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Everything posted by sburke

  1. Yes For example I have a scenario for the OoB for the 24th MEU. I then import campaign units from another scenario that is the OoB of the 26th MEU. I now have a scenario with both units. I suspect you can just keep on doing that as desired. Sort of useful if you want to develop something with a consistent set of units, but not necessarily build a campaign.
  2. You can also name the associated units and leaders so you end up with something like what LLF did for his Ramadi scenario if that is desired. If you want to take that as an example you can create a scenario then import "campaign" units and select the Ramadi scenario and you'll get the OoB he created.
  3. Known only to the highest echelons of Allied intelligence, Germany had succeeded in initial tests achieving faster than light speed.
  4. A Marine unit sent to secure the Consulate arrives just after the Gov't radio broadcast to put down the Coup. In the confusion a firefight erupts between US forces with Marines on both sides. Yeah this is my own slightly altered version. You can never have too much confusion.
  5. Future generations of whom? Seems to be more of Pakistan playing the “I can support terrorists for all my adversaries and surely that will never come back to bite me”. As a nuclear power that couldn’t possibly have any consequences for us
  6. Or at least blind willingness to believe that anything will be different. See the article today about the suicide bombing of an Iranian revolutionary guard bus by folks based out of Pakistan? https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-47231959
  7. Yeah I have seen them do some interesting patrolling variations. Best to keep someone with eyes on them or at least a sound contact. They tend to show up at the worst possible moment.
  8. This is one of the reasons a lot of the rest of us barely visit these threads and why this specific forum got a special note from Chris to not include politics.
  9. don't be scared, go ahead and hit the link.
  10. Just came across this new release (Jan 20th). Am only through Chapter 1 but it is an insightful look at the US military's road to war in Iraq as well as the Iraqi road, how very different those perspectives were and how that would play out for the invasion. So far am finding it fascinating. $10 for both volumes on Kindle. https://www.amazon.com/U-S-Army-Iraq-War-COMPLETE-ebook/dp/B07MX3JDBY/ref=sr_1_2?keywords=iraq+war+US+military+history&qid=1550012851&s=gateway&sr=8-2
  11. Just for fun if you want to see how confusing the unit organization can appear just look at the OoB for the 2003 invasion of Iraq https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2003_invasion_of_Iraq_order_of_battle
  12. Lol absolutely. Doing a quick count I think you are looking at US Marines 64 portraits US Army maybe 40? then there are some you might want to do for grins. 173rd Brigade (this is where it gets interesting . In CMSF2 you can select Infantry, Heavy infantry MOUT or Stryker MOUT and get various unit configurations ChrisND used a Stryker MOUT unit for his TF Panther campaign for the 82nd so yeah multiple portraits ) 11th armored cavalry 2nd cavalry (Stryker) and various other cavalry regiments I don’t want you to get bored Bored Mord is a frightful thing
  13. Depends on what the player is doing. A lot of CMSF2 stuff is done around Iraq and Afghanistan. All of those battalions have served in at least one if not both of those places in more than 1 tour. As an example I am toying with a fictional US intervention in Yemen in 2008. At the time the 26th MEU was actually in the gulf of Aden with the 2/6th Marines.
  14. Exactly. If you do the 12 battalion s that would cover both basic battalion and the unit as part of an MEU battalion landing team. Oh and one other thing there are 32 battalions not 12. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_United_States_Marine_Corps_battalions
  15. Lol I think you are the one making it confusing by trying to use division elements in the portrait for Marines. Yes I would only use the battalion. The only reason I brought up the regiments is if you use the division emblem you need to know which battalion belongs to which division. So the 1/6th belongs to the 2nd Marine division. But yeah I would only do the battalions and skip the divisional portion of the portrait. An MEU deploys with a battalion landing team which is a full combined arms unit. Just use the battalion portrait and you are good to go.....until some Marine comes along and says wtf are you thinking. The MEU is also a standard formation in CMSF.
  16. If you really want to go there here are the 4 Marine divisions. You can click on each one to get their component units including regiments https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_United_States_Marine_Corps_divisions
  17. I would t even bother with Marine divisions. Just use the battalion units but just for grins 1st - 4th Marine divisions but you need to know which Marine regiments belong to which division. Again I wouldn’t even do divisions.
  18. 2 posts up. Essentially I think the WW2 perspective of infantry vs armored divisions etc is something you need to toss. It isn’t how the army organizes. If you do infantry, armor, heavy infantry and Stryker for each division you are effectively covered. A HQ can have any type brigade attached. As for Marines. Same deal. If you have the battalion units the armor would in most cases be the attached armor for the battalion landing team so I wouldn’t think you’d need to worry about a separate armor unit. With CM formations generally being battalion scale this actually works rather appropriately. A Marine tank battalion deploying as a battalion is rare. Typically you have a platoon and maybe a company attached to an infantry battalion. Again I may get slapped by a vet and told I don’t know my arse from a hole in the ground.
  19. See edited comments in my post. I’ll leave it to actual service members to correct where I have totally screwed up
  20. Divisions as in Army divisions? based on a cursory view of deployments these should be definite 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 25th, 82nd, 101st and 1st Cav potential unit’s that I see did brigade scale deployment to Iraq 34th and 36th. Not sure if there are others still looking through but in regards to your question of Stryker versus armored etc. I think that isn’t as relevant. With the cross attaching of units in current brigade structure you are probably better off having each portrait for each army division. The divisions operate more as a HQ with brigades of different types added depending on mission and availability.
  21. You should just be able to download. I don’t keep physical copy anymore. Go to your account and you should be able to retrieve.
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