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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by sburke

  1. Per the manual (always a good place to start) Additional Activations Our End User License Agreement allows you to have the game activated on one PC and one backup PC. Our online activation system enforces this limit, but will allow you two additional activations without asking questions (so called "Overflow Activations"). These Overflow Activations are meant to be used when you switch to a new PC and would like to continue playing the game on the new PC. For details of implications if you intend to try and maintain those 3 activations I would suggest going to the BF helpdesk.
  2. Hey Vladimir, more to the point. I don't really need the western media to tell me what Russia's economic situation is. Simple math tells me if I have a budget of X amount based on an income of Y and Y gets cut in half...well my budget better get cut down too or I am in trouble. Russia itself is the information source for the increase in poverty, the details of rising crime levels, the impact of isolation on the ability to fulfill a weapons procurement program, the infighting in Crimea over the profits from corruption etc. Believe me I apply plenty of skepticism to the West's media. It is for the most part these days a product of the MTV mindset- how can I entertain my audience if the expected attention span of 3 minutes. Still there are glimmers of things primarily on the economic front as those are the forces that actually WANT to invest in Russia. They don't really care about the politics if they can make a profit. That they see a financially risky situation means they will not invest and Russia is in dire need of investment. It is not some magical economy where the rules of globalization somehow don't matter because of Russia's mythical "uniqueness". Economics 101 applies just as much in Russia as anywhere else. Trying to analyze a situation from your own personal position is also not helpful. I am a decently compensated IT engineer in an area of the country that rarely sees much decline in housing prices. Silicon Valley is not representative of America at all. If I were to start trying to say what the overall experience is for Americans economically based on life here, most people reading this forum in the US would ask "What the hell planet does he live on". A bubble can exist not just at a global level, but also at a national and local level. Awareness that you live in a bubble is important before you try and view items outside of it.
  3. First of all it is not Shaw, it is Joe Shaw Knight Champion of the M.B.T., Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread, Creator of the Peng Challenge Thread Podcast, CessPool Drain Commissioner and Founder of the Shavian House. Secondly because it is Heckle and I am Jeckle, say chum I think all he said was that Emrys is old and it had been since Emrys was a lad that anyone became a Knigget. C'mon Pyle, pay attention!!
  4. why Johnnie Ringo, you look like somebody just walked over your grave
  5. We don't blame you either Boo. After all there were generations and generations that proceeded you that could have abstained and removed themselves from the gene pool and instead found themselves unable to control their baser urges until something truly base resulted. Why in the era of political correctness would we blame you when we could instead lay fault at the feet of so many others? However it is your own fault that you have not tried to improve yourself with a cap so well yeah I take it back, we do blame you.
  6. by the way muzzleflash, your handle is cracking me up - way too appropriate in this discussion.
  7. What is the theory? I do not see a difference in Los/lof between set up and first turn. However as muzzleflash agrees, that I can area fire to a distant location does not mean I can see a unit there. What it means is I can identify that distance, but unless a unit takes some action that allows me to spot it (by firing for example) I may not see it. There was another thread a while back where the op was playing a scenario where a unit could be spotted if it were firing from a few AS away, but otherwise you had to actually be in the same AS to spot it. I think we should clarify just exactly what is the issue being perceived and then theorize about an explanation. I don't think we are quite there yet. Not enough for me to submit anything anyway.
  8. This for example Perhaps we should start over with a description of the issue(s) as there are several observations in this thread and they are on differing aspects. So for example Los/lof check during setup not valid on first turn (regardless of environmentals) original post I think Los/ lof environmentals ignored during setup (I personally have not found this one to be true) Etc etc
  9. may want to think that out a bit more. What pathing would the TAC AI use for that? Shortest path, easiest path, path with no known enemy units, what happens once it spots or gets shot at? TAC AI behavior is easily the most complicated factor of the game, to assume that anything that involves the TAC AI is simplistic is not very realistic. The next question for BF is what do they get for all that TAC AI configuration? Essentially not very much in the game. Personally I wouldn't mind seeing more in this aspect of the game (heck I have gone so far as to create medics - only problem is getting one unit to buddy aid is a helluva lot harder than having a team do it.), but I'd rather I have control and not turn it completely over to an AI routine. If we are gonna do that then I'd say leave it as is, too little return for the effort involved.
  10. Yep, all the concerns are just the west making a mountain over a molehill Putin: "What me worry?" http://money.cnn.com/2015/07/24/news/russia-putin-layoffs/index.html http://finance.yahoo.com/news/crimea-now-putins-problem-child-040104466.html;_ylt=AwrXgSJhf7JV5hwAc0aamolQ;_ylu=X3oDMTByb2lvbXVuBGNvbG8DZ3ExBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzcg--
  11. Well, one. Against the only other squire (Watcher of House Rune) around here and he is , well no longer around here. Such apparently was the devastating power of my victory...or more likely the devastating shock of having ngcavscout as a liege. Admittedly it that is pretty depressing.
  12. couple items as there is some conflicting information in your notes I tried CMRT, CMBN and CMFI I set up units, checked LOS, ran a turn then checked LOS/LOF again. It never changed As to your firing tests, don't use an SMG team trying to fire out to 800 meters. I think they will ignore that due to range. Pick a weapon like you did with the Maxim and I think you will find no issue. In summary I can find no change in LOS/LOF between set up and first turn. Any issues I noticed in a unit being able to target at that distance depended on what they were equipped with. As to your point a few posts after this, I absolutely agree. That you can target at that distance doesn't mean you will see a unit at that distance.
  13. Been awhile, but as I recall it was just sunken in. That was part of the pathing issues, but what really did it in was the Americans opened up with an arty barrage that collapsed the whole structure.
  14. buddy aid? Oh yeah you mean the quick search for extra cigarettes, ammo and personal photos?
  15. wait? What? A Knigget and I am still serving drinks? Oh you meant... never mind. Thank you my liege Joe Shaw Knight Champion of the M.B.T., Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread, Creator of the Peng Challenge Thread Podcast, CessPool Drain Commissioner and Founder of the Shavian House ahh Kniggethood, I have dreamed of this day.. sort of like this I think Nidan Pyle makes a cameo at the :48 mark or maybe that is dalem - it would explain the whole slow clap thing...
  16. actually not quite true. If your unsplit squad occupies 3 columns in the UI it is 3 teams. If only 2 then two teams etc. Any losses incurred can affect that however. A single guy remaining from your first team can not be split off for example. If you simply split teams they will divide mostly as you noted above.
  17. Actually the search does work depending on what you are looking for. You can search by titles, descriptions or author. You can't search by type but theoretically people will have uploaded to the correct folder.
  18. exactly. Create a TF Spartan folder, move the file in, right click, extract here. Rename with zzz(filename) move folder into Z folder and let er rip. The mod adds a huge amount to this campaign.
  19. All I can think of is this https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KAfKFKBlZbM
  20. there is a free demo, you really ought to try that as we could fill pages and pages here on the differences.
  21. Broadsword did that for our La Luzerne battle, but it didn't quite pan out. Your units don't get good visibility from any type cellar windows and in addition artillery will just create a big hole from it. It also created some odd pathing problems, but it was fun trying it.
  22. weird that you are getting no response and highly unusual. Have you tried opening a ticket? http://battlefront.mojohelpdesk.com/
  23. It is also income. If BF gives someone a share of proceeds from the game that may have accounting implications for BF. Yeah saw the s**tstorm over at Bethesda on that.
  24. well yeah. without step one as noted by ASL Vet though you wouldn't likely sell many. - people tend to ignore copyright these days.
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