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Everything posted by Flanker15

  1. Definitely downloading. Is the fire that red in proper or is that just the gif (more yellow version later maybe?)
  2. I'd recommend getting rid of norton all together, it's quite a poor AV lots of false positives and missed infections. Microsoft security essentials, avasts and maybe AVG are the best AVs and all are free.
  3. If you order the disc, do you get a download option when it's released like CM:SF?
  4. Yeah US tanks with rhinos will go through bocage. On topic: there are 3 types of hedge in the game, 2 types of bocage (one low) and normal hedge which inf can go through.
  5. I guess if you click a unit the little transparent box on the side of the screen will show casualties, it was like that in CM:SF.
  6. Can the AI plan be told to destroy a building/bridge objective though? Be a bit one sided if they won't shoot at the bridge you're defending.
  7. Yep that was the big one but both are in other modules/games.
  8. Did the Germans actually build heavy fortifications away from the coast at Normandy? It would be nice to be able to roll AT guns through destroyed ground floor walls though.
  9. Are they in? Can we put AT guns into bunkers? Can we put them into damaged buildings?
  10. The trees at least are supposed to have been re-coded and much more appealing apparently.
  11. Best example is in console games, texture and polygon quality is pretty low due to tiny RAM amounts but ten tonnes of light and shadow rendering means they can still look great. Have a look at ToW2 shots which uses heavy light and shadow rendering but has lower quality models, most people would say it looks better though.
  12. Will there ever be a way to play back 1 minute of real time game play some how?
  13. CMx1 games had this or something very close to it I'm pretty sure. As well as misident.
  14. Works in BO too, the temperature, type and dampness effect the chance of a tile catching fire so if you have optimal conditions your machine guns can set fire to things just with their tracers. Once a tiles on fire it "rolls to ignite" everything around it so it will spread through highly flammable stuff quite quickly forcing units out. I think in at least AK wind effected how fast and what direction the fire spread too.
  15. This might be a touchy subject for BFC because I've seen how much the priorities are set to work on superficial parts of games last but I just wanted to ask. Is there going to be a bump up in the special effects for CM:N? Every main game in the CMx1 series had an increase in effects quality from the previous and as it stands now the explosions and fire in CM:BB/CM:AK do look better than the ones in Shockforce. The smoke and dust is great, nice billowing volumetric looking clouds but the explosions leave a lot to be desired the same 2D low res animation sprite for everything and the fire is in the same bag. No bits of metal and dirt fling around, no volume and no variation make them boring to look at. Fire graphics would be a good thing to update when flamethrowers are added aswell.
  16. I was more interested in setting the ground on fire which I used a lot in CMx1 e.g. got a bunker problem? Fire at the forest it's in until it catches fire and watch as the crew run off. Enemy in the weat field? a few bursts of tracer fire will take care of them (and the crop for that year). Of course it only works in hot/dry climate but I did use it quite a bit. Good to hear it's coming back some time.
  17. Great work on the lighting fix Phil, that was a real worry for me after I upgraded my card.
  18. Make it an support specialist only ability and you've got yourself a new strategy depth as a bonus.
  19. Have you considered giving a special property to action spots in these positions? Say let them los through the closest action spot or itself?
  20. There's a mod somewhere that puts bars on all the first floor window textures specifically for this senario.
  21. That wouldn't need animation fortunatly just some scripting, CMx1 had it as I recall. 3d animation's a pain as I found way back when I was messing around with modling, lots of devs are just going straight to renting a MOCAP now probably a bit pricy for BFC though.
  22. No gore, no more violence just people falling over in a few more different ways/directions so they don't look like syncronised dancers. (Funny feeling I've had this conversation before ) More flavour animations in general add allot to the atmosphere but ofcourse all these animations take time and would be left untill after everything else is done.
  23. Some more death animations, you can never have enough death animations in a game.
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