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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Sgt.Squarehead

  1. Definitely recommend reading them, rather than finding out here.
  2. Exactly the same in the UK, unsurprisingly. The building in your first picture could be a clone of countless examples here (including one five minutes up the road from me). Having both flat and sloped roof types would further enhance the mod-ability of the game, it's one of the first things @37mm had to overcome for H&E.
  3. If they do it's new and nobody has mentioned it.....I'm in the editor every day and I don't have a scooby how to make them do it.
  4. Possibly of interest to Trackheads, in relation to Bil's armour: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwj10v_qyfHuAhXURhUIHZA3DUIQFjAbegQIMxAD&url=https%3A%2F%2Fapps.dtic.mil%2Fdtic%2Ftr%2Ffulltext%2Fu2%2Fa141935.pdf&usg=AOvVaw1N5jihvxwXayEZMMn7GOyb
  5. Simple workaround is to reduce the headcount of the squad and add an ATGM Team.....It's a slight cop-out, but from the player's perspective it works just fine (in a single player vs. AI only scenario, obviously).
  6. I'm not sure that the enthusiasm of the bombees quite matches that of the bombers TBH.
  7. S'true.....Britain is always there to join in when the US decides to bomb the bejesus out of some poor unsupecting nation (without anything resembling a credible deterrent).
  8. Funnily enough I swapped them out straight after the screenshot. Testing went pretty well, balance is very close, but I still need to make a few more changes before I unleash it on any victims testers. I need to go the other way, to give them enough of an edge to make signifcant headway under cover of darkness, because they're out on a plain overlooked by two heavily fortified hills.....All hell breaks loose when the sun comes up! One of their primary objectives is to suppress the Peoples' Army AA units, they failed to achieve that and consequently lost three out of six Skyraiders (the Skyraiders seem kind of quiet in the current version, any chance we can make them louder please). As I said the balance is pretty close, meddling with that might be less productive than tweaking the map and adjusting the enemy setup to favour the results I need. It's not a module, it's a new game and sadly @37mm has revealed that there will be major issues converting what we have made here directly into it. However what has been made once can be made again, if @37mm , @puje & @Combatintman and the rest of the gang are still up for it, then I defintely am. Also what we have made here won't ever be wasted.....Even if we slice out all the Bong-Hai (pseudo-Vietnam) stuff, you still have a very well rounded mid-2000s CM:SF2 SE Asia module, with plenty of options to customise it to your needs, and a team of people who would be more than willing to help you do so. This I will most certainly do.....CM:CW may well prove to be the ideal game for the job, only time will tell. Either way I'm definitely up for this.
  9. 1979 Shah of Iran deposed by Islamic fundamentalists, Soviets invade Afghanstan. US & UK invade Iran from the gulf to secure their investments and prevent Soviet takeover. Soviets invade Iran from the north & east to secure their southern borders and prevent US/NATO takeover. Boom! Absolutely stolen, but still absolutely plausible and a great way to get some extra value from the desert type terrain of the training centre.
  10. Do you mean H&E itself or just the Boat scenario? If the latter, I'm afraid it's still a very long way from being much more than a concept & a half done map. Those images are of a proof of concept map, that works for boats (ie: it keeps them in the water, where they should be), but is currently a bit awkward for infantry (technical thing, confident I can sort it). The 'scenario' was/is a test to figure out the timings and behaviours of various units under both player & AI control in a maritime environment.....My biggest discovery was that most of our 'boats' are painfully slow.
  11. Apparently someone must have said 'Kharkovite Monstrosity' three times out loud!
  12. But unfortunately they made it out of tinfoil! A round from the 2A46 would turn a Leopard I inside-out! Fortunately they had Leopard II by this point, but I'm not sure if had any significant advantages over the T-80B as we now know it was, as opposed to our wishful thinking at the time (there may be a lesson in that).
  13. And then it fires back! Plus it is absolutely goddam beautiful.....For a tank. PS - Plus if it sees you it's going to outrange you with its TLATGMs.....Real mean MOFO for its day. PPS - Did I mention how beautiful it is.....For a tank?
  14. And now let's get serious: https://aw.my.games/en/news/general/development-t-80b
  15. F**k Steam! I still haven't forgiven them for their part in my wondrous Cyberpunk 2077 experience!
  16. Always the dog first isn't it.....If he doesn't come back, then the missus comes to check (on him, I strongly suspect).
  17. AFAIK Syria didn't get the T-72M until comparatively recently, their initial deliveries were Urals or T-72As (IIRC they were the only non-War-Pac nation to field the T-72A).
  18. Kraftwerk as 'Harbingers Of The Apocalypse'? TBH I could well believe that!
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