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Everything posted by sburke

  1. And then you get moments like this and you realize- at it's worst this forum is extremely civilized compared to other stuff out there. http://news.yahoo.com/man-attacks-child-over-call-duty-173448892.html I had to read it a second time to realize it was in England. I was sure this was gonna be in America.
  2. This just in. Steve must be busy trying to include fire, but still facing coding issues...apparently he burned down his own barn in Farmville. Yes we all know that is where he spends his time. Here he is in another early attempt at trying to understand the effects of fire and nearby terrain.
  3. In Normandy a Battalion of the 116th was cut off one night close to St Lo by the FJR. A sister battalion under Major Howie was formed up for a night attack and was told bayonets and grenades only. They were able to break through, but I find no info that they actually HAD to engage, only that they were able to infiltrate through. Also the 104th was practiced in night assualt and one of the tactical orders was to mimimize use of their rifles. Instead the idea was stealth, speed and close assault to keep the Germans guessing about what was actually occurring. Actual detailed reports are hard to come by, but I have found the following in the divisional history pamphlet. Take it all with a grain of salt, it is highly sensationalized. What to expect, the oversight was from Terry Allen of 1st ID fame. A bitter bayonet and grenade battle raged but Germans were "kaput" by morning. Co. L plunged forward to gain a 1000 yard area north of Durwiss. Weisweiler was rough. Germans threw every conceivable weapon at the 414th whose grenades and bayonets took a heavy toll in the savage, house-to-house fighting. Preceded by a terrifying artillery barrage, two companies of 2nd Bn., 415th, waded the icy stream an hour before midnight, Dec. 2. Surprised Nazis, dazed by the heavy fire, were overrun in cellars and bayoneted and grenaded into submission after staging several rallies.
  4. Not exactly the font of all verified knowledge, but there is some info here. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_British_Divisions_in_World_War_II Seems there were at least 4 divisions disbanded in Sept 1944 and one territorial division that never left Britain, but nothing here about 11 divisions being held in reserve. I expect the divisions disbanded had never actually been filled out either.
  5. Just finished this and totally agree. This is one of the best books I have read from the German side and was a far better read than Lions of Carentan. By the end you are almost seething at the pitiful treatment of this division by the German high command as it literally bleeds to death trying to hold together the front. Time and again it is told reinforcements are on the way, always too little too late. Great read, lots of information of what the battle was like for the landser in the front lines.
  6. That's what all those spare HQ units are for. REMF minefield detectors courtesy of M&M enterprises.
  7. If it is a choice of hearing their cheery voices on the forum, or driving em like slaves to release the next module... back to work you gutter born vermin!!!!! Keep in mind BFC has a lot more at stake in continuing to produce - it is their company and income at stake. For us it is purely our own addiction. If we aren't hearing from them, the odds that they are all snoozing in the backroom is pretty slim.
  8. That you were able to take that picture, proves you obviously were not bowing. Our agents will be visiting you.
  9. Those guys don't look like anything would anger them. I think I will leave the rest of my comments about how they appear to myself...
  10. Screw em, I'll wear it as a badge of honor. I love this game and no amount of schoolyard names is gonna ruffle my feathers one bit. If anything I just chuckle away as I go back to the Die Ammis Kommen.... Damn you Von Kleist you just blew up the bridge!! Now my boys gotta get their feet wet! I just watched one of my guys giving buddy aid to a soldier in a river. Funniest moment I have had in a bit, looked like he was trying to drown him. For those who haven't done this scenario PBEM, ya gotta try it. Just hope you have a high threshold for pain.
  11. LOL I don't believe once you include fire there is any way to prevent it being used. The genie is out of the bottle again. I think this really is one of those where they may not like having something in the game used so contrary to historical reality, but their real reason for not having it has nothing to do with that. Look at bridges - they said they were a pain to code and the results speak for that. They have bad interactions with TAC AI , graphics etc.
  12. I was recently directed to Normandiefront and in turn highly recommend it. The German army theoretically had a policy of directing replacements from the area a division was raised to the training battalion of a division where they would then be dispersed where needed. That system was certainly better than the US army policy and probably served Germany well in the early years. By 1944 however it was no longer able to keep up with the demands of the war. To read the story of the 352nd ID is a fairly sad tale. The unit fought with distinction but by the time of the breakout was a shell made up of stragglers from the SS, FJ, other divisions, artillery personnel whose batteries had been destroyed, RAD personnel etc It had incorporated the better part of 3 other regiments, the Schnell brigade and a few other units until eventually being disbanded as even that couldn't maintain it's ability to be effective. In a microcosm it is kind of the story of the entire German army. The German Army was able on occasion to rest and refit units, particularly in preparation for Wacht am Rhein, but it was the exception rather than the rule. Generally if a unit was pulled out of the line it was already so battered that the replecements were just more cannon fodder as the unit wouldn't have time to become truly battle effective before being thrown into combat again.
  13. Not from my Landsers perspective...they prefer BFC kindly let that slip.
  14. 1 That wasn't what was said and 2 Dude it happened to you ONCE according to what you said. Maybe the crew wasn't so sure what hit it was a mortar. Would it have made you feel better if during the mortar barrage it got hit by an HE round from another tank and ignored it figuring "hell that was probably just a mortar". I have yet to make a tank retreat from any artillery. And mine certainly haven't backed off from my opponents attacks that I have suffered under for the last 30 minutes.
  15. I am not sure the issue is so much their concern at gaminess. Players are gonna do what players are gonna do. I think the issue is more a coding problem. Bridges, foxholes, trenches, fire etc etc are all apparently complex coding items and the ones that were able to be included have proven to be every bit as difficult as BFC said to get to function the way you would like or expect.
  16. Don't bother, this is just going to turn into another b**h session about perspective on what can and can't be coded. What is a bug and what is necessary to allow the AI to function etc No one has even identified a potential cause on the PC save issue so to assume the fix would be in a patch is a huge presumption. The save issue on MAC turned out to not be a CMBN issue at all but rather a permissions issue. Considering the fanboy expression is already out there it isn't likely this is going to be a productive thread. No offense Georgie, the initial question wasn't at fault. I wouldn't expect much in a reply just yet as BFC has a lot to look at. When they are going to feel that any of the items on their list are past QA and ready for a general release is anyone's guess.
  17. Oh man I can't wait to see that map if that is the detail INSIDE the buildings.
  18. I have used them not centered on them. You'll get a bit of info in your artillery window for that unit mentioning the trp if it applies. I also had Broadsword suggest using 2 trps as endpoints in a linear barrage, but am not sure if that actually works the same way or not. I have tried it, but I don't have any information within the game UI to let me know if it is at all relevant.
  19. We have no shortage of morons who suck up to that over here, so it certainly isn't a national issue. I suspect it is just a matter of in X amount of people you have Y amount of brainless morons. What is really sad is they come out of the woodwork when times are difficult and stressful, basically the times when you can least afford to listen to their s**t.
  20. You know at first I thought this was just a funny thread line, however lately I am beginning to think I'd really like this.
  21. LOL Your honesty will get you flogged. I actually try to play ignoring the victory conditions per se and maintain some level of standard about how I use teams and squads. My crews from destroyed tanks are sent to the rear and away from combat (except if I am defending in which case they go as far to the rear as they can w/o standing around in the open). My ammo teams tend to stay with their weapons teams until the weapons team itself is wiped out in which case I will tend to assign them as reinforcements to a platoon. Platoons stick together etc etc. Basically I enjoy the game best viewing it somewhat as a narrative and not as pieces in a game. I don't expect any such lunacy from my opponents. It is purely for my own enjoyment and if it costs me in VPs or even the game, ahh so be it. What matters is that I enjoy it and winning versus losing is not the standard that makes the difference.
  22. And OMFG we actually have a BLACK president, it is Sodom and Gomorrah all over again!!!! Run before we all get turned into pillars of salt!! Too bad that what "made Germany great" was a lot of contribution from many cultures especially .....wait for it...... the Jewish people. Darn that sucks, you want greatness, but ya gotta try to wipe out some of the folks who have contributed so much to your society. Damn it must suck to be a nazi.
  23. man you got that right, time to exit this thread, is there still room in the lifeboats.
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