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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by sburke

  1. Reading your stuff is never a waste of time, hope that wasn't what you were interpreting that as. My apologies if so. Was more curious to see how long you would be able to do so. C'mon Bil we were all hoping for a longer AAR because they are so well done. It's your fault, you have spoiled us.
  2. I'm kind of with GAJ on this one, it is too early to say the result. In essence so far C3k has bumped into Bil's force and Bil caught him advancing, inflicted some casualties and withdrew. So round one -the initial contact goes to Bil, but I don't think anyone expected different and I certainly do not expect Bill will just fold or not exact some blood in the process. It is round 2 and possibly 3 that would be at least for me a better indicator.
  3. AFAIK there have been no options added that would alter BF's previous reasons for this being the way it is. I.E the AI dies not have any routines yet for halting and firing per se. Still something on the to do list, but a smarter AI as whole I think is probably the first thing on Steve's wish list. It is also a huge time sink hence their not putting it the front burner. My answer, I defer to Steve as I don't know s**t about what it would take
  4. yeah that is actually true - I've seen it. Though they tend to take it to an odd extreme I do like that the society is overall not as prudish as ours and religion as an organized force telling you what you should or should not be doing is nowhere near as strong as here. But they also have vending machines for beer. Man is that the coolest idea? Strolling down the road...on Sunday and you want a cold one... Some of them even let you buy using your mobile phone.
  5. A pair of really smart game designers who have oodles (that is a technical term indicating vast) more experience than you decided it wasn't a question of "abandoning unfinished" but rather a product that was at the limit of what it could do. Based on their relative experience compared to yours and knowledge of the product, I'd have to go with their perspective- no offense intended. You are certainly entitled to your opinion, but that simply means it is your opinion. In this case your opinion is based on far less knowledge than their opinion. Yes actually it is real simple to test and verify, you can have a scenario set for testing in all of a couple minutes. Where it gets difficult is verifying how much cover. Angle of fire, facing of vehicle etc all come into play but a really basic test can show you it does have an impact. How helpful that is to the original suggestion for a movement behavior for following a tank and using it for cover is an entirely different subject.
  6. You are arguing with a guy who has not agreed with the move in CMx2 to 1:1 since CMSF. I doubt you are going to change his mind. But good luck!
  7. Most definitely so sir. One of the most difficult tasks for BF in making CM is the TAC AI pathing and placement. It shows up in a whole lot of places and there are at least 3 different items in other posts/threads related to that subject right now. Then you get into what is actually possible in the map editor. It will get better over time, but the sheer difficulty of making it do what you want it to do and not become hopelessly bogged down means it will take time. We have and will continue to see improvement, but it is more than likely there will always be situations where we have to make concessions to what is possible versus desired. I think you have done an excellent job in that regard. I know I had a lot of fun with this one and will give it another go at some point soon.
  8. yikes!! very ambitious. This should keeps some folks busy for a little bit.
  9. On another note reading Battle for Budapest http://www.amazon.com/Battle-Budapest-100-Days-World/dp/1848859732/ref=sr_1_20?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1400084085&sr=1-20&keywords=budapest+1944 According to it Malinovsky handed out 115 Hero of the Soviet Union medals after the fiasco of crossing the Danube at Ercsi. Only 12,000 were handed out in the entire war. The suggestion is Malinovsky was unwilling to share the "glory" of taking Budapest with Tolbukhin who's forces were advancing up the western side of the Danube having crossed further south. Nice, hey thanks for dying for my ego Have a medal.
  10. It might get more attention in the tech support forum, this isn't really something a beta tester can move forward. Phil needs to see it and tech support is where he'd expect to find it.
  11. and now back to our previously scheduled program an unknown officer charges forward inspiring his men to assault the trench line of a German defensive position near Orsha June 1944
  12. PM sent and oddly enough I ran into the same item in CMFI myself. It is a house positioned across the mid point of a couple AS. Be curious to see yours but I at least have something to work with.
  13. Man BF can't win. First we complain that armor is too invulnerable to infantry. So they adjust and make infantry have better ability of close assaulting and we complain that now ALL infantry have an ability we want limited to just guys with specific weaponry so now we want BF to add...... In my world we call this project creep. Is it better than it was - yep can it get better - yep will it get better - yep patience. I am all in favor of having some more detail, but am also mindful to watch what I ask for. How much micro management do you want? Do we then have the ability to acquire specialized AT weapons, buddy aid them, share? And now the new guys have still another thing to check, oh crap I ordered them to attack that tank and they don't have anything to attack it with! Part of abstracting it is to note that there is a wide range of possible options and potentially even some spontaneous stuff like finding a crowbar or shoving a potato up the tail pipe. Okay I made up the bit about the potato, but you get the idea.
  14. Yep. The issue I think that Bulletpoint is making is more that infantry can not really make use of that cover. They will not "trail" a tank and even if you get the vehicle and infantry speed down, some of those guys will always find a way to wander into incoming fire. That would require a movement type and TAC AI behavior. As to tanks crushing large walls etc, most of the tankers who have chimed in on these type issues generally comment that we are too influenced by Hollywood and propaganda films. Tankers are much more careful about trying to make sure they do not damage their vehicle causing it to become a big metal pillbox.
  15. I assumed he was just making a joke. Hope I wasn't wrong about that. :cool:
  16. It may be the house is situated on a half an AS. Building size and placement can potentially impact this. One of the reasons we always ask for saves before a beta tester will discuss if it is a bug is we need to know everything before rushing to judgement. It is possible there is an issue with the structure, but without the save there really is nothing for anyone to chew on. I almost never have a whole squad moving as a unit and placing like this so I don't have any prior comparative data to work from.
  17. heh heh, not sure I actually said that but if Michael wants to say I am right, I'll be happy to include that in a sig. as to the point, yep. Time to split, you want to have your sniper shooting people who can't see him and yes it is possible and extremely annoying when you are on the receiving end. You not only get suppression on the target, but if you are up against a human opponent, suppression to some degree on the whole enemy force. That is the real value add you want to be striving for.
  18. Your norm is infantry tossing grenades 30 meters at a fast moving tank and KOing it? Seriously?
  19. Your STD turned out to be mange or fleas? We didn't see that coming at all.
  20. snipers- distance and concealment. and don't tell em what to aim at. They pick targets just fine. Whether they are good enough to hit something or just help suppress units is another question. You might want to give them a nice short cover arc and let them observe for a while. You want them to find high value targets and not just waste their rounds on grunts. In lieu of a slap, here is a link to Bil's primer. An excellent place to start. http://battledrill.blogspot.com/2013/08/combat-mission-tactical-problems-cmtp.html
  21. most scenarios now are only half baked
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