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Everything posted by sburke

  1. Your data is invalid because you haven't run forty two thousand other tests featuring every unit in the game at every possible combination of range and angle, and that besides, this isn't really all that unrealistic anyways because the flak guns are German, and the Germans were Nazis, and the Nazis were just crazy enough to maybe have invented smoke that is invisible but can still block LOS at the same time. One thought, and this is based on no observation. - is it possible it can't see it because the pixeltankers are freaking out as their optics are getting shredded and their suppression factor is rising?
  2. Correct, I presume that is based on their withdrawal from the theatre.
  3. Apparently not according to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) http://usatoday30.usatoday.com/sports/football/nfl/story/2012-05-08/Study-shows-NFL-players-live-longer/54847564/1
  4. took this for a run last night after checking this thread. Excellent job Mark and I think the enhancements in 2.12 have probably made it even better. My highlights - close combat assault to take out the Tiger (sheer desperation, it was destroying my defenses) followed by another close assault that immobilized one of the StuGs. I ended up with a minor defeat and was happy enough with that for a first run through. Great tension in this one. Even better as a budding designer I think this is a great one to pick apart in the editor to learn how you put it together. The AI plan is really good.
  5. Nope, as Womble noted that introduces it's own issues. All modules stay at the level they were released. All subsequent patches and upgrades would have to be applied regardless of when you purchase it.
  6. Were they 20 mm paintballs? If not the whole test is invalidated and you now have to go back into the yard sans garbage lid. I think your pixeltruppen from your last dust up would appreciate that. Edit this should also be a good test of the vulnerability of the c3k chin trap.
  7. Are you planning on doing regimental icons? Something like this? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/179th_Infantry_Regiment_(United_States) Yeah I realize that is probably cruel, but it's your fault for starting us on this path. Honestly it would probably clutter the UI too much.
  8. But we have Johnny Depp to be Tonto. Would love to see what CM will have for building ruins by the time we get to Stalingrad.
  9. Odd as so far my experience has been pretty much what c3k outlined. My only issue is the distance they'll toss smoke. Sometimes it is further than I want (when I am trying to cover a street in smoke for example and the smoke lands in the building across the street), but generally the direction is good.
  10. Well that isn't all that fair.... not many things are as dramatic and emotionally impacting as running out of toilet paper. LOL reminds me of when I was a kid we took the theme song of the western tv series "Branded" and changed the lyrics "Stranded, stranded on the toilet bowl, what do you do when you're stranded? You take it like a man and wipe it with your hand." Man I can't believe I wasted enough of my memory to have that seared in there all these years. Remember something useful, nah let's keep this little ditty in a prime memory spot. Sad really. Maybe I should crawl over to the Peng thread. Even Barry Manilow would be a step up.
  11. look at it this way Mord. We have a ton of games coming just of what is known, you are just getting started on this. Hopefully you will have the process well in hand before the next round. and thanks again, love this mod.
  12. Yes, anytime you add a module, the exe file it will apply is what was shipped with it. The patches install a newer version.
  13. hit "o". There are several gradients to visibility and it cycles through.
  14. no greedier than I, any chance those are in the works? Looking for the 45thID (US) and 305th ID (German)
  15. Broadsword has experimented with modding CMFI and doing a Crete campaign, it is pretty good and still running. It is limited however to just infantry. For BF to consider Crete, I believe you are correct, they would have to consider a NA game. This could then address unit organizations and equipment. Maybe around the time they also consider Poland 1939 and France 1940. The German units would likely be close to complete when they do Eastern Front 1941. Besides, what is BF going to do after they finish the EF?
  16. I read it and didn't believe someone would actually post that under their own sig.
  17. tested, confirmed and reported, thanks warrenpeace
  18. No problem I can rerun mine tonight without walls
  19. loaded save and watched the behavior. I then took a shot to see if I can re create it. I took 16 sets of buildings. 4 sets each facing N, E, S and W, Each set is a row of 3 and I split them up in order of the first 4 selections with 5, 4, 4 and 3 story. I put a low wall across each door facing. I purchased scout teams and gave them a quick move to the center building. Only the first two buildings exhibited the odd behavior - both the east and west facing. All the rest the teams went through the low wall into the building. I'll include my save with yours and submit it. I suspect the rubble in your save is acting as a low wall for pathing.
  20. Thanks, just back home last night. I'll take a look this evening
  21. is that a bazooka you got there or are you just glad to see me?
  22. I once saw the AI launch a shreck at well over 250 m....and gasped as it arced very nicely right into my Sherman...then gasped again as the Sherman exploded taking out the halftrack next to it. Have never seen one hit from that far since, but the experience scarred me. Typically I use them in the 70-150 meter range. Beyond that they become very unreliable. Bazooka range is considerably less and there may be some input from BF that keeps them from launching too far past their range capability. That had been an issue previously with PIATs.
  23. LOL what's that one sig? "Fight with conscript tanks"? Mine should be "fight with stupid troops!" Correction - that is "Play with conscript tanks" and belongs to Vanir.
  24. Oh sure make fun of my reading glass prescription. Off my lawn hippy!
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