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Everything posted by z1812

  1. Can someone tell me what the file is called that colours the area between the background and the map?
  2. I have just checked the statistics in my city for murders so far this year. Altogether there are 42. 18 shootings, 12 stabbings, and another 12 by other means. But all the media talks about is "Gun Violence" and banning hand guns. No talk of banning knifes. No mention that more people are murdered by means other than shooting. It is another situation where the media twists information and honest people who enjoy gun sport should be restricted because of the criminal behaviour of others, or the incompetence of those who should be reacting to red flags during background checks. The rules that are in place already are more than enough to put controls on gun ownership if they are followed properly. We must also bear in mind that no solution is 100 per cent.
  3. You may find some information here. http://www.tanks-encyclopedia.com/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tiger_II http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tanks_in_World_War_II http://worldoftanks.com/encyclopedia/vehicles/ I hope that helps and that your project is successful.
  4. What I sometimes do with tanks when I think there may be an LOS/LOF problem is to move scouts to that position and check LOS with them.
  5. Thanks for your thoughts JonS. Nice pictures as well.
  6. Hi Bram, So in your system must you buy formations or can you arrange your forces in any way so long as they match the ones in the force list. For instance if you are allowed 3 Panthers can they be assigned to different commands.
  7. Just waiting for the patch. Does anyone have any idea when it will appear?
  8. Not that I know of. There was a fellow on the Wargamer forum who posted concerning the free books and that is how I came to know about them. I check every few days to see what is available. When I find others I will post.
  9. Excellent advice. I too use overdrive from my library and download books directly to my iPad for reading. However when I listen to Audio Books I often drop off to sleep..........
  10. Here is another free one. The History of the 12th SS. http://www.amazon.com/12th-SS-Division-Stackpole-ebook/dp/B00BZBJ8WY/ref=sr_1_37?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1374274165&sr=1-37&keywords=stackpole+military
  11. Now and again, Kindle has free Stackpole Military books. I got Faces of Courage last month but the deal ended before I could post here. The latest one is about The Dutch Waffen SS on the Eastern Front. Here is the link. http://www.amazon.com/Fire-Eastern-Front-Experiences-ebook/dp/B00BZBJ91O/ref=sr_1_26?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1374274035&sr=1-26&keywords=stackpole+military
  12. He was playing at basic training level. I had to check to see what that was. I found the following. Friendly units are always spotted. The normal command and control related spotting rules do not apply. Instead, spotting information is instantly shared among all units on each side (aka “Borg Spotting”) Troops suffer slightly fewer casualties and are less likely to panic. Buddy aid is very fast. Artillery and air support arrive very quickly. Enemy units, once spotted, are always fully identified. The life/death status of enemy vehicles is displayed immediately. Enemy weapons and suppression are displayed. The player can hear the voices of unspotted enemies.
  13. I agree with the above. Who knows, perhaps it is something they will consider in the future.
  14. I would like to see this as well. The Soviet Union facing the Allies would be quite interesting.
  15. Thank you all for responding and for the information provided.
  16. Well this is very odd indeed. The problem only occurs in QB's If I open a scenario with Fiat 626 trucks they are normal but in QB's the Icon is blacked out. See screens below. Normal scenario ( Beyond the Belice ) truck icon normal https://www.box.com/s/7lsafh7ytlmz8vqy4zqr QB battle truck icon blacked out https://www.box.com/s/71jl8h8qu7ta0vxe355t QB battle ammo carriers blacked out https://www.box.com/s/s6q6xwi7hfynvfpiirqe CMFI runs normal for me in every other way.
  17. Thanks for your reply. I am running version 1.01. It is not such an old bug. The following post was made towards the end of April 2013. http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=109478&highlight=Fiat+626 Also the Ammo bearers for a particular Italian "Canone" also show a black icon. I will try to load a screen shot.
  18. There is a floating black square above the Fiat 626 truck instead of a proper Icon. I did a search and it is recognized as a known bug. Does anyone know if a fix is in the works?
  19. Here is a link to a trailer for a new Stalingrad film. The trailer is near the bottom of the page. http://geektyrant.com/news/2013/5/13/intense-trailer-for-the-wwii-film-stalingrad.html
  20. Here is a link to a trailer for a new Stalingrad film. The trailer is near the bottom of the page: http://geektyrant.com/news/2013/5/13/intense-trailer-for-the-wwii-film-stalingrad.html
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