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Everything posted by Sgt.Squarehead

  1. Interesting piece from WIB, life at the front from a Ukrainian perspective, in English: https://warisboring.com/defiant-in-the-quagmire-a-ukrainian-commander-vows-to-liberate-all-of-our-lands-8b1768805fb9#.8nt4il41z
  2. Sick to the back teeth of the puerile 'willy-waving' from both sides.....Wish they'd just pack it in (both ranting at each other here & shooting at each other there). It's a great game but until the conflict in Ukraine is resolved I'd rather see it off the shelves so to speak.....Shame, but there it is. Mebbe put the game engine to good use updating CM:SF, I reckon we can all agree that blowing the bejesus out of ISIS (& their ilk) is a good thing, can't we? I don't know why it is, but I just can't get into the desert war in WWII, the closest I've got to it is some stuff for Iraq in 1941: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1941_Iraqi_coup_d'état
  3. If the game had IEDs nobody would ever use bridges anyway so there wouldn't be a problem.....Roll on CM:SF II.
  4. Totally agree with Michael that the scale & style of CM is not suited to every conflict.....Even WWI would be pushing things IMHO. Have to say, the WWII North Africa campaign bores me silly.....Sand, sand, nothing but ******* sand! If CM:BN were to get some Comets in a close of the war update I'd be pleased. Operation Barbarossa through to Citadel & The Battle for Berlin all deserve coverage in CM:RT and this game really needs Partisans too. I'd like to see the Pershing in a future CM:FB update.....Hightower is just such a cool name, and we now have bridges that can mostly do the job. CM:FI 4.0 I'd just like to see. CM:BS I'm starting to loathe. .
  5. Without functional horses in the CMx engine the Russian Civil War is a no go IMHO.....Total War might be a more realistic engine for that conflagration, Shogun II has the basis for most elements. A quick google found this thread on the TW forums, not very promising at all TBH: https://forums.totalwar.com/discussion/132017/russian-civil-war-a-new-game-for-total-war You can of course play the Russian Civil War in 'Strategic Command: Breakthrough'.
  6. Those are some mean looking Hornets! How about a really smart dog: https://www.youtube.com/user/pilleyjw#p/u
  7. If you look at the two links above you will see exactly (more or less, with Shermans there are always exceptions) which turrets had this cupola and which did not, you will also see the various alternative arrangements found on other turrets. There is enough info there to give you a pretty good grounding in the history of the Sherman (it's an excellent site, expore it). http://the.shadock.free.fr/sherman_minutia/
  8. That's entirely too reminiscent of 'Reservoir Dogs'. Obama should probably be portrayed giving the guns to several of the other actors though. Amen to that. PS - Ironically as I type this, strains of Ozzy Osbourne's classic 'Crazy Train' came from the TV downstairs.....To right Ozzy, too right!
  9. As I've said previously, 'international law is international law'.....It's pointless trying to present yourself as paragons of virtue on one hand while fragrantly ignoring the most basic legal precepts on the other, it just makes the rest of the world laugh at you. This goes for America, Russia, Syria, Turkey & Ukraine more or less equally IMHO.....& they're far from alone!
  10. I think you are confusing the issue with the permission given to the Turks to protect the remains of Suleyman Shah. Sadly it seems the US doesn't have permission to be there either.....Assad just made that abundantly clear in a TV interview. So.....Little green tank go home, anyone?
  11. What an earth are you on about? There is a rotating 3600 mount on almost all Sherman turrets.....Pictures of the bloody thing are only two posts above your comment! Look at the commanders hatch, it is surrounded by a cupola with a mounting point for the .50cal (it's to the left of the hatch in the image above).....That whole cupola rotates, note the position of the .50cal mount here: Or here:
  12. Count me in.....Give me a shout if you want anything tested. Grain tiles & Foliage in combination can work quite well at giving the appearance of dense vegetation, I've been using them on LLF's map to 'freshen' it up for use as Mosul.
  13. Not one of mine, never heard of it TBH. I actually find myself looking forward to doing todays editing and then playing it again.....That's a genuine first!
  14. Forgot to mention, all 15 Non-Coms were rescued (with over 45 minutes on the clock), one of the KGB guys was running around with an AK shooting people until I made him stop it (sadly it wasn't the one I'd like it to have been, you'll see what I mean if you play it). I did manage to lose two T-62s and have the third from the same platoon abandoned (but subsequently remounted). I'd love to show you the position of my units in the final turn, but I can't because I didn't save it and it would give too much away. Suffice it to say that this one definitely follows the Soviet principle of 'advance over the shattered & charred remains of your opponents to occupy their former positions'.
  15. Not sure 'screwed' is entirely the right term here John, in strictly legal terms the Turks aren't actually allowed to be there at all.
  16. Test completed, two nights & eight saves to total victory, AI surrendered with 23 minutes left on the clock.....Obviously I expected no less! Discovered lots of little hassles with the map, it must have been a really early iteration, slowly fixing them all. Forgot to mention that I had added a full battery of BM-21s to the player force, makes it feel a lot more Soviet.....Sadly it's the long flight time of these weapons that led me to believe that the AI was firing mortar at itself. It's really not a good idea to advance into the beaten zone of a BM-21 strike until the marker no longer says 'Busy', regardless of whether it says 'Empty' or not. I was quite impressed at how much this one battle remodelled parts of the map, it's pretty easy to see how Afghanistan's bigger cities deteriorated from their surprisingly cosmopolitan heights at the end of the seventies to the shambles they are now. The TV station in particular was quite thoroughly 'defended': & this part of town now looks a bit like the moon: These pictures may contain traces of hint.
  17. I'm currently halfway through my most successful test to date, still discovering minor map issues and fixing them as I go along, I do also need to expand a set of AI Group instructions slightly, but other than that, everything is generally looking good. PS - I think the AI may have fired some mortars (I've just cancelled all my artillery to check), sadly if it is the AI doing the mortaring, they are mortaring their own units (and in a location my units have never been particularly close to either)!
  18. Baba is now Elite, +2, Extreme, Excellent.....Just an Easter Egg, not to be taken terribly seriously, though he will no doubt be quite useful (but don't get him killed, Iraqi national morale would suffer terribly). The other locals are set dressing, many will almost certainly come to a nasty end.....I've included them in the Core as potential recurring scenario hooks and because you never know when you might need a taxi.
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