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Everything posted by sburke

  1. Is this where I buy the next pitcher and chuckle at how worked up you guys are getting? Then sit back and appreciate that there are guys like you all working on this level of detail. Cheers! Fraulein another pitcher for my friends! Hey wait, how come all the barmaids here have the same voice? Steve this definitely won't fly!!!
  2. No. Scroll down and you will see CMBN Market Garden. You are already at 2.0.
  3. Go hang out in Beijing and take a deep breath- then go try to buy safe baby milk for your child. We may have our faults aplenty, but I wouldn't trade my life plus a million bucks to go live in China.
  4. you tapping out morse code or is your wife smacking you in the back of your head after reading the thread and we are seeing how pointed your forehead is as it strikes the "8" key while your fingers are mashed onto shift? Just wondering.
  5. Combat Mission Cry Me A River.......get it.. Crimea... not funny? oh well I just tore out a 20x20 slab of concrete, humor is not getting through all the sore muscles.
  6. I am still surprised no one has commented on the name of this map. I was embarrassed it took me as long as it did to catch it. Kudos to Umlaut - very funny
  7. His windmills create wind ... from grain- he is the most interesting AAR man in the world.
  8. While it is difficult to overestimate the trash value of your wife beating Bil, there is a potential serious downside. Suppose she finds she really likes it and now you are going to have to share access time to the sacred CM computer. I think Bil would then claim victory in BF's name of having a new adherent.
  9. Both times it "disappeared" it was shrouded by smoke and dust. Not so magical. Awareness of it being there is different than seeing it. Unfortunately the computer doesn't always grok awareness or communicate that to the viewer. Nice video! Reminds me I need to go grab a sound mod.
  10. One of my sister's later finds was a guy claiming to be an ex-Seal. She and her friends all went over the top about it. After watching how he ripped off my dad for repair work I figured his Seal experience was about as true as his carpentry experience. He was also unsurprisingly vague about all sorts of details. I finally told him to pay him for any more work I'd need to have his contractor license, suddenly he was only licensed in Delaware, NJ and Maryland. Gee unfortunately my Dad lived in PA. Sorry then dude, I can't have you do any more work. He vanished very soon thereafter.
  11. Sounds like a Halloween house over at your place with corpses scattered about that periodically rise up in response to your thoughts. Must be great for date night. Any sign of Jimmy Hoffa there?
  12. Okay Quentin, why is this thread not called Kill Bil 3? And where will Uma Thurman attack? Damn would that ever surprise Bil and be properly bloody.
  13. That is not only hysterically funny, it is also about the most honest and valid government review of the effects of dropping acid I have ever seen. I love the radio operator and the dude climbing the tree. ahh memories....
  14. +1 on that. I have PBEMs going right now on 3 different installs (2 of the CMBN) and HTHH handles it effortlessly.
  15. What exactly do you mean by no Arnhem campaign? There are two. Two Campaigns: Allied and German THE ROAD TO NIJMEGEN – ALLIED CAMPAIGN September 17, 1944. Holland. 15 missions. A MOMENT IN TIME - GERMAN CAMPAIGN September 19, 1944. Holland. 6 missions. Is there something specific you are looking for you don't see there?
  16. Tent and the girlfriend can stay. And I do like Lattes, however I have no cousin Bill and probably wouldn't want to see him anyway knowing my family.
  17. Damn, and we thought Emrys is old... well he is, but still...
  18. I unfortunately am too old to argue with that...my last day in a university was... quite some time ago. Now get off my lawn hippie.
  19. round and round and round we go Back to MG. I can't wait. I have a campaign game to participate in and $35 is nothing if it gives us the material to fire that up!! Wow there are other scenarios and campaigns included with the game?! Hot dog, bonus!!!!
  20. Heh heh, well when it comes to people "reality" can be a hard thing to define. Personally I think everyone benefits from an education- is the benefit necessarily money? No, but a well educated society is far better than an ill educated one. I would posit that focusing on the monetary value of an education is actually completely the wrong idea, but then it costs so darn much it better have a financial reward. I don't care if it is a liberal arts degree or an engineering degree. Being in an environment that is supposed to foster thinking (I won't get into that debate as to what has become of the educational institutions - I think that is an argument generally driven by personal perception) does contribute to a better society. And it ends up with people having the skills to develop a game like CM Now watch the entire BF team say "umm none of us attended any secondary school" LOL
  21. No not so dumb. I think once CMBN gets a base game update ditchlock and footpaths are not meant to be MG dependent. The real issue will be you won't be able to access the time frame. If I create a map for Sept 19th I do not think you will be able to access it at all w/o the MG module. The creator would have to change the date and make sure the setting is Normandy. That would alter all the buildings and flavor items to be accessible for those w/o the MG module. Ditchlock allows you to set elevation changes to a half meter increment whereas right now CMFI and CMBN only allow a full meter increment.
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