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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by sburke

  1. Went hth play testing that scenario and generally I'd say the allied defenders have the advantage. An additional note for German player is be cautious dealing with underpass with armor.
  2. Superwus I agree they should fire that overpaid BF monkey. However as CM is still a reasonably priced game considering the amount of effort involved I am pretty certain nobody at BF is overpaid. I do know I haven't see any BF employees in the news ala Justin Bieber so if they are overpaid, they are at least displaying decent discretionary behavior In the meantime some of us actually like the feature. Go figure
  3. I think you are underestimating paintball. I have a fairly extensive medieval library and warfare was an extremely chancy prospect at best.
  4. BF is busy watching. . . er I mean collecting data for the next release CM FIFA I believe that included a fact finding mission to Rio. Michelle Bachman is quite upset with his unamerican attitude.
  5. I don't think you need be concerned. CMFI may not get the same attention as NW Europe or the Eastern Front, but there are goodies still to come. That has been repeatedly promised by BF. Just need to be patient as BF's laundry list of things to do is quite long and that is great news.
  6. yes you can. 3.0 offers additional options, but any scenario created in a prior version is fully accessible and editable. Sorry if I removed an opportunity for you to procrastinate.
  7. Actually there has been a fair amount of reporting on them for quite a while now. Al Qaeda in the form of Al-Zawahiri publicly intervened in a disagreement between Al Qaeda forces in Syria and ISIL. At that time he tried to define ISIL area of responsibility and restrict them from involvement in Syria. The situation in Iraq I don't believe is so much an issue of ISIL popping up out of nowhere so much as an unsurprising collapse of authority of the central gov't in Iraq due to it's failure to be inclusive of the Sunni community. Wiki has a good synopsis of where ISIL comes from, the process of the Al Qaeda insurgency in Iraq becoming more homegrown and events leading up to the current crisis. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islamic_State_in_Iraq_and_the_Levant#Rise_and_decline_of_Al-Qaeda_in_Iraq_.28AQI.29 It remains to be seen if ISIL is capable of retaining power in the Sunni community once the confrontation with the central gov't becomes less of a common cause. Similar to the Sunni awakening we could very well see a power struggle between the larger Sunni community versus the Sharia law radical Sunni organizations. I tend to agree with scout_pl that Syria and Iraq as nation states are not likely to survive. There just isn't anyone with a vested interest there in it. The Kurds have wanted an independent Kurdistan for what seems like forever. The main opposition they have faced is Syria, Iraq and Turkey. Only Turkey remains with a strong central gov't and probably needs to figure out how to reach an accommodation with the Kurdish population of face an even more difficult insurgency. I don't see the same happening with the Sunni community. I don't see Iraqis Sunnis wanting to see any governmental integration with Syria. What they do need is access to oil and it looks like that is a major focus in the current offensive. The Shiite community in Iraq I think would also like to maintain their independence from Iran however that may be difficult for them to manage.
  8. You can shoot the gun any time you like, but you'll never hit anything because you're Italian. Somebody had to say it. 2 serious items. The 50mm also benefits by being harder to spot. You may find if given a good enough concealed flanking position that your opponent will be gnashing their teeth trying to figure out what hit them. That in itself can disrupt their plans significantly. Regarding your initial targeting planning I would also try to make sure I wasn't creating a situation where I was firing too early and potentially missing a partially hull down vehicle. To maximize your concealment you don't want them too close but you also do not want to be firing too many ranging shots.
  9. Yeah I think no matter how much you put in effort wise, there are some issues that will be hard to avoid that are hard coded - edges and shadows, vertices that show up etc. I saw some similar items in the CMSF euro mod where the Stryker cages still show some lines on the vehicles. At a certain point you have to accept some of those or drive yourself nuts. As it is even if you are still struggling with some items you have set a really high bar for what can be done. I may just print out some of these pics and decorate my work station. Diorama quality work that has me drooling to see more.
  10. Damn Umlaut. Having seen the map, the screen shots still send chills up my spine. Amazing work that will be very much appreciated.
  11. Lol god damn it Jim, get the hell out there and cut the grass!
  12. A lot of what you are asking for is considered by BF a level of micro management they do not want to introduce. The AI is supposed to handle much of what you are requesting as user defined actions. As to your suggestions on LOS checking, it might be worth some effort to do some searching on the forum. This is a really complicated subject with a lot of caveats to how it works and when and why some of your suggestions are simply not an option as the engine currently stands. There are reams of discussion on it. Hit shift when selecting target arc- it will automatically do a full 360. That is more intended as keeping a unit to remain hidden more than establishing a target. The point of a target arc is to focus on a direction. A really large arc is kind of pointless beyond establishing a range limit which the 360 degree will do.
  13. and the sad thing is that doing that against the AI would have no impact. It simply continues with it's plan. I think that is where most of the fun of HTH comes in. FOW matters to your opponent and they makes decisions based on what they think they know of your force. Even in a battle where you both know the force size you can still cause a reaction based on assumptions about how your force is deployed.
  14. take your time, the point is to enjoy it. I'd agree with the others that HTH takes it to a different level in that a human is far more capable than the AI. It doesn't take away from just enjoying a game in single player mode though. There are some really great scenarios out there. Don't forget to play with the editor as well. That is a whole other area that I think not enough folks really take the time to appreciate. Check out the stuff Umlaut and Juju have been doing. Phenomenal over the top creation effort. Most of us don't have the skill set displayed in their effort, but that doesn't mean you can't still have some fun with it.
  15. Picky, picky, picky. They are derailed. That is why they weren't pulled out before the fighting started. Sheesh do I have to explain everything? Friggin awesome work Juju and Umlaut.
  16. same here. I think you and I George are both in the midst of upgrades. Friggin BF making me unsatisfied with my old computer.... I spend too much time with this game not to spend the effort on my rig.
  17. the decline and fall of a great idea....
  18. I am not sure how being on Steam would have anything to do with altering either BF's patch process or their strategy about modules. BF patches when they feel the patch is ready and has been run through tests with the Beta team. That is a laborious process that has nothing to do with the delivery model. As to selling engine upgrades as a DLC, also don't get that. A DLC is just additional content. An engine upgrade for CM is a requirement if you want to continue adding modules and packs further down the road. There aren't many games out there with the longevity CM has. I think maybe the HPS series is the closest I have seen in terms of the continuing upgrade of a series with consistent features. Compare that to big hyped game series like Elder Scrolls, Assassin's Creed, Call of Duty etc etc. Those are all stand alones that have no relationship to each other over the series. Personally I could care less if BF decides to utilize steam or not. They know their business a heck of a lot better than I do and if they thought there was something to be gained by being on steam then they would be on steam. Obviously they don't and have explicitly stated they do not have any interest in pursuing that at this time. Their continued success and growth seems to imply that they do not need to be on steam to succeed and they appear to very much savor their independence.
  19. Meh...I guess it's passable. Seriously dude, it looks great. Still loving the ones you did for CMBN. Thanks for all the effort you put into these.
  20. Gyros. It is a sandwich. In Turkish it is known as doner
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