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Everything posted by Sgt.Squarehead

  1. Cheers MOS.....I'm gonna have to pick your brain about 'Mod Tags' at some point.
  2. Oh happy day. PS - Don't forget.....ZPU-23 Technicals.....For Everyone! Is there any way to tweak the crewing options for vehicles, such that we could put a 'Fighter' or 'Combatant' crew in a T-72, Abrams or Leopard? That would be very, very cool.
  3. Some fine new candidates: Minimalist Heavy Trucknical Death Race 2000 All Terrain Technical Just plain mental! So @Battlefront.com, what's the chances of seeing some of these in CM:SF II?
  4. Do these overloaded units fatigue faster? Has anyone tried a back to back with loaded & unloaded troops?
  5. Nope.....That work will get done when @Combatintman does it.
  6. Of course some transport helicopters are more capable than others: But they don't carry all that many troops (I'm building a couple of helicopter-assault scenarios for CM:A at the moment).
  7. Shooting the IED is the wrong way to go about it.....Shoot all the windows looking at the IED, then the trenches, clumps of trees and anywhere else even vaguely suspicious. I'd definitely like to see some means of detecting IEDs (particularly the wire type), the jammers @Combatintman mentions would be very welcome too. I'd also like to see some means of removing IEDs as suggested by @sburke, this would indeed allow us to build some very cool scenarios.
  8. I suppose the two charging toward them would appear more threatening to the tacAI, so that too makes good sense.
  9. Aaaaah.....That might be the key to it. It does explain most of what happened with one major exception, the stationary BTR, I'm pretty sure it was in sight of two or more teams for a whole turn.
  10. Hmmmm.....Now I'm properly confused, definitely going to give it another go.
  11. So do you reckon Kim will flash boil some seawater while 'The Donald' is visiting?
  12. What I am saying is that this is built with the first iteration of the engine, we've got used to scenarios built with a lot more toys, so it's only fair to keep that in mind when critiquing.
  13. Good question.....Still plodding in the current version at the moment, if maps port across exactly I'll probably rejig the lot in the new game, but I'll be buggered if I'm doing all those internal doors again!
  14. No disrespect dude, but you gotta remember how few tools the designers have to play with in CM:SF (and that not all of them work as advertised), look at my little Mosul thing, it's only 320m x 320m and I maxed the editor in a couple of areas to run it! PS - Please, please @Battlefront.com could we possibly get a mini-patch to fix the Red Occupy bug in CM:SF.....It would give the game another little burst of energy prior to the big sequel!
  15. This: Should be just perfect to test the new engine.
  16. I'll play it through again at some point, see if they do any better.....Hate replaying campaign missions though.
  17. I'm quietly hoping that we might get both sorts of trenches, the old CM:SF/CM:A trenches were great for ditches and the like, but when used as deliberate fortifications, they attract mortar rounds like flies to a t**d!
  18. I thought you were a fan of big battles Erwin, your commentary here feels a little harsh, especially considering the effort involved in building such things.
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