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Everything posted by sburke

  1. Unfortunately no. For quite a few of us that is the #1 feature we would like to see. Okay "quite a few" May mean just 3 for all I really know.
  2. Look at it this way Umlaut, most feedback tends to be critical - fix this, make the map larger/smaller etc. no feedback MUST mean they love it and it is perfect! Keep doing what you are, you do some really nice work. Even for official releases feedback is minimal on these boards and those giving feedback are in a relatively small group. Within them they do have types of scenarios they really enjoy so you end up with an even smaller subset. When it comes down to it folks generally prefer to play than write about playing.
  3. Good idea, the distraction is not worth our time. (though the tom cruise pic is a hoot) I suspect how well we adopt and play those tactics is also an element of scenario design. If it is just kind of crafted with a particular situation in mind, it may not necessarily reflect on Soviet tactical methodology in which case many of us will fight the way we normally do with a force not intended to be used that way...and it could end up quite frustrating. However I suspect designers are just as curious to compare the different concepts of tactical deployment and will craft with that in mind. Gonna be real interesting when we all have it in our hands to toy around with.
  4. That has to be included in the Finn module...and they will require a module all to themselves right? The nice thing is the bigger the tank barrel, the easier that should be.
  5. I believe that was in Normal Dude's Task Force Panther Campaign, my single favorite CMSF scenario and one I have played (and continue to play) over and over. Mini slice of Mogadishu, Black Hawk Down. First time I played through it I felt totally spent and it sold me 100% on any theater BF decides to do as I know the engine is right (even back then) and it only needs a creative application in design.
  6. Well umm yeah Hitler and the Nazi party really were just a bunch of fanatic, brutal thugs.
  7. ? no I was quoting you saying exactly the same - Germany definitely emphasized itself as being more powerful. If Hitler had told the German people what his Generals were saying in 1939 he might have had a difficult PR problem. The Wehrmacht was absolutely 180 degrees from Hitler on the question of force ratios. Probably the worst thing that could have happened for Germany in 1940 was to cream the French. Now all Germany believed Hitler's BS.
  8. Didn't help that Germany was pushing that same propaganda
  9. Just please reassure us you are not surviving on a diet of this
  10. somebody say sewer movement?! LOL Yeah I gotta admit I am one of those. I'd love to see it as I'd love a really detailed Stalingrad experience. However do I really need it and would I use it anywhere even near enough to make it worth Steve even answering it much less trying to code it- doubtful. Okay not even doubtful, just plain old no. ahh but it is fun to contemplate. and not quite as weird as contemplating my navel. What are you thinking about? Oh um sewer movement and how cool that would be.... really? :confused: okay maybe it would be as weird.
  11. Considering you have a sig that most have a very clear and humorous recollection of- you won. Damn 3 years ago already.
  12. Statistical analysis, witchcraft I say!! I was gonna check my tea leaves but out of tea this morning and the dog ate my tarot cards. I may have to sacrifice the cat or better yet that dang Chihuahua.
  13. but just what are those? :confused: According to BF, their experience is Western Front is the biggest seller, followed by Eastern Front (at least as far as I recall) so when those are done, what next? Combat Mission:Star Wars? Combat Mission:Angry Birds? and I think weed has been available in all 50 states for oooohh quite some time.
  14. Yeah I can see the point there. I don't generally have that much trouble with hunt though, could be simply an issue of the map size and distance. Actually the one I have had more trouble with is quick. In Hamel Vallee, my units were almost incapable of using quick. Lousy fitness levels can do that.
  15. lol I would have to agree if I were playing a "lying cheating game altering" human. On the other hand IF you find an opponent who is not (and so far NONE of my opponents have fit your description. They have all been gracious, courteous and totally honest) you have a whole other game than you have experienced against the AI. Think of just a few things the AI won't do or won't do well. Use smoke, use demo charges, coordinate artillery with infantry and armor. Actually react to what you do (though that is finally about to change). For the longest amount of time I played only against the AI for a lot of different reasons, but having found human opponents I enjoy playing against it has completely changed the game for me. I do still play against the AI, but I look forward to every single turn that comes through on a pbem so much more. I don't think that is true of CMx2 any more than CMx1.
  16. Off a discussion in another thread I started thinking about the CMBN Beta AAR and went back to look at it. It is real interesting to see how the game engine has developed and how good it looked even then. http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=94495 Elvis http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=94496 JonS
  17. no but maybe you can try hunt or more separation between units, why does there HAVE to be AI behavior changed to protect you from yourself? Sorry I am just wary of an auto response simply because I can see unintended side effects that make minefields even more prohibitive than they are now. If I recall waaaayy back when JonS and Elvis were playing Bois de Baugin in the CMBN Bate AAR there was discussion of slow movement through a minefield. Do we now prohibit any movement at all?
  18. That is an assumption, maybe back is further to cover than forward. Maybe you are in the middle of the minefield or worse, more than 50% through. Still want to go back? My point is deciding what should automatically be AI behavior assumes things are always going to occur one way. MikeyD's point about how mines are usually deployed in CM is more then likely true most of the time. I actually haven't run into too many battles with a minefield that was then covered by MGs and Mortars. They are usually simply a deterrent to hinder you on a covered approach. As Mikey said, more a booby trap affect.
  19. It was being fired into German lines. Those two Joes were just muttering "The poor bastards, they won't know what hit em."
  20. it was great, but you have CM now. You can think about what you want to do and not worry about what chapter H rule 15.2 says your die roll modifier should be. In CM we still wish we hade more FOW on some stuff, in ASL you will look back longingly on the FOW CM has and nothing beats some of the visuals you get in CM. While ASL might actually recreate the following scene to some degree, there is nothing like watching it play out for 60 seconds while your jaw drops to the floor. Then watching it over and over again from every angle. http://www.combatmission.com/community/showpost.php?p=1307356&postcount=505 Last but not least. My cat would eat ASL pieces. While it has chewed on my keyboard keys, I can replace that easily. Overall from my perspective no, I sold off all my ASL stuff a long time ago. That isn't to say others wouldn't enjoy it, it still has a huge audience. It just isn't for me.
  21. saving em for the zombie apocalypse
  22. Gamey, no I don't think so. If your choice is to sit there and wait for the mortar strike or try to get through it, what would you do? Now if I know the minefiled is there and am still in cover, no I don't think I am gonna try to charge through it (Iranians aside), that is more than likely going to be a fiasco, but if my tactical considerations are limited and I have to do it, it would suck if the game made it impossible to do. Automatic responses in CM are a double edged sword. You always have to think about what affect it will have on limiting player options if you try to create behavior to protect them from the consequences of their decisions. As an example I am playing a scenario currently and I am 90% sure the designer has mines out there. So my formation and plans are such to expect them and have a response. I am sending only few men in the advance as scouts followed by an engineer team on hunt at a distance followed by elements of the main body. I have uncovered several minefields and while it has cost me a couple men, the main body is untouched and my engineers have marked the mines before proceeding. It is slow, but that is the nature of moving against a prepared defense. Would I have preferred to hit the area with a lot of HE and hopefully clear them...yeah, but I don't have enough. If I did not have engineers I'd just have to find another route. While it makes sense to think a guy walking along who sees someone ahead set off a mine is gonna stop and think a moment first, we are playing a computer game. They won't think, they are essentially binary behavior. (At the point they start thinking we are all in trouble, they'll frag us). In this instance I don't think there is a good binary option that doesn't tie our hands to try other options. So for me the answer is how one implements commands, spacing becomes very important as well as the mode of movement depending on what you expect you may have to deal with. In that sense it is pretty darn realistic.
  23. she is far too considerate, she was trying to avoid stepping on it when it chased her. I'd have gone for the field goal. Itttttsssss Good! woot!
  24. Put a trp on the spot and drop a few mortar rounds. You absolutely know he wants intel first so he is gonna send the guy up. Place somebody who has the sole job of noting movement to that location/locations...then make him pay. The longer Bil lacks intel, the shorter the clock gets. I'd be real curious as to what he'd do if he found himself poked in the eye every time he tried to look. Downside of AARs is EVERYONE sees how you play LOL
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