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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by sburke

  1. IIRC this was how you emulate bore sighting an AT gun from way back in CMBO days.
  2. Time better spent searching the forum , already been discussed. It is not in the QB selection. Don't know why. http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=102895
  3. haven't played CW troops against a bunker yet. I did find in the base game that bazookas were my best infantry weapon against bunkers (at least the log ones) and forcing the enemy to bail was the next best option. I did not expect small arms and hand grenades to work all that well, but if I was down to just one guy suppressed I wouldn't expect him to keep taking out a squad. In fact in the first battle of the RTM campaign when I had gotten around the flank of the bunkers I stopped and waited while I got another bazooka up when my initial one ran out of ammo. Even then small arms fire and hand grenades didn't seem to do more than have the guys in the bunker yell a lot. Never had opportunity to try a satchel charge.
  4. If you play at various levels and want to keep track I'd suggest tagging the save game with an additional character B, T, V, W E, I to indicate what level the game is played out.
  5. Put that down as one more reason NATO is hesitant to intervene. With Putin inolved in an election and beating the nationalist drum, do we really want to push showing their inability to back one of their allies? Iran may be of more concern to the US over it's nuclear arms push, but Syria is by far the bigger threat of a flashpoint for regional war. You have an autonomous Kurdish area in Iraq, a large Kurdish population in Syria and of course the Kurdish population in Turkey, a Sunni/Shiite schism, The only remaining Soviet ally in the midlle east, the supply route for Hezbollah etc etc Unfortunately the only real card the Syrian people hold is the sectarian split in the army. LLF have you seen or heard of any news reports of any Syrian army units being disarmed by the regime?
  6. I learned this lesson the hard way back when we were trying to verify the amount of protection or not a wall supplied. It wasn't until I started trying to create a really large testing environment which could generate a desired sampling rate that I was able to gauge the curve ... and ultimately stumbled onto a completely different issue. I am sure Vanir this is probably making you want to tear your hair out, but really to engineer a computer program for this is a whole different deal than what you would face driving a tank up to a firing range. As noob found in his spotting tests, there are coding relationships that can skew your results with you being completely unaware they are there. I feel for you man, but there aren't any shortcuts.
  7. okay last bump, then I will assume no one owns this yet. Just hoping it turns out better than Lions of Carentan.
  8. Dang and I thought I liked to zoom into the action, what is this module, CMBN The barber campaign?
  9. Don't try that with troops whose fitness level is questionable. They wear down fast and recover slow. You'll need to plan a lot further ahead and only move them when you are sure where you want to commit them. On defence it is sometimes wiser even to give up ground and let them come to you rather than tire your men out to move into a position you likely won't hold anyway. The first thing you should do prior to even drawing up a battle plan is examine your force. Unless you always play at higher levels of fitness you need to pay attention to how much you can ask of your troops first. Also check for experience level particularly of your FOs. You may find you have a force that is going to be sluggish to respond and not have much staying power. Beware of how you apply your tactics and make sure your force is capable.
  10. Honestly if we could put foxholes right into the hedgerows and have them be hidden as well, we would likely complain they skew the game too much. It is hard enough to drive the enemy from a well defended hedgerow without bringing a lot of firepower to bear. Add some foxholes back there to head for if the enemy calls for artillery and you have a fairly tough defensive position.
  11. No problem!! oh did I mention it would be a rainy night scenario?
  12. I sometimes roll my eyes at some of the posts about issues with various things thinking "c'mon guys, aren't you being a little over the top". Then I remind myself that part of why the game is so good is the passion of the community around it, BFC folks included. Nice to see that the game does factor this in appropriately. Thinking it does is nice, knowing it does is better. Thanks Noob.
  13. a helping hand to keep you off page 2 - purely in self interest to drive another thread to page 2.
  14. bump I realize you guys are probably asleep, but hopefully one of you will see this in your morning
  15. And you then get to post those wonderful details in the screenshots thread!
  16. recieved an Amazon alert on the following- kind of pricey but it has apparently been available a long time in it's native German. Is it worth the price? They are looking at a June release at the moment. THE COMBAT HISTORY OF THE 21ST PANZER DIVISION 1943-45 http://www.amazon.com/COMBAT-HISTORY-PANZER-DIVISION-1943-45/dp/1907677712/ref=pd_ys_qtk_fr_4?pf_rd_p=53351022&pf_rd_s=center-2&pf_rd_t=1501&pf_rd_i=home&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_r=15HVM70R2MD08Q2GV6ET
  17. Sorry Phil, it just hits a real sore spot. I'll shut up now. :-P
  18. Oh yeah I forgot, respecting the law was a high point for the Reich. A little arson at the Reichstag, yeah that would fit well within that. Hell I don't know why I bother with someone arguing for something so blatantly ridiculous, but I just can't let it pass. Sorry Steiner just not gonna let it go and have you defend such a heinous regime and hide behind the cloak of international law. Tell that to the millions of victims of the regime that IT should be the one we worry about protecting. No sorry that is just not acceptable.
  19. It isn't anti German hate, though good try to cry victim to exactly what the Reich proselytized. The German people are not the Reich and want nothing to do with it's legacy. Fact - The Reich did occupy and attempt to eliminate the Polish government Fact - The Reich did practice genocide Fact - The Reich was finally stomped after embarking on it's attempt to achieve world dominance Fact - The German people as a whole do not want to re restablish the Reich Those who try to paint the Reich as anything other than one of the darkest moments of humanity and a gut check of what we are capable of are the ones living in lies and propaganda.
  20. Pretty much, talk about feeling spanked...and by the AI no less.
  21. The AI just taught me how to prevent the uber crewman phenomena. It hit my tank and then continued to do so as the crew bailed. It brewed up killing several of the crew that survived, then for good measure it fired another round at the wreck that took out one of the two remaining. The remaining crew member was now panicked and eventually fled to my side of the map. Talk about getting the door slammed in your face, dang. And it never wasted a single round on any of the infantry mulling around trying to warm their mittens on the resulting flames.
  22. Kind of rich to try and get behind international law after flagrantly violating any sense of human morality those laws were based on. It's also an immoral act to attempt to exterminate entire peoples. That didn't stop the Reich though so I think I can safely say we stomped the Reich which had completely removed itself from international protection and it ain't coming back. By the way, remember a country called Poland? I believe the Reich attempted to do exactly what you said is illegal there...didn't seem to phase them that it was a violation of international law...hmmm.
  23. He's playing a variation of "whack a mole" called "whack a Stuart commander"
  24. Enough time? Kind of depends on what it would take to fix it, how much time would it take to fix it, what kind of time a very small team of people had with everything else they are working on. I'd say given all that and the fact that it isn't in we can assume the answer is no. :-P For a less snarky answer - I think most of us, myself included, have no idea how inter related and complex things are under the hood and BFC is extremely wary of how they fix something to make sure they do not break something else. I suspect the very nature of the issue folks are pointing out having to do at least partially with how ballistics is traced is very fundamental to the engine and that BFC will take the time to make sure they get it right. I would definitely not assume they haven't looked at it, but they seem to rarely discuss how they are approaching an issue. For example the bunker issues in pbem were raised, there was a brief confirmation that it had been picked up on and then nothing since. It wasn't even included in the list of fixes even though it actually was corrected. So keep your hopes up, that they aren't discussing it and it wasn't included in this patch means not a whole lot other than it is likely more complicated.
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