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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by sburke

  1. LOL sure they can, just let them go on vacation or sightseeing, or perhaps they will just get "lost" Putin can always find a way.
  2. I expect that actually is BFs plan. They will develop the models for Bulge and then back port them to CMBN at some point. It still requires work, but at least with Bulge, the product can be priced to accommodate that. Same would go for CMFI. The models that appear in all 3 games would be based off work done on Bulge.
  3. Here is what I found so far. This building has a wall coming up to but not quite connecting to the building. On the other side of that wall is a door and there is a gap between the building and the wall. If you try to draw LOS on the right hand side, you can not past the corner so it only affects the section of the wall that has the door. This I could not duplicate, they squeezed through the connection between a wall and an adjoining building on a very circuitous route to get to that building, but did not enter through that wall. I found this and the above instance interesting as I'd never noted that gap between building and wall before and what it can do to movement and LOS that isn't readily apparent. If you have two modular buildings adjacent you can actually see a gap, but I hadn't noticed this before. I think #3 is a barn, not sure I can't really tell and barns are pretty much considered riddled with holes.
  4. This one could be a bug. #2 Squad entered building through X in brick wall: entering through a solid wall suggests something potentially more significant. I'll see if I can find the location and duplicate the behavior, if so I will report it.
  5. i wouldn't go that far, but they also aren't trying to write a blockbuster techno-thriller with a premise that will decide whether the book is trite nonsense or a potential DOD case study. They just need a bare bones skeleton to be the premise as to why a particular unit is fighting a particular battle.
  6. Well not really. The scope of the game is whatever you chose it to be. The narrative is only to give some cursory background to the campaigns that come with the game. CMSF was perhaps a little more complete, but not by all that much. BF is not really into trying to get too detailed because then you get caught up into a nitpicking session about the details of that scenario. They aren't interested in getting caught up in that. The vagueness is deliberate not a matter of laziness. The thread was begun by H1nd to actually talk about other campaign options. I am sure h1nd is into discussing what background might work best for the campaign he is considering. I on the other hand might create a campaign of Polish and Belarus involvement with a completely different story line and strategic picture. Have fun with it, what do you think the considerations should be for a campaign you think would be worthy of working on?
  7. You mean like Texas? Not all Americans take only our own gov'ts position as fact. But our govt doesn't have quite the same history of shutting down opposing viewpoints.
  8. Actually hang onto the save for the turn you take a screenshot as well. Sometimes the screenshot promotes more questions than it can answer.
  9. As a result of the strange practices uncovered in the process of said research the following is a public service announcement. According to the Chinese Lunar Calendar, this is the year of the goat (or sheep depending on interpretation not that it matters). To all Aussies, this does NOT mean what you think. Please put your dungeroos (or whatever it is you wear in lieu of civilized clothing) back on. To Emrys, it is NOT the year of the old goat. There will be no celebrations in your name, unless of course you are crushed by a local radio station dropping turkeys from a helicopter. That would be cause for great celebration and replacement finally of the Eagle with the Turkey as national bird (and many praises to Benjamin Franklin for his prescient views). To Boo, this is NOT a family get together year for the Radley clan.
  10. Maybe this helps a little? http://english.stackexchange.com/questions/48646/what-is-the-meaning-and-origin-of-set-piece-battle
  11. speedbump, I must be sure to update the archives of the Shavian House. On this date in the year of our liege Joe Shaw Knight Champion of the M.B.T., Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread, Creator of the Peng Challenge Thread Podcast, CessPool Drain Commissioner and Founder of the Shavian House, Stuka did in fact express regret that our liege Joe Shaw Knight Champion of the M.B.T., Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread, Creator of the Peng Challenge Thread Podcast, CessPool Drain Commissioner and Founder of the Shavian House was not present to admonish Boo for substandard posting performance. Granted the odds that this actually demonstrates any significant increase in Oddstralian intelligence are slim to none, it does lend credence to the theory that given enough monkeys eventually one will type something significant.
  12. Very mixed, would need to see specific instances to address, but I do know adjacent modular buildings can have some issues at the point their walls meet etc. Iit is not definitely something you can count on 100%. That being said it is very very instance specific. Approach with caution.
  13. Only when admitting I thought there was some modicum of intelligence in Oddstralia. You have proven otherwise. Don't you have a croc to go wrestle or something?
  14. From Consulate Evacuation - room clearing - Lovin it MOS:96B2P Breach team blows wall suppressing occupants Supporting force makes the bad guys keep their heads down The Breach team finishes em off.
  15. chasing balance in a scenario is a real will o the wisp. Opponents skill levels are rarely equal in all situations, understanding how to use the terrain to achieve your goals can totally unbalance a situation and is that the scenario's fault or the respective opponents...and then there is the time I completely missed a critical point in a briefing and suffered miserably for it. The thing about being the attacker is it helps if you attack.... in my defense the scenario was labelled in correctly. In terms of design JonS is a hard core opponent of any kind of scripting. He creates a battle and leaves the fighting of it to the player. I did notice he suggests 1st time play through against the AI the player may want to be the British. Not sure what to take from that. ken did you play test vs AI or HTH? I'd suggest flipping sides, you take the Brits and see if you can do better. My personal impression is it looks like an interesting match up. The Germans definitely have a superior infantry force and to me that means a higher likelihood of spotting first if the other side has fewer eyes on foot. However the Brits get to decide their avenue of advance and have some hefty firepower,
  16. wow you really are into the S&M bondage thing eh? I thought Donkey was exaggerating about you and your VIP pass to the "special" room in the paddock, but I see I was wrong.
  17. I think somewhere else it was mentioned that moving the vehicle models between titles was far easier than initial work, but that there was still some work. I agree though it would be nice to see applicable vehicles be ported to CMBN and CMFI if or when possible. CMFI was supposedly due a whole module still. Assuming the Bulge title game is out first who knows maybe we will see something. CMFI deserves a little love. Ah there it is, in MikeyD's quote from Steve.
  18. That is not entirely correct. I suggest a close reading of the manual on UAV section as to what type of air defenses are able to target which platforms and then review the possible AD platforms. Otherwise you will be in for a very rude awakening once you have the game in hand.
  19. Which expansion are you referring to? If the Gustav line module, no. If the still to be defined module that had been discussed to go to end of war, maybe and I would hope so.
  20. The Aussies would not be able to follow such a thing. They can barely count to 3. Emrys get stuck at 1 and Boo, and the residents (squatters) of House Rune are all wondering what this counting thing we are referring to is. Even God couldn't make OZville a nice place.
  21. outstanding man, heading there now. That is odd, normally is is automatic. Wonder if they have simply not connected the repository to the new forum. I'll PM so I don't put any spoilers on here, but nice job. Still trying to break through to Consulate but am already totally wrapped up in it.
  22. I actually mess around with CMSF on almost a daily basis and while I miss so many things that have been added since, I still love that game. I think however the OP is comparing to more recent titles and I think I lean towards the same answer as five five six. I will say though I have had some great infantry fights even in tank heavy scenarios. My first run at Studienka I had a great battle in the eastern side of the town. George is a master scenario creator/crafter.
  23. Well ya did build a pretty impressive wall. Kidding aside, and I am just ribbing you, the rationale for the scenario Hind is presenting could simply be the intent is to force a change in govt. Therefore it makes absolute sense to thrust at Kiev. Keep in mind the whole point of the exercise is to give us an excuse to game a campaign. If we all agree the likelihood of a direct Russia NATO confrontation is unrealistic and there is no point to gaming it then BF is gonna have a really sad day when this is released. Not that I think there is any chance of that. Hind has presented a campaign idea and a darn good one. Some alternatives have been presented that are equally good options. May I respectfully suggest gentleman you cooperate on campaigns on a theme? Much better to see more stuff than simply argue over one option.
  24. The hard part is watching your hand picked guys die and having to start anew from another perspective. Pnzrldr is doing an admirable job in this aar, the closest I have seen for anyone doing it in what we would consider a campaign is the red gambit series and that guy sucks at character development (a whirling dervish tomahawk wielding Native American being just one example). It is apparently his first writing experience so perhaps he will improve, but the characters in this AAR are frankly better.
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