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Everything posted by Sgt.Squarehead

  1. I still want my UnCons to nick the other side's gear (& maybe cut their throats while they're about it).
  2. I'm running version 4.0.....I've learned to live with it. Not using many mods at the moment, but seeing images like yours encourages me to try a few more.
  3. Just started that campaign.....Didn't look quite that sexy on my rig.
  4. No dissatisfied people nag others into changing it for them!
  5. Fair play fella, but hey enjoy the buzz that the CM:SF II announcement has generated, at least you know it's got folk excited, the more you give us the more we will do with it.
  6. I really wasn't joking.....He was still calling in the Hinds** when the game ended! They had done so much strafing and rocketing that they had to engage a couple of weapon teams with Spiral ATGMs towards the end, resulting in possibly the highest kill ratio I've ever achieved in CM:A, I lost 5xKIA, 7xWIA.....They lost 202xKIA, 67xWIA, 56xMIA, 3xT-55 & 12xBMP-1. Sadly the end was premature as the rebels surrendered.....Pansies! That will never do. I'll persuade them to fight a little longer by telling them that there's another mech company coming to their aid, I won't mention that it might be a bit too late. ** It's probably worth mentioning that Veteran +2 Mi-24F in CM:A are a whole lot more precise about their business than their Syrian piloted brethren in CM:SF (even with identical skill levels). I was able to call in 30mm cannon strafing runs within 100m of my own positions in this test, although TBH everyone but the Air Controller backed off and hid anyway, just to be on the safe side. When I was testing similar missions in Mosul things tended to go very badly wrong, very bloody fast!
  7. Some more flavours of ruins, or more ruination options might be good.....You can never have too many! A couple more shop-front type building frontages would really help the immersion too. PS @Mord Are those pylons in your CM:BS image flavour objects? If so where did you find them?
  8. My sympathy for them is somewhat limited, they made a right mess of the place: TBH that just makes me want persistent map damage even more.....Apologies to @LongLeftFlank, I know that's in rather poor taste.
  9. "Let's not go that way after all!" Great NV effect, very cool.
  10. An Air-Controller's work is never..... The Fragmentistan border just opened!
  11. Very much in agreement with Mord. Could we get an extra-chunky rubble flavour object that will stick to or protrude through sharp elevation changes (as can be found between buildings or ruins that are in close proximity but different elevations), it's hard to create the appearance of mounds of rubble in the current setup: It's all just a bit too flat.
  12. Loved that AAR, especially the half-track moment....."Scratch that!"
  13. It depends how the units are displayed in the editor as far as I can tell, if the crews are listed separately you can delete all but the HQ and set that as a post battle reinforcement, this is what I did with the HMMWVs & Nyalas in Mosul. If the crew are not listed separately they will always respawn in their steed on start-up AFAIK. I was hoping we might get just a bit more leeway in this area, as it allows designers to be creative with their unit picks, without the need for extra TOE tables etc.
  14. You might need to assign AI groups manually in the newer games which handle multiple AI groups (AFAIK CM:SF & CM:A do everything with AI Slot 1 so don't expect too much), TBH I've not tried it. I think there is a way to do it.....Create a blank scenario with your units, e-mail it to your opponent and get him to add his units in the editor and re-save it as QB Units Core or whatever. Then import this file into the QB map you want to play as a core file (as described above).
  15. That might create issues for me when building my weird TOEs (like the Mosul core units), I have to dismount/bail-out the vehicles in the editor to re-crew them.
  16. Finding some magic formula to stop us nagging.....At a guess!
  17. Persistent map damage for me.....One of the things that got me into CM1 was the ability to 'make your mark' on the map in campaigns (Do you remember that humongous city map in CM:BB at all?).
  18. I believe both should come as a matter of course with the new engine.....Makes you realise just how much it's been tweaked, upgraded and improved over the years (Can't wait to see what we get TBH).
  19. You could make it work easily enough, just open the QB map that you want to play in the scenario editor, drop in your force from the core file (import feature) and then add the force you want to fight against. Set up your force how you want them and just drop your opponents into their setup zone. Then save the file in your scenarios folder (I'd recommend renaming it too, to avoid accidents). When you start the new scenario the AI should set up your opponents randomly and take over from there. PS - Congratulations you (& a map designer) just made a scenario. PPS - I create a Core Units Files sub-folder in all my CM Game Files folders.
  20. That's my preferred option too, those .50cals do the licks and if you keep them at range they don't suffer too badly from the return fire.....Once the ammo's mostly gone (& the drop off points are swiss-cheese) it's time to go in.
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