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Everything posted by Sgt.Squarehead

  1. I've had a cursory look at it, TBH I'm still learning to play the games so I'm not in any hurry to start designing, but I wondered if there was a general design thread similar to what you find in the CM forums (I did search). Just finished my first full campaign (Tripartite 1914), I won it easily.....I turned east, crushed Russia. Italy steadfastly held ground in the Alps (barely TBH, they were definitely the 'weakest link') while Germany reoriented west and AH ground down all remaining resistance in the Balkans (Albania refused to roll over, but Romania, which had resolutely refused to join the CP despite considerable pressure, fell in two turns). My initially defensive stance in the west meant I did not breach Belgian or Dutch neutrality, both eventually joined the CP, the former after a British invasion (that nearly caught me off guard and featured a twelve-month slogging match for possession of Brussels), the latter as the result of diplomatic pressure. The Russian defeat in the east had also freed up the Ottomans up, allowing them to first take Greece and then overwhelm British forces in Egypt. An Ottoman invasion force launched from Libya had crossed the Alamein line and was approaching Cairo when Britain & France surrendered (German troops were in Paris and the Italians held Marseilles). I didn't use unrestricted submarine warfare at all until the US were on the edge of mobilising anyway, at which point I used it to the max.....Combined with the pasting they were taking in the field the effect on British morale was catastrophic. American forces had no significant impact despite arriving rather earlier than was the case historically, this surprised me somewhat. The war ended on 19 November 1918 FWIW.
  2. I got a security warning on attempting to download that!
  3. I think 5 may have been the re-write, but I'd be interested in seeing it....No hurry though TBH. I'm in a bit of a funk at the moment, keep coming here looking for technical information & advice, inspiration for future scenario projects and news of CM:FI.....But what I find are puerile political rows unworthy of Battlefront, hell they're unworthy of Battlefield! It is destroying the reputation of a formerly well respected company & TBH it's putting me off the CM games too (which is annoying because I own ALL of them).
  4. You are your own forum's worst enemy.....Your second statement completely contradicts the political waffle in the first. Maybe spend more time working on CM:FI and less in here ruining your own company's reputation? Just a thought.
  5. Divided is the wrong word, personally I'd use 'bi-polar', but sadly for all those countries you 'liberate' your sentiments are all too accurate.
  6. Without someone to bully NATO is nothing.....Just like Miller and his ilk.
  7. Now that is well below the belt! You are a particularly vile little troll aren't you Miller? PS - Keep taking the Prozac.
  8. Strangely, Germany a country next door but one to the carnage in the Ukraine, doesn't seem to feel very threatened.
  9. Seems like Europe's not quite so impressed with NATO after all.....At least not to the point of putting their hand in their pocket and paying for it: http://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-nato-defence-eu-idUKKBN15V31O Without the US & UK what would be left, the French contribution (three croissants and a bottle of wine) and a bunch of East European former Warsaw Pact countries with a collective chip on their shoulder.....I fear the financial burden on the US & UK taxpayers will have to grow yet more to keep this monster fed.
  10. All the vogue these days, apparently they can engage helicopters. You know I really don't like all the political stuff that kicks off here, no other forum I visit allows it and I find myself participating simply because the bias of this place offends my sense of fair play.....Worried it affects game balance too, did you try my tank-gun-test?
  11. Jesus! They're firing that thing into a city? Seems kinda 'barrel-bomb' to me. Here's another view, along with a warning from the UN: http://www.cbc.ca/news/world/iraq-launch-operation-western-mosul-isis-1.3990211 https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/feb/19/nato-says-civilians-at-extreme-risk-as-west-mosul-offensive-begins
  12. Here's the history of coups d'état, from 876BC to the present day: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_coups_d'état_and_coup_attempts To be fair most countries have had a go at it, the UK certainly has, but the US has been rather prominent in recent years.....All plausibly deniable of course (those pesky NGOs). Not sure what any of this has to do with the Abrams though? Genuinely thought I was responding in the Belarus thread here.....Is there anything that doesn't develop into a political ****-storm on this forum?
  13. Read the Counterpunch article, then confirm the facts by looking at the relevant pages of the indictment (the links to both are provided).....It's not a simple story, but if you pick through the pieces to establish the facts, it's clear that the whole story stands about as much scrutiny as Saddam's WMDs. Don't get me wrong, I'm not anti America, it's one of the nicest places I've ever visited, but some of the things the US military industrial complex has encouraged are simply beyond the pale.....You know it and I know it, let's face it, the whole world knows it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unethical_human_experimentation_in_the_United_States https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_United_States_incarceration_rate_with_other_countries https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PRISM_(surveillance_program Need I go on?
  14. I really don't know what the problem is.....At least one of the spotters should have line of sight to some of the scuffles that break out, but I've not seen a single round fired. TBH the situation is probably already sufficiently precarious for the player and the artillery could overbalance the scenario so I'm not too worried, but I would like to know what I've done wrong for my future work.
  15. TBH While I do consider myself a Russophile, I'm not all that pro-Russian politics.....But NATO's deceitful posturing makes me want to vomit! Hell why even call it NATO, it's the US.....A country that imprisons more of it's own than Mao or Stalin ever managed and which has reintroduced slavery by the back door for its 'African American' citizens. You do realise that the only reason that you are reading this on the internet, not a clay-tablet, is because a British commander was in charge at Pristina, not an American? http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/1562161/Gen-Sir-Mike-Jackson-My-clash-with-Nato-chief.html
  16. 'Hammertime' is a scenario, I thought it shipped with the game, but apparently I downloaded it from the repository, I really like it, the map's great: http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=314&func=fileinfo&id=33 There's a modified and more difficult version in the NATO module called 'Halt Hammerzeit'.....Mine's yet another modification and it's yet more difficult. FWIW
  17. I'd go easy there Michael.....You may not have caught up with recent events, but the transcript of the verdict in the Radovan Karadic trial proves that the NATO war on the former Yugoslavia was once again based on lies: http://www.counterpunch.org/2016/08/01/the-exoneration-of-milosevic-the-ictys-surprise-ruling/
  18. That's ironic.....You are writing a campaign with the British and I'm doing one with the Russians! Did you know you can get AFVs to go to a specific location on the map using the AI editor?
  19. Brain injuries suck dude, you have my sincere sympathies.....My dad was laid low by a brain tumour, indirectly it killed him.
  20. This one is a very different beast, not promising anything.....Just running a few more tests, still can't get the Mujahideen artillery firing any suggestions at all? Anyone? I can live without the artillery if necessary, but I'd like to know why it's not working.....I'm sure I've had it working in the past (using AI controlled spotters, not pre-mapped fire-plans).
  21. He's the man to listen to.....It's all just anecdotes from me. Although they're from pretty good sources.
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