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Everything posted by Sgt.Squarehead

  1. The TacAI will turn units to face threats that emerge, but it might take a while for a unit to notice a threat emerging if it's staring at a wall.
  2. Can we has it now then? If you will leave juicy bones like that lying around.....
  3. I believe our models were made for us by @Aquila-SmartWargames, he's been a massive help.....We're discussing what exactly needs to be stolen from CM:CW right now. Consequently we're in the opposite position of having models, but with nothing to drop them on. The PT-76B is a case in point.....We have a gorgeous official model, but the closest vehicle that we can drop it on is a BMP-1. These will probably work OK if used as AI controlled units (give or take the odd guided missile), but would be massively open to abuse by human players.
  4. The final map, which I'd like to use, but probably won't get done in time, mostly looks like this: But it is starting to come together, giving me the densely packed urban feel I'm after, while also managing not to look like another variant of Ramadi: I'm also fairly pleased with the 'landmark buildings': Here's one you've seen before, but now with some context (it was dropped from the original delta map), to give you an idea of the scale and some of the surrounding environment: Sooooo many trees still to add!
  5. Here's a quick preview of what I hope are the final iterations of the two main maps for the meat of my mini-campaign. Opium Farms: Heroin Laboratory: Mg Pyay Ag.....Your time is nigh!
  6. The Valentines are not a mod.....BF don't need to make mods, they have 'The Keys To The Kingdom'. However that doesn't mean that they get everything right first time.....If you really think there's an issue, run & record some tests with comparisons between the games. Present some coherent & tangible evidence and I'm sure the issue will be addressed, eventually.
  7. A couple of days was sufficient.....I thought the Humber Mk.II/III Armoured Car was in the TOE list, it would make a very decent base unit (although it would face the same issues with barbed wire as our BTR-60PB based M113s in 'H&E'), but it ain't.
  8. The Valentine was so good that the UK stopped using them ASAP. However the Soviets just lapped them up! Production was continued in Canada (maybe elsewhere) solely to meet Soviet demand. I believe the UK did use a very few in NWE (I seem to remeber seeing one in a picture near Antwerp) & Italy, but I'm not sure precisely what role they played.
  9. As this whole thing is hypothetical, I'm hoping the design team might take a broad view over modules for this game.....As I've said before, I'm as interested, if not more interested, in seeing an extended timeline as I am in seeing extra nations or units. The Pristina Incident offers us a potential WWIII starting, under rather unusual circumstances, in 1999.....Now who wouldn't want one of those? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Incident_at_Pristina_airport https://medium.com/lapsed-historian/pristina-an-airport-too-far-42e010e19f12 PS - Love that you can see where they've scratched off the S and added a K on that BTR. PPS - What is it with American generals named Clark?
  10. The T-80U (UK/UA/UE-1 etc.) are the vehicles I want to see the most: But I'd be equally happy with a few T-80BVs to tide me over: We also really need to see vehicle smoke generators properly modelled for CM:CW (& the other modern(ish) titles TBH). PS - It took me absolutely ages to find a decent sized, linkable image of a T-80BV.....Has Vlad had them all modernised into BVMs already?
  11. Want! Want! Want! PS - Do you need to wear ear-plugs when the Ajax is on screen?
  12. Not, good: https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2021/9/6/dire-situation-for-130000-residents-trapped-in-panjshir Not good at all.
  13. That little Fiat 3000 isn't really a great match for the Mk.VIB.....It has two machineguns, yes, but they are puny 6.5mm weapons, whereas the Vickers had .50cal & .303cal HMGs. This being said, I can't immediately come up with a better suggestion for a base unit.....Modding from a static TOE is just like that sometimes (as we keep on discovering in 'H&E').
  14. It's not the first time Panjshir's been in that situation.....IMHO young Masoud has more to fear from treachery than a direct Taliban assault, that's how Al Qaeda got his father after all.
  15. Your work in Ramadi set the 'Gold Standard' for MOUT maps.....How you did what you did astounds me!
  16. More news from the Panjshir: https://www.longwarjournal.org/archives/2021/09/national-resistance-front-repels-multi-day-taliban-assault-on-panjshir.php So far, so good.
  17. That pretty much settles it for game purposes then.....Nice idea but it just ain't how it's done when shooting is imminent.
  18. Just installed these and tried them out on 'Bishr' (massive map with a chunk of city in the corner).....I'll need to swap a few skins around in the editor, but these will really help to establish the contrast that I want in different areas of the city. I've also just checked them out in my usual Ramadi variant ('Urban Hell'), that one looks astounding out of the box (all credit to the mighty @LongLeftFlank I just borrowed a bit).....Your mods might have been made especially for it:
  19. I could still really use another volunteer to test this (Single Player, WeGo Turn Based): It's fairly big, and fairly difficult.....I've had issues with Out Of Memory Errors on Win10, so it's probably worth saving at least every ten turns and exiting the game completely every thirty as this seems to mitigate the issue, for me at least. If you would like to give it a go, please PM me for a link. PS - There's no reason this shouldn't be played 2p HtH.....It's not been specifically balanced for such play and I would suspect Red would have a fairly big advantage, but not such a big advantage that an experienced and somewhat lucky Blue player could not overcome it.
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