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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by sburke

  1. While I agree that there are things not in this or simple limitations within the constraints of the game that make real world options difficult or simply impossible to do, it is far from a reskin of SF. It plays significantly differently. Honestly I could say the same thing "like so many other engine features that would be needed to really simulate combat" about any of the WW 2 titles if I really wanted to nitpick. However does it do enough to create a very impressive close proximity, yep and I have some basis to say that actually having played it.
  2. Yep and as always the lock is on when Steve finally gets tired of being insulted the umpteenth time. What is the definition of insanity? Go play far cry 3. No THIS time I will convince Steve that Steam will make him wealthy. Or is it Steve thinking THIS time I will convince them we do actually know what we are doing. Or maybe it is me thinking THIS time maybe the conversation will go differently.
  3. You know you really are such a nice guy to interact with. It gives me such a wonderful impression of the kind of folks I will meet as BF moves to Steam. Steve can we do this right away so I can interact more with overly arrogant disdainful elitist people who seem to have a hobby of rebuilding their systems continually and then somehow think they can argue for the mainstream? Pretty please? I was gonna squeeze my n**s in a vice, but this seems like a much simpler alternative. Dude maybe you need steam cause you spend far too much fricken time re downloading games after rebuilding a system rather than playing them. Nice handle by the way, it really fits you.
  4. Simple - their current model and growth plan is working. They have spent what 10 years moving to CMx2 and developing their plans to move ahead with their product based on their analysis of their market and product? It has actually been despite what folks keep saying, very successful. Think about it, as the economy was sinking BF was able to grow (yes we all know and love Phil, but Phil hasn't always been here). They have developed a plan to keep all titles current and right now have 3 titles out, 2 more coming and quite a few more on the horizon (I am for arguments sake only including product that will see continued development). So along comes this 800 lb gorilla online retail outlet that was never part of their plan. They took a first look and didn't like what they saw. So they went back to work improving the game etc. and they have a portion of their base, let's be optimistic and say we have 3 dozen people here adamantly pushing steam. If it were you, would that really sway your business model if you were already doing pretty good in terms of your target goals? Keeping in mind you don't know anyone these people and other than their experience shopping on steam, none of them have any experience truly relevant for the decision you have to make and the risk you have to accept. Would you really concern yourself with their advice? No offense to anyone here but I know I wouldn't. Unless I had some really good reason FOR MY BUSINESS there is no way I'd be swayed by a handful of people I do not know and very little of the argument that can truly be substantiated has to do with a positive business plan for BF.
  5. Rather than ask BF to take the risk, put up some money and you take the risk for them. Yes I am kidding, but seriously you are aking them to put up something financially to try something they have repeatedly said they are not interested in doing at all. What if it doesn't work? Let's just assume BF didn't take a hit in time and resources and it was simply a minor inconvenience to them. Do you think it would stop this thread? I don't. The arguments would then move to, well you didn't suffer too much and it was so much more convenient for us folks. If it were a newer game it would establish you better ....... Any one of a number of responses. In other words BF has really nothing to gain by making the effort of putting it on there to prove folks wrong because no matter how it goes there will be reasons given as to why that one didn't achieve expectations. They will never win this argument until they are fully on steam and have either succeeded or failed. That just isn't worth it to them. As to what you said Baneman, I agree. Someone who has 750 games doesn't really know what they want. That is basically obsessive compulsive behavior. I am at the point now of not buying anything else unless I think it is really really good. Price is no longer the driving factor, time is. It is hard enough choosing which CM title to play. I have a couple others that I like and maybe one or two that are pure nostalgia (Task Force 1942!). After that I seriously need to get off my butt and do something else.
  6. Trust a third party but not the vendor? Convenience- there may be an argument there, but I personally don't buy it. However I get there are people who feel just going to steam or steam launcher or something is more convenient than me hitting my CM exe and launching my game. Keep in mind I use Steam, I have first hand experience on a regular basis. I find nothing about steam to work so much more conveniently. Value for whom? The company we need to keep making the game is making less money per sale. I really object to the whole steam rational that I see over and over on any thread involving steam folks and that is they are friggin cheap. No offense to steam users here, I know you are paying full price for CM and would likely be happy to spend the same amount at steam for the game just for being able to have it in your steam catalog. However back to that article, look at how much of the comments section is people going on and on about what they bought for half price and the mid week madness etc. There is a large segment of that community that feels they should never be obligated to pay full price for something. I find that annoying and disrespectful of the amount of effort it takes to do this and how few gaming houses there are doing good stuff. Yes you can argue that CM doesn't have to do sales, but that then takes away a significant portion of the same audience that is supposed to be this wider base for Battlefront there. It is pretty senseless to keep trying to convince BF that there is a major market for them untapped, when they are comfortable with their current market growth and business plan. The current one works and is inherently risk free because they have already been doing it. Steam represents an unknown and therefore potential risk. It is also a certain amount of effort BF would have to expend beyond what they are doing introducing more angst and effort. There really isn't from their view much of an upside if you start with, "the current model is working, why fix something that isn't broken?"
  7. Read the article, read through comments till I got bored. I agree with Ian. Whatever your position on the subject, this thread was more informative than that one and the critiques the article had about the discussion here were pretty much replicated there. Oh well it is a somewhat sensitive topic. The main thing I got out of it is task force 1942 is back! I actually really liked that game in the short time I was able to play it. Pretty cool idea and fun to play. For what it is worth, that game is on steam, I have a steam account and have been on it recently more than a few times. I will likely buy the game, but I did not find out about it on steam. I found it on an article I heard about on the battlefront site......hmm what is this argument about steam creating exposure again? Good thing for that developer that I read the battlefront forum!
  8. Like ummm oh I don't know maybe cm helper which also processes your turns back and forth? Sorry had to do a promo for GAJ. It really is such a great PBEM tool.
  9. There are some built in limitations for engaging close infantry since MG module, but given time the AFV will drill your infantry If they don't have an AT weapon or are in hide mode. That last about hide is something I just ran across and don't know if it is situation specific, something new or something I just haven't noticed. Needs some more testing
  10. it is called subliminal advertising, BF is still working on the subtlety aspect of it.
  11. Okay yeah this is maybe not quite first thing on my list, but probably right after the first thing.
  12. I find if I want to do something like what you did above, I copy everything into note pad showing formatted text. Far far easier to work with. Then once you have it how you want just paste it all in a reply. Same way I do an AAR. I do all the pic links and text in note pad and then paste it into the forum. Much easier.
  13. To the forum? Everything you need to know compliments of Segei. http://community.battlefront.com/topic/96193-how-to-take-a-screenshot-edit-it-and-post-it/
  14. Actually I probably can't legally post that due to copyright- google Gary Larson Chicken of depression if you want to know what the Cesspool would look like with an Avian House. So Noba, got a new dictionary for Christmas now that you have reached a 3rd grade reading level?
  15. First the Shavian House is accused of being verbose, now the complaint is posts are too short. What is this the frickin 3 Bears? On an actual important subject I'd like to thank BF for the move to the new software. It is a great day that the picture of my liege Sir Joe Shaw Knight Champion of the M.B.T., Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread, Creator of the Peng Challenge Thread Podcast, CessPool Drain Commissioner and Founder of the Shavian House is leading off the MBT. Eat your heart out wannbe Justicar.
  16. Test, okay here is what I found Frankster. When posting hit the top left icon on the tool bar to see actual formatted text. Your post has a URL tag around it, Jargotn's does not. I quoted you then edited your post to remove the excess, now it shows the vid.
  17. Yes I believe it will. (note it is a location, so the hit text may simply reflect that is what it struck, not that the reactive armor "reacted".)
  18. yeah that is a fun one, Infantry in high rises, not a good day. Hard to spot and an Abrams can be killed with an RPG. I managed to lose one.
  19. looked to me more like the 30 mm, but hard to tell. There is so much stuff firing. I suspect that Brad may be on the blood board though.
  20. not quite, though most times you can get near. Part of the appeal to me about CM is I can't control everything. I really am more of a commander issuing orders and hoping my men will follow them rather than me being every guy. If I could change one thing it would be to allow a save file to be opened in the editor and saved as a new scenario.
  21. More than likely yes, that is a very typical reaction. Expect to see a lot of that.
  22. I am sorry to report I am getting push back from PETA. They are claiming hundreds of sheep are coming forth demanding Aussies take care of their progeny and to put an end to continued abuse. Seems they have been galvanized by the news of Mr Cosby. The sheep have suggested we use some other farm animal despite the relative large amount of sheep compared to other domesticated livestock. The cows look particularly nervous. Meanwhile the sheepdogs have petitioned for a name change to prevent further confusion as to whether they are sheep or dogs. Seems some Aussies get so excited they never get past "no I am a sheep. .... GAH!!!!.......dog!"
  23. Easier than admitting to what you were a part of. I don't think the Germans have any corner on that behavior. How would you like to face your grandkids and say, yeah I was part of an army that. ....fill in details. Not excusing it, just saying I am not surprised.
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