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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by sburke

  1. Nah, that's the real thing. BFC has caused quite a stir in Brazil and totally disrupted the online dating scene. More so with the women than the men apparently.
  2. Been stuck away from my PC for weeks now and this ain't helping... May have to load this scenario up and try my luck again. Probably get my ass handed to me as I have been away from the battlefield too long. very nice George
  3. The eastern front games will be run on a holographic gaming console that doubles as a coffee table. It will include an olfactory output as well. You will have the option of issuing verbal commands or just thinking what you want the units to do. Your units will curse you out personally if your leadership is getting them killed. We will all still complain that we can't tell what our units have LOS/LOF to.
  4. and there i was scratching my head thinking "I know of the Panther, the Tiger, The Elefant....Lion?...maybe a late war experiment?"
  5. Yeah this one made it on the "we are looking at it list" back in September. http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=100392&page=2 I think if I take anything away from that it means BFC probably has a list of fixes they are planning to include as a patch maybe as part of the next module release that will hopefully resolve a number of items that have frustrated players since v1.01. With a little patience I think we will all have a number of corrections to look forward to.
  6. I think that is an early version of the Pinto. The sniper only distracted the truck driver who then rear ended the Pinto causing a catastrophic fire.
  7. Knock yourself out. This works very well and you'll never have to ask anyone again to break up a campaign again. http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=314&func=fileinfo&id=1411
  8. Funny timing, I just posted over on the CMSF forum for your Ramadi scenario. One of the things you have driven me to do is actually read up on that battle and try to understand the unit and the setting. As someone who describes himself primarily as a historian, I thing you are achieving you goal. Please keep up the really excellent work.
  9. Despite really enjoying CMBN I keep going back to CMSF and I think largely due to this scenario. I finally went out yesterday and bought Joker One to read and know a bit more about the unit involved. It gave me a lot to think about as I once again tried to figure out this battle. First off to all the guys on this forum who actually spent time in Iraq or Afghanistan, thank you. I realize this game can in no way truly replicate your experience, but if nothing else is it does cause us to at least stop and think about what we asked of you and what some of you are still going through. On that subject - you guys suck. How the hell am I ever going to be able to achieve the high standards you accomplished, you set the bar too high. :-P As I sit here drinking my coffee with all the time in the world to figure how to maneuver my units to achieve my objectives I can only ponder slack jawed how these guys did this in real life with all the confusion and chaos of combat. I am not normally a strident flag waving jingoistic rah rah American most folks overseas see us all as, but in reading of these soldiers from their own perspective I have to say it gives me an enormous amount of pride and respect in the men and women who serve. Again Thank you. Secondly to BFC, I know there has been a lot of back and forth about why CMSF and there is a fair amount of folks who were disappointed with the setting. All I can say is I really appreciate that you did choose to tackle this. If you had not I doubt I would have had the same drive to understand more about it and my apologies to those who have served for that. It is a world apart from the one I live in as you know better than anyone. Honestly I doubt this game brings me any closer to bridging that gap, but it has made me more acutely aware of it's existence and the debt of appreciation that is owed. Lastly to LLF, thanks for doing this. Okay enough of the maudlin sentimentality. I need to go back and make sure of the mods I have downloaded.
  10. I think this is one of those where there will likely be widely divergent opinions. The C2 set up works for me (yeah I am fairly twisted), but I would really love an armoured covered arc. The thing I want most though... more modules! I want the fallschirmjager and it won't be till the Market Garden module that we get them.
  11. LOL this was pretty funny and I'd have to agree. I also think there was a lot of influence on how games were developed based on the printed histories. The Russians have gotten short shrift as the "nameless hordes" and frankly it is more interesting to play a more mobile force. There is also something to be said for playing the underdog which is pretty much the situation of the Wehrmacht from 1943 onwards. I have ended up playing the Germans in my PBEMs most of the time and have enjoyed it thoroughly. On the other hand I really do enjoy playing the Allied side and having to figure out how to beat the German units with the tools at hand. Dragonslaying Tigers if you will.
  12. Everything you could want to know http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=97288
  13. oh man you mean I have to chose between wall mods now? Arrggh LOL Thanks Aris
  14. This is probably heresy as much as I am enjoying CMBN, but I'd agree. I would absolutely love to see a modern family based on a European conflict more than I would like to see the Eastern front in WW2. Would be even more interested if it was based in the 1980's.
  15. I think we also tend to lump things together based on the symptoms. I have a battle with Broadsword that at 32 minutes in suddenly would no longer complete the calculations phase in WeGo (HTH). We have been playing the game hth to avoid a couple concerns about pbem. The turn in question may have had a FFE take affect so just to eliminate that we redid the turn canceling the artillery. I have gone back 4 turns and tried rerunning the game on my own (we are doing w/o passwords) to no effect. If I go all the way back to turn 2 and cancel all unit orders and put everyone in hide mode to prevent any activity I am able to get past the 32 minute mark. The force size is a weakened German infantry company w/ no armor or artillery vs 2 company Ami assault with some light tanks and a supporting artillery battery. The map is approx 500x500. The size of the battle and map are significantly smaller than what I have run previously so my assumption (yeah there goes that word) is the issue isn't memory per se but some interaction that is causing a problem with the calculations. The only real activity that had been occuring around the time of the event was a few mortar rounds and the called for artillery which had been spotting up until that point. The German units had been neither moving nor firing for a couple turns. It almost seems that if there is some particular combination that occurs during the calculations phase, it simply fails. Not sure if the folks at BFC have a way to watch the calculations phase compiling, but if so this one may be worth a look. If by some freak alignment of the stars I somehow seem to be even remotely close to understanding what is occuring, we could be chasing our tails on issues that are not necessarily memory related, but are getting lumped in with that as from a player perspective we have no visibility as to why the game is having a problem with any particular battle. If anyone at BFC is interested we have all the saved turns.
  16. Ahh but think about the fun of having a jeep with an engineer team going around making your opponent think an armor attack is on the way.
  17. It was a proper job- she is OF the pavement. Which reminds me of a somewhat funny true story. Years and years ago I was working with AT&T in the crew that was redoing the phones at the Int'l Brotherhood of Teamsters HQ in Wash DC. We being smart asses and all could not resist walking around the building occasionally banging on walls yelling "Jimmy, Jimmy, you in there?" Needless to say it didn't go over well.
  18. LOL you worry too much. Before too long we will have a bulge family of games with all new vehicles with snow on them most likely...and then we move on to the Eastern Front. If anyone is so ambitious as to try to emulate your output, all power to them, but we are gonna have plenty of material to work with over the next number of years. What a great time to be in to tactical war games. Personally I think these are the golden years.
  19. I understand this update is going to appear in next year's Oxford dictionary su·per·la·tive (s-pûrl-tv) adj. 1. Of the highest order, quality, or degree; surpassing or superior to all others. 2. Excessive or exaggerated. 3. Grammar Of, relating to, or being the extreme degree of comparison of an adjective or adverb, as in best or brightest. 4. Any mods by Aris/Fuser for CMBN
  20. Behind Enemy Lines/BAT 21 - you'll have to have a mod of Gene Hackman's face or maybe Owen Wilson's.
  21. I'll have to see if I have a save, but I could swear I saw one guy wet himself when a mortar spotting round struck nearby.
  22. you are all wimps, I play blindfolded!!! It saves time worrying about mods and all sorts of stuff. and there are no bugs that I have noticed whatsoever....what's that, there are no DD tanks? Are you sure?
  23. Exactly!!! So Happy Saturnalia everyone!! Or if you are so inclined, Happy Festivus!! May the airing of grievances begin..oh wait that was yesterday.
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