 1999 about it, but Ezekiel 38, 39 were written thousands of years ago.
  8. This is the one I use for CMRT intro music if any one wants I'll upload. For CMBN - I use Band of Brothers theme. For CMFB - Music from one of the John Tiller series. For CMFI- A Different Star Blazers soundtrack music. For all modern warfare titles I use radio chatter from the HBO series "Generation Kill". All good stuff to set mood. You may be surprised at how good the Star Blazer soundtrack music is. Great war mood music that sticks with you. At least for me as the music was just one of the aspects of the series that grabbed me as a boy. If you've never seen the series it's worth the watch story wise while you're eating you're morning bowl of cereal even as an adult . It's all on the web and youtube. I think the original 1970's is still the best version, but the animation and re-boot "Space Battleship Yamato 2199" is very good too.
  9. When the time is up. I've had upsets at the last moment, and if not surrender is for those too afraid to die and take as many of the S.O.B's down with them. I favor the Spartan mind set "Come back with your pixel shield or on it"
  10. I was reluctant to try Cmx1 since I was very big into Sudden Strike 2 real time multiplayer at the time, but an old buddy from the military kept bugging me to try an email game. Needless to say after a few turns I was hooked. Been playing ever since, and beta testing the game for about ten yrs now. I still play around with Sudden Strike 2 now and then with the Real Warfare Mod. It's certainly not the realistic game CM is, but fun nostalgic and like the art/ animations. Free stand alone version of Sudden Strike 2 Real War Mod full game if you want to check it out. It's old, but it just is charming to look at. I guess now I understand why model trains were a hobby once. https://www.sudden-strike-maps.de/index.php/sudden-strike-rw/rwm-8-5/category/113-rwm-8-5
  11. My experience has been plotting a short reverse then a slow forward unboggs most of the time.
  12. Welcome to the community! Game is so good like many have said, and like myself have been playing, modding, and beta testing it for about 20 yrs now. Just another testament that offering the game on Steam was a good move many had been pushing Battlefront who reluctantly didn't want to do till couple years ago. Luckily, this changed so more people are finding the BEST game of it's type in the genre bar none. Nothing out there still compares to it. Men of War looks pretty, but feels like a kids game. Only thing close I suppose is Graviteam in what they are trying to achieve, but CM is much better especially having WEGO option.
  13. For turret direction I recommend 180 degree arcs that are as large as possible to cover depth of map. This will get the tank gun pointed in direction you want while limiting chances of it not engaging outside the arc. For troops in ambush again I use 180 degree or 360, but at a controlled depth of what range I want to open fire at. I use with HIDE command most of time. For recon, or troops want to hold fire to avoid engaging I use tiny depth arc 180 degree.
  14. I commented on this as well as I know many here including myself don't want to see gore. Enough of that in the real world people wish they didn't see. He said he's planning a filter for on/off for gore so people will not have to see that if they don't want. It's smart to have broader appeal especially for those here who like that CM has focus on tactics rather than the horror of war.
  15. Glad it improves the graphics function for you guys! My avatar is from the Sgt Rock comics drawn by artist Joe Kubert who was an inspiration to me as a boy to want to become an artist.
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