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Everything posted by Sgt.Squarehead

  1. Look forward to trying it, hope my comments didn't seem unreasonably critical, they weren't intended that way. As you know I really like Uncon scenarios, especially in an urban environment.....I'm also fond of megadeth experiments involving a couple of hundred IEDs, so I like to make it clear that I am keeping these strictly in the realms of dark-fiction, borderline parody.
  2. Pretty sure that is beyond the scope of what is possible with mods.....Or we would have it in CM:H&E for sure.
  3. Those are all scenarios/experiments at various stages.....As I said before, we're making this up as we go along, so some ideas turn out better than others. None of it is quick to do, or not for me at least. With 'Summer Wasps' finished (it'll be in the next 'Peoples' Update') I'm back to working a five(ish) episode mini-campaign that follows 'Houses Of The Holy' (which was the original test scenario to see if we could get the 'Not-Syria' feel we were after). All the maps are made, but I had really lost my mojo with AI scripting, so on the advice of @37mm & @Combatintman I made 'Summer Wasps', which is incredibly simple, utterly tiny & extremely vicious, to see if I could get it back. As for the current project, scenarios 2, 3 & 4 all share the same map and a number of other features, so they are all essentially on my desk at once. These scenarios were influenced by our discussions about having the option to perform recon before launching a planned assault, which is precisely what you get to do. Scenario 5 is actually slightly further developed as I had used the map for some learning experiments with triggers, which eventually became the basis for a scenario concept. Sadly one of the things that I learned was that the map was too small so it got extended, twice (TBH this has happed with all the maps except the first one which I have kept as close to the original state as possible, because it's where this all started for me. There is a possible) extra scenario, but it would require me to finish off another fairly big map, this one an urbanised derivation of 'The Delta'.....Given how long it takes me to make my maps, especially urban ones, I doubt I can get it finished before the next H&E update. There is also a seperate Epilogue Scenario for the mini-campaign, set a few years later, but that one's little more than a glimmer on a very distant horizon. PS - I have a seperate CM:H&E install, but the scenarios folder is shared, so you are seeing some regular CM:SF2 stuff there too.
  4. Is this a fictional (Battlefront Storyline) or real Iraq.....I'm a massive fan of Uncon scenarios and campaigns, but I'm not too sure that even I want to play as Al Qaeda, Jabhat Al Nusrah or ISIS. TBH this is why I invented my OSIRIS (Organisation of Shia Islamic Resistance in Iraq & Syria) concept.....Jihadis you can come to love & respect!
  5. That's up do the designer.....It is quite possible to create and utilise a double-sided core file in campaigns, (it's why the campaign script has resupply & reinforcement settings for both sides), several designers have done so in the past to create face-offs between units (with a supporting cast of non-core units). It's an approach that has a lot of merit IMHO, but it does add another layer of complexity to your planning.
  6. Looks like someone emptied a skip on a T-80 if you ask me, but tastes differ!
  7. Ukraine now has a BM Oplot of their very own: https://gurkhan.blogspot.com/2021/08/blog-post_44.html Just the one, for parades, but it really is a BM Oplot (allegedly).
  8. The Panjshir resistance are doing OK, certainly better than the Afghan army managed in recent years: https://www.longwarjournal.org/archives/2021/08/anti-taliban-resistance-makes-modest-gains-outside-panjshir.php
  9. Can't see why it wouldn't be doable.....The only place where you are probably guessing is the campaign script file, and perhaps the campaign tree if there is branching and optional scenarios. Core Units are clearly marked in the editor in campaign scenarios (they have the word 'core' at the end of the line).
  10. I guess experiences differ.....I recall an event card driven game, forget which one, played out on a well laid out tabletop, with among the terrain a hilltop church and a valley graveyard some distance apart (IIRC it was set in Italy). One of the event cards was called 'Nuns On The Run'.....When it was drawn a group of nuns would emerge from the church and proceed at a sedate pace down the road to the graveyard, where they would remain for a number of turns, before returning the by the same route. No unit was allowed to draw a line of fire within a certain distance of the nuns (there were some other rules that I can only vaguely recall now), suffice it to say it added a lot of humour to an already well done game.
  11. You raise some good points, I hadn't considered this one at all despite trying to mitigate it while writing AI scripts for 'boats' (using quick & dash orders): Perhaps you could somehow have each movement bound automatically end at a shop window? Appreciate you taking the time to reply, I noticed that you didn't specifically say no to a third 'Grey' side.....Thus I am currently looking forward to seeing it implemented!
  12. Have you tried giving them a facing or target arc after the permanent pause.....I'm guessing you probably have, if so I'm all out of suggestions.
  13. I'm blown away by the current title.....Absolutely superb! What I want is MORE! I'd be as happy to see the calendar expanded as I would the TOE for the current game.....finish off the 80s fast & give us a hypothetical 90s so we can almost link up with the tech in CM:SF2!
  14. It may be down to the vineyard tiles the tank is moving over, pretty sure I've caught a Sheman doing the same thing in a vineyard during one my own games.....I think it may be something like bridge bug, with the game engine appearing to believe that it's being asked to move the vehicle to an inacessible location, failing and then resetting it to the last good one.
  15. Target Arcs can do weird stuff in buildings.....Using a permanent Pause command before issuing the Target Arc order can mitigate this somewhat. PS - I supect @RockinHarry's suggestion may be part of the cause, either that or one of the building's exterior walls is on the action spot rather than its centre. PPS - What map/scenario was this in please? The issue of bugs travelling from CM:SF1 to CM:SF2 with ported maps & scenarios is under discussion elsewhere.....This may be a common theme (the behaviour you desribe was certainly somewhat present in both CM:SF1 & CM:A, I encountered it while testing the latter a day or two back).
  16. For me, they are now & will for ever be, the T-64BM Borat! It suits them.
  17. It's generally not considered wise to be wearing a backpack once the shooting starts.
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