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Everything posted by Sneaksie

  1. Which mission? You can set off mines by powerful explosions (large HE shells, bombs, sometimes AT grenades). Tank can safely set off anti-infantry mines, while infantry won't trigger anti-tank ones.
  2. Of course this tracing check is being made, but while aiming. One soldier shoots another 'in the ass' because when he aimed he had clean LOS but when he started firing other got in the way.
  3. Did you install the uberpatch? If not, do that, it adds tons of stuff and should fix this no-run issue. BTW, what are your sytem specs?
  4. Of course PC DVD, but distributed by which company? Kalypso, CDV, none indicated?
  5. Piecekeer Simply vehicles can't go there, only infantry. We found the bug with barbed wire and fixed it, thanks.
  6. Mini-map anŠ² tactical map are not zoomable, they show entire area. There is in-game statistics page with your and enemy losses, but not OOB.
  7. Knokke, how much onboard memory your video card have?
  8. Since ordinary soldier has zero gunner and driver skills by default, this won't be a problem. In addition, currently in the game howitzers won't automatically fire at targets spotted by someone else (this was changed in the release, in demo any enemy soldier shared his vision to arty). But you, player, can issue order for ground attack outside of LOS.
  9. No, but the loader can panic since he is usually least experienced crewmen, which will lead to disastrous results (main gun won't be loaded). Loading time itself is random between 2 preset times for this gun, for example between 5 and 6 secs. This was changed since demo, look: There are different phrases, but their randomness sometimes appears not quite random. We'll look into this.
  10. Soldiers automatically go to windows in the direction of highest threat in that moment and try to cover all sides (if there is sufficient number of them inside the house). They also automatically sit or stay while inside the house - they won't see anything while prone.
  11. Well, a tank can demine anti-personnel mines just by going over them and detonating them, thus creating a safe pasage in the minefield. Infantry can pass above AT mines safely. You can also demine by strong enough nearby explosions (bombs, powerful HE shells and grenades) which set off the mines. Problem is that there are both AT and AP mines laid in the passes in this mission, just don't go there SPOILER: During one of the British missions you are tasked to prevent enemy engineers from demining your minefields.
  12. We are working on it. Also please tell how much memory and video memory (on videocard) you have.
  13. Your OS is Vista 32?
  14. No, one level only, this is engine limitation for now.
  15. Ahh:) This was not arty, there are minefields, both anti-tank and anti-personnel! That's why Germans are forced to go through all three passes. No, surrender is planned for later, we couldn't make it in time. Currently soldiers usually panic in such situations and panicking soldiers are as good as dead in terms of victory conditions. But panicking crew not always bails out (buy the way, this leads to some funny situations when fully functioning tank don't fire because of panicking loader or crewman decides that he got enough of this and bails out trying to flee while his former comrades continue to fight). Maybe we'll make no-LOS firing available only from certain Gunner skill level. For friendly tank soldiers need at least 1 of Gunner or Driver skills, and ordinary infantrymen have zeroes in these skills. Even if soldier has like 10 Driver skill, this would be a nightmare for him to drive a tank - try this. Tank will move very slowly and twitchy, engine will fail frequently and so on. You mean that British soldiers speak like Americans? Can you tell which frases are American for example? This option is located in config program, options.exe, where you set graphic options after installation. It called 'SmartPause'. I'm glad you're enjoing it:) R
  16. I haven't played CC for quite a time now, but i think i will be able to draw scheme of every stock CC3 map from memory if i need too;) CC series got me hooked on wargames and WW2 history. 1. Moving can be made smoother, but this will adversly affect FPS. Currently this is an engine limitation. 2. It seems you want tank sim:) Theoretically this can be done. BTW, there is a great ww2 tank sim Steel Fury. 3. This is not implemented, however, in JSH mod for ToW1 this was done for some tanks. Maybe mod authors we'll make the same for ToW2 (BTW, Italian vehicle mod is being developed for ToW2). 4. Exactly which frases got on your nerves? 5. Of course this was a bug, in certain circumstances map of impassable terrain was not loaded in demo. However, in full version this bug was not confirmed.
  17. There are 23 maps, but some of them are slightly different versions of others (for example, maps for German and US Sbeitla missions differ, but not much). There is the Map editor in the full game.
  18. Currently camera moves to the message source in Free camera mode, but not in RTS mode. We'll address this in the patch.
  19. You should not need to reboot, you should run the generator using this command everytime to enable it to save data.
  20. You run the mission generator using 'Run as Administrator' context menu option, create a mission and save it, but Battles button is still unavailable in the game main menu?
  21. Run the mission generator or editor using 'Run as Administrator' context menu option.
  22. Guys, play multiplayer! It's a blast actually, especially 2x2 when you need to coordinate your actions with ally.
  23. Maybe they are not saved at all (Vista write-access denial)? Check the missions\single_missions folder, if there is no your battles, run the mission generator using Run as Administrator context menu option.
  24. Well, surely ToW2 doesn't run ultra-fast without the optimizer:) It seems that it improves usage of multiple cores by the game, since natively it uses second core for pathfinding matrix calculation. Usage of 3 or 4 cores was not implemented (and to my knowledge a few, if any, games use them now, this requires almost complete main systems code rewriting), so i think this is the reason for the performance gain you reported. It seems AMD CPU users should install optimizer to at least try it. Regarding AMD or Intel customer support or supposed errors, i don't want to start a holy war here. I assume you are an AMD processors fan, which is fine
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