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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by sburke

  1. I am in country for 10 days...the game will not be released until after March 11th at which point I will have to wait till April to see it.
  2. Sadly true. It was in a pbem against vKleist and my guys were getting pounded crossing a creek. After the artillery lifted some of my men started doing buddy aid. I didn't notice until I started trying to plan where I could put some smoke to cover the crossing better. At that point I spotted this macabre little scene going on. When I have a chance to fire up the computer I will see if I have a save of the turn and post.
  3. Is that confirmed for the PIAT in the CW module? Welcome news if so. As regards the rest that debate has raged back and forth about backblast and having absolutely no experience of knowledge on the subject I am going to show my age earned wisdom and shut up. :-P I do second all the comments about maps however. A map that doesn't really reflect true terrain conditions is going to leave you unable to behave tactially in a realistic manner, it isn't the game, it's the map.
  4. I have done it, but I have to warn you of the visual effect. It'll look like your guys are trying to drown one another. Actually kind of sick looking.
  5. all this talk of King Tigers, Wespes, Brens, Churchills.. blah blah blah. You all overlooked the Webley revolver!! Wait till my dismounted tank crews are coming atcha with this baby!
  6. Without a save we can conjecture forever, quite vehemently it would appear...I think the imminent release of the CW module may be affecting us all. That being said, the odds of this happening are pretty extreme, but I can't rule it out completely as a one off simply because I haven't seen anything close to this happening and guessing from the responses neither has anyone else. So considering the amount of battles we have all played in a year the odds of something like this eventually occuring .. well all I can say is too bad you didn't play the lottery this day instead. I certainly don't think as a one off it somehow invalidates the CMx2 engine. Drawing that conclusion based on one incident we all can't even take a second look at seems pretty presumptive. As to the Tiger/Panther debate, trying to argue logic in the German armaments industry is probably a mistake to begin with, but within that I think Germany viewed the 2 as having different functions. Whether that makes sense or not is probably still another topic of discussion.
  7. Now now, don't get snarky till you have all the details. Note the Panther is elite fanatic and there has already been discussion about what to expect if you set units at that level. Next question- What were the Sherman crews?
  8. Unfortunately that is a CM x1 mod. You can tell by the Manny Moe and Jack unit for the squad.....
  9. LOL I am actually headed the opposite way, hearing some of the screaming in CM has made me consider editing my own audio, that level of realism I don't need. More brutal graphics and audio of injured personnel isn't high on my list for additions to the game...
  10. Well if you had just gotten back into the jeep we could have told you...
  11. Damn I love this game for stuff like that. The details can be so amazing and sometimes hysterical. I still remember back fondly to one landser I had in a PBEM - Probst was his name - who personally halted an American attack in Bois de Baugin. Small battle, minor incident, but it was just so cool to watch. I am pretty sure I still have it on my PC.
  12. Vark sooner or later you are just gonna have to make up your mind. You've been on this forum long enough to know if you ask a question, you'll get 25 opinions from 18 people. You've played the demo and I have to assume you liked it enough to hang in here all this time. The game is great and it is only getting better, so buy the dang thing and stop depriving yourself. There's my 2 cents. ;-) I pre-ordered CM and CW and the only regret I have is not having enough time.
  13. Pandur, if I am catching your drift- you want the Jeep radio to be in C2 to Coy HQ which requires you be in the jeep. Apparently as soon as you step into the jeep, you are in some type of hermetically sealed environment preventing you from talking to your team. Does that sum it up properly? So basically the jeep itself adds to the LOS issues for your teams to be in C2 to the platn hq? Have you tried turning off the engine? Washing the windows? Kidding. It does seem a bit odd, not sure what the abstraction here is that would have being in a jeep become an additional LOS burden. Can't see the pic so i do not know if that clarifies what the issue might be.
  14. or the glass is twice as big as it needs to be? Actually didn't think the posts were that bad, we've all seen worse trash talking. The holy grail of an op layer is obviously something a lot of folks want (myself included) even if we know 1 - it is so hopelessly difficult it will never happen and 2 - would prefer that development time actually be spent on the game and not on something that would likely collapse from it's own complexity. as to the sheep, the last I heard they'd said...wait for it.... nnnaaaaahhhhhhh yeah I know, bloody awful
  15. Steve plays farmville, don't believe anything you hear to the contrary.
  16. God da** beta testers....now we know who to blame Seriously though, thanks for your efforts guys. We know from various comments posted that you are paying attention to stuff on the forum so while there may not be an ongoing "conversation", there is most definitely a feedback loop. And you know we will still find some bugs....just goes with the territory.
  17. I'll be honest, I really never expected a reaction like this. When I wrote my reply I kept worrying that it was too harsh, but I really wanted to push you (in a positive way regardless of how it came out) to be more concrete in your suggestions. I would disagree with you about the alternative. I have seen that product touted here, looked at it and no offense, but I don't think it is anywhere near the same for better or worse. Best to you if you like it and it meets your needs better than CMBN, but it doesn't meet mine. All that being said, my hope to encourage you to be more constructive apparently sent you in the opposite direction...sorry to see that.
  18. Negative conclusions drawn with minimal data (let's face it you do not actually have access to the code or what may be causing the problem.) are not real helpful as declarative statements. You may even be right, but you don't know and the folks who do know are telling you that you aren't exactly on target. Cut em some slack unless you have some real supporting data. If on the other hand you do have some hard data to help them, please share it as I think we all would like the game to run as smoothly as possible. I am not saying you are wrong, I don't have enough info to draw a worthwhile opinion, but I don't think broad brush stroke statements like this help move things forward. Give them something to work with if you have it as I don't think BFC is saying they won't accept advice, they simply don't accept what they feel is misinformed opinion. Think about it, in that brief sentence you pretty much trashed all their efforts even if that is not what you intended. For me this game is it. If it wasn't for BFC there wouldn't be a ww2 simulation that I would bother playing. My worst nightmare is these guys deciding they don't want to do this anymore. Whatever complaints exist about CMBN they exist in an environment where there is no reasonable alternative. As we used to say about the Grateful Dead "they aren't the best at what they do, they are the only ones that do what they do." Constructive criticism is always welcome and it is obvious you enjoy the game, so put some meat on them thar bones.
  19. that depends, if he was playing the americans he might have been quite happy. :-P have to say that was damned funny, wasn't quite sure what to expect but when I saw that guy pull out the PF I suspected this wasn't going to end well. I have never seen anything like that in my games. Being a computer program, if I play it enough I expect to find the occasional error, but yeah I can see that one being fairly distressing...not to mention what you other pixeltruppen were thinking... "wtf does he think he is ... oh s**t!"
  20. And don't neglect the Tapestry, Normandy has a lot more history than just the invasion.
  21. Same feeling here, what I was not expecting and a more pleasant surprise was the details for post Normandy were a bit better. Still not one I would really recommend highly for folks bookshelves when one compares cost value. Sad cause I was really excited when I first saw it available for pre order.
  22. My Landser would be quite happy to see that I think that last battle where I had troops that were already pretty tired though was really interesting. Tactics that I had used previously would not work with them, they just didn't have the stamina to play hide and seek very well. Part of the reason I felt the decison we ended up having to make when the game stopped running was correct was because I knew how little fight they had left in them. Though I did spring a couple good ambushes there before we ran into the dreaded- "sorry your pbem is not gonna run anymore" syndrome. Hard to believe that was last year already, dang do I ever miss this game. For those frustarted with various items not functioning how you think they should or what you consider to be buggy behavior...try setting the game down for a few months, I would almost kill for a chance to have time for another round. Not really, but I would definitely consider withholding ice cream, be it chocolate, vanilla or even Choc chip mint, but then that wouldn't really be punishment.. Steve I hope you don't have an analogy that refers to the MG module as Choc chip mint, I would be deterred from buying it....
  23. Lots of + Paper Tiger. I mentioned in another thread how Broadsword uses experience, morale and fitness to reflect the overall condition of our units in creating scenarios from the op layer of our game. It not only adds to the immersion factor, but also has made me keenly aware of how far I can push my units or not. I absolutely agree that if folks are finding their units to be far better than they expect, they need to start messing with these. Having fresh, well rested, fit, well experienced units in every battle is extremely divergent from what commanders had/have to face and frankly is gonna get boring. Try that same defence with tired or exhausted troops and see how brittle they are.
  24. Let me know what you think of Lions of Carentan. I was a bit disappointed hoping for more detailed reports particularly regarding this battle - given the title I did not think that was unrealistic.
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